You Told (6th Year AU)
So basically, this takes place in 6th Year when Draco has all the death eater stuff going on and he's under a lot of pressure but he is secretly dating Harry.
Emphasis on the secretly. He didn't even let Harry tell Ron and Hermione.
Except Harry did tell them. By accident. And begged them not to let on that they knew. And then prayed that they were good actors.
Spoiler Alert: they weren't.
Draco's POV:
Weasley and Granger have been acting oddly. I mean, they're very odd in general, but their behavior today has been... different. As usual Harry and I didn't interact except to throw around a few insults and some eye rolls. But every time it happened Weasel made a face like he was going to be sick, and Granger raised her eyebrows and smirked, but wouldn't look me in the eye.
And the staring. The thing that bothered me the most was the staring. Weasley just ogled at me like I had 2 heads, and Granger kept glancing at me every couple of minutes, then at Harry. That's how I figured it out. They know. They both bloody know. Harry told them. He told them even after swearing to me that he wouldn't.
Internally, I'm panicking. This wasn't supposed to happen. This absolutely can not happen. Nobody can know that I'm gay. Nobody can find out that I'm dating Harry bloody Potter. It will ruin everything. Even more. I'm a Death Eater. I can't be dating the Chosen One. I shouldn't be anywhere near the Chosen One at any time. But I am. And somebody knows. Two somebodies. Two somebodies that would be more than willing to ruin my life even more, even if it cost their best mate a fraction of his social status.
My mind is a disorganized whirl of panic, but I have to keep a cool facade. I can't break down crying right here in the middle of Charms. I make an offhand comment about Harry to Blaise and continue my work, thanking Merlin that this is my last class of the day.
Then I remember. I'm supposed to meet Harry in an empty classroom 30 minutes after class. I can't do it. I can't face him. Somebody knows. He told. He betrayed me. Lied to me. I don't know what to do.
Harry's POV:
I think Ron and 'Mione are doing a pretty good job acting oblivious. I can't even believe I told them. I didn't mean to. But Hermione has noticed me sneaking off. And when she asked who I'd been meeting with, I broke. It's really hard to lie to her. I couldn't do it. Not convincingly. I know they won't tell anybody. It took some explaining but they understand why I didn't tell them. I'm not sure if they exactly understand what I see in Draco... but they don't have to get that part.
I should tell him that they know. I wanted to pull him aside this morning and tell him. But I don't want to scare him. Draco acts like the tough Slytherin but he's terrified of anybody finding out we're together. Because he's gay and because he's a Malfoy and because I'm Harry Potter. Sometimes being me sucks.
We're meeting half an hour after Charms class. I know I have to tell him. Even if he freaks out and breaks it off with me immediately. He's going through enough already. I feel bad enough about our relationship making that worse. If people he doesn't trust know about us... he'll be frightened. That they'll spread it around. I know Hermione and Ron wouldn't do that. But Draco doesn't.
I head back to Gryffindor tower after Charms to drop my books and check the Marauders Map to see if Draco's heading to our meeting spot. He always beats me there, so I've started looking at the map before I go meet him out of habit. I guess I like knowing that he's going to see me. That he wants to spend time with me.
It looks like Draco's pacing up and down the corridor near where we're meeting tonight - an abandoned classroom. Then he suddenly walks away from it and enters the only boy's bathroom on that floor. I figure he's just using the bathroom before I show up, so I shove the map back into my trunk and head down through the Common Room to go meet him.
I hurry through the castle so I'm not late, because Draco is very insistent about being on time for literally everything. If not early. I reach the classroom and mutter a quick "Alohomora," before slowly opening the door. I expect to see Draco right away but I don't. I look around the classroom more thoroughly, but he's not here. I glance at the clock on the wall. I'm exactly on time. He should be here. He was just a few doors down when I left Gryffindor Tower.
It's possible he could still be in the bathroom, but I know Draco would never be late like this unless it was an emergency. I peek out the door to check the corridor. Nobody in sight. Closing the door firmly behind me, I step into the hallway and turn towards the bathroom. He has to be there. If he's not there... something happened. But he has to be there.
Draco's POV:
I was prepared to meet with Harry. I was ready to confront him. Except I wasn't. I'm angry. He broke a promise that he made to me. I wish I wasn't disappointed too.
I expected something like this, in the beginning. When we were merely talking; flirting, you might say. I expected him to turn his back on me, expose any secret he managed to get out of me. Except... he never pushed me to tell him anything, or even asked about my personal life at all. We talked about school or our tastes in food and other simple things. Sometimes he told me about his life. Stories from Quidditch practice, or sneaking around with Granger and Weasley. Sometimes he even talked about his aunt and uncle, but rarely.
Eventually, I started telling my own stories. Nothing he could use against me, at first. Quidditch stuff, funny things said in the common room, that kind of thing. As we got closer... I thought I could trust him. He came out to me one day... and I did the same. Then he kissed me. Or maybe I kissed him. Maybe it was both of us. I hardly remember. It's a bit of a blur.
When the kiss happened, I panicked and told him nobody could know. He could never tell anybody that it happened. Ever. He agreed. He promised. We even started dating, agreeing it would be kept secret. I see now how foolish I was to believe it.
I turn on the bathroom sink and splash water on my face. I dry myself off and fix my hair. I have to look put together, just in case somebody happens to walk in here. I check the time and I'm not sure whether I should freak out or be relieved. I was supposed to meet Harry 2 minutes ago. I'm always early, and he's almost always on time. So by now... he should've found the classroom we were meeting in empty and gone back