Remus Lupin ~ Heal P.3
Part 3 of the ongoing series and one more to go.
Dang this is hard.
Thank you so much!
I would also like to clarify most of this chapter came from my own mind, or at least the details. The Lupin's go to healers was all the fanfiction website gave me, so I gave you details and a creepy old hag.
By the way this is not edited and was rapidly put together, soooo sorry for grammar mistakes.
3rd Person POV
Lyall lifted Remus into his arms, Hope placing a blanket over the little boys shivering body. He brought his son out to the trailer being drawn by two older looking horses. He laid the boy onto one of the hay bails in the back before running back inside the house to help Hope pack.
"Lyall, what's going on?" Hope asked him, her eyes turning to a pleading glance. Lyall couldn't seem to speak as he grabbed the blankets from her arms as well as the one bag she was holding onto. But Hope quickly snatched the bag back, pulling Lyall closer so she could grab his arm, not letting him walk away again. "Lyall," she said.
"He's a werewolf, Hope!" Lyall suddenly shouted. Hope could now see how her husband was crumbling. "He was bitten that night, not just scratched," Lyall said. Hope watched as his legs shook and he crumbled onto her, wrapping his arms quickly around her waist. "This is my fault, this is all my fault," he whispered to her, tears leaking from his tired eyes.
"Lyall what-"
"I insulted him, I insulted Fenrir Greyback, the werewolf," he whispered to her, his arms squeezing her waist. "He was at the ministry, being interviewed and I... I just started talking and it slipped," Lyall said to her. Hope's face was controlled in confusion and sadness as she gently rubbed her husbands back. "This is my fault, all my fault," he whispered, tears slipping from his eyes. "Oh, Hope, I'm so sorry."
"Lyall," Hope said, patting his shoulder. "Lyall, you can't blame yourself," Hope said. "We need to get Remus somewhere safe," Hope said. Lyall nodded, pulling away from his wife.
"We can't let anyone know," Lyall told her. Hope nodded in agreement. "We have to keep it a secret."
"We'll have to move around."
"He can't be around others."
"But this could ruin his life."
"It's for the best."
"For his safety."
"Dad?" a hoarse, squeaky voice whispered from the door. Remus's voice broke at the end of the single word and both parents heads whipped in the direction of their son. He was standing at the door, his eyes bloodshot and his wrist growing blue and black. Hope's eyes watered at what she had done and Lyall quickly wrapped an arm around her waist.
"Remus, do you want to bring anything else?" Lyall asked, his breath slightly caught in his throat.
"Where are we going? Why are we leaving?" Remus asked. Hope tried to hold in her cries as Remus's eyes watered and his eyebrows turned up, his bottom lip quivering. "Is it my fault?" he asked.
"Oh, Remy, no, don't cry!" Hope said, stumbling over to Remus as he began to cry, tears falling down his cheeks. "Remy, it's not your fault, we're just going on a little... vacation," she told him. Remus sniffled, looking back up to his mother with glistening eyes.
"Where?" he asked her, rubbing his eyes again. Hope bit her lip, looking to Lyall for help.
"A lake cabin Remy, where you can play with other kids," Lyall told his son. Remus looked unsure about the answer, but gave a short nod. Hope looked up to her husband with a sad glint in her eyes, but lifted Remus up into her arms. She pulled her son to her chest, one hand pressing his face into her shoulder buy the back of his head. She walked out the door of the house and back towards the trailer.
"Can we go swimming at the cabin?" Remus asked her as she climbed into the trailer, sitting down on one of the collapsing hay bail. She sat her son down in her lap, reaching to the side to grab the blanket which had been wrapped around him earlier. She laid it over his lap, letting Remus situate himself comfortably on her legs.
Lyall came out of the house with one last bin of their stored canned foods. He lifted it inside the open, wood, trailer before climbing in the front to grab the horses reins. He whipped them and Lyall winced, feeling Remus shiver in her arms, the trailer slowly beginning to move down the dark street. Hope watched with watering eyes as her first home with her husband faded into the distance before the light of the small town disappeared completely.
"Is he asleep?" Lyall softly whispered about ten minutes into he ride. Hope could see the puffs of air coming from Remus as he slowly fell into a deep sleep. He appeared to be very tired, most likely from the transformation.
"Yes, what is it?" Hope asked her husband. He was hunched in the front of the trailer, his hands squeezing the rubber reins connecting the old horses to their trailer.
"There is a healers hut a few miles ahead, we could see if there is a cure for Remus's lycanthropy," Lyall told her, his voice hoarse in the dark night. They were traveling own a rough dirt road, the crickets who were sheltered in the large swamps surrounding them making the loudest sound of the night. The large full moon had disappeared under the horizon bu the thick, muggy green clouds being to thick for the sun peak through. She nodded in agreement, blinking tiredly until she felt a tear run down her cheek.
"Yes, we should," she said to him, her voice emotionless. Lyall didn't say anything for the rest of the ride and she didn't either.
The hut they arrived at about an hour later looked to be haunted. It was made out of rotting branches, the slightly collapsing roof made of the leaves from the woods and most likely the fallen trees. Lyall jumped onto the dirt path, a slight miss falling from the dark sky now as the horses came to a stop. He walked towards where Hope was sitting, lifting Remus from her lap and making sure to keep their son wrapped in a blanket. Hope got out of the trailer, following Lyall into the creepy hut.
"Hello?" Lyall asked, walking farther into the hut, peering at either side of the dark hut. It looked to be abandoned, the tables tipped over as well. There wasn't any floor, the muddy ground continuing inside the hut, but suddenly, the sound of clanking came from one of the dark corners.
"Ah, children," the cranky voice said. Lyall jumped and Hope quickly stuck herself to her husbands side.
"Is someone there?" Lyall asked, holding Remus tight to his chest. Suddenly, the torches stuck in the wall on either side of the door lit up with fire as well as the ones on either side of the small house. Lyall watched a shadowy figure move in the corner.
"Ah yes!" the voice said, this time more enthusiastically. "Hello guests! What can the healer do for you?" she asked. The figure turned towards them, revealing a woman's old face, her nose long and covered in large moles and warts, your normal muggle description of what a witch should look like. Her skin was wrinkled, her eyes bright blue and her long, silver grey hair, slightly twinged as if she had been shocked. She would probably be described as an old hag, her back arched more than anyone healthy's should be. She held a curved wooden cane as she limped towards the door.
"Ah, werewolf, huh? Need a place to stay for the little devil?" the old woman's scratchy voice asked. Lyall narrowed his eyebrows at the woman and Hope snarled, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
"He is no devil," she hissed at the woman.
"You son then?" the old woman asked, her toothy grin making Hope clench her fists. Before she could hiss something back at the remark, Lyall cut in front of her.
"We were hoping you would have a cure, for lycanthropy? Please, we'll do anything," Lyall pleaded to the woman. The put a finger on her chin, the tail chipped and dried blood surrounding the edge of it.
"I can try something, but it will cost you," she said to him. He quick nodded, reaching into his pockets with shaking hands. He pulled out a bag of coins, the last of their money. A coin fell from the small leather pouch and the woman grinned, quickly picking it up. "I'll work for ten galleons," she told him. Lyall felt his eyes bulge at her words.
"Ten?" he asked. He heard Remus shuffle in Hope's arms and scolded himself for his hesitation of the money. He opened the bag, removing ten of their twenty five galleons. He handed the gold coins to the woman and her eyes were full of greed as she shoved them in her pocket. She then turned around, gesturing for them to come inside the house.
"Your boy will need to stay with me for the night, you may wait in your carriage," the woman told them. Lyall watched as she reached for a torch, lighting it with the fire of another and lighting the wood under the large cauldron he hadn't seen in the darkness.
"Excuse me-"
"Fine," Lyall said. Hope glared at him and then her gaze went down to Remus. "If he has a scratch more than he does now-"
"I will give you a full refund," the woman told him. Lyall stared in the old woman's eyes, but slowly situated Remus in his grip. The woman waved over to the pile of hay in the far left corner of the room where she had originally been spotted by them.
"Lay him there, he will need rest."
Hope sat next to Lyall in the trailer, listening to the horses as they ate the last apples they had brought. Her head leaned on her husbands shoulder and she sighed, feeling her eyes begin to water at the sound of another howl. The full moon had rose in the sky and Lyall had needed to hold Hope to his chest to keep her from storming into the shack.
Another howl and Hope laid her head back, attempting to stop the tears from escaping her eyes. Her lips parted in pain and she eventually begun crying at the sound of a shriek.
"What if... what if she can't fix him, Lyall?" Hope whispered to him, her throat constricting so her breathing was ragged. Another scratching sound.
"She will, we will," he told her.
Hope was desperately trying to convince herself he was right.
She didn't sleep that night, the cries and howling had been to much for her. Lyall didn't either, his eyes blinking shut for a moment before the next bark sounded.
When the sun eventually rose and howls had faded, Hope's eyes were sticking, every time she blinked, a sucking sound coming from her sockets, causing her to wince. The same noise was coming form Lyall who cleared his throat as the sun eventually cleared from the clouds, blinding the two broken parents.
Suddenly, thoughts were rushing into Hope's mind and she quickly got to her tired, shaking legs, rapidly jumping from out trailer.
"Hope!" Lyall shouted as she collapsed on the ground, her ankles cracking painful. But she quickly got to her feet, running for the closed door to the shack.
"Remus!" she shouted, furiously tugging on the handle to the door. Lyall ran up behind her, yanking hard at the door and they both quickly ran into the small shack. Lying in front of them was their son, crippled as he had been the other day, but fresh scratches littering his own figure. Another large scar ran down his face, his open eyes full of blood.
"Remus!" Hope whispered, falling to her damaged knees. She quickly gathered her son into her arms, taking the blanket off her shoulders and slowly wiping his wounds of the blood spilling out of the cracks.
"Remus," she cried, tears falling onto his face, only smearing the blood further. "Of Remy," she whispered. Lyall hadn't moved, only his ragged, rage filled breathing being heard from behind her. Hope pulled her son to her chest, closing her eyes and digging her chin into the top of his hair.
"Where is she?" Lyall huffed, looking around the cabin. "Where the hell is that woman?" he screamed, the pain and anger leaving his throat.
"Lyall, Remus-" Hope began, trying to calm her husband, looking over her should.
"She... she said she would help!" he said, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Lyall," Hope whispered. She watched in fear as he snatched one of the wooden chairs from under the table, throwing it at one of the walls, causing the wood to crumble. She held Remus tight as he threw the chair again and again and again until the light of the sun was seen through the walls new crack.
His breathing was ragged when he eventually collapsed to his knees.
"Lyall," Hope whispered. "Lyall, we need to see a real healer," she told him.
"If she wasn't real what makes you think the next will be?" he asked her.
Hope was silent for a moment.
"We need to try," she told him. "We need to try for Remus."
One more part to go, lets do this.
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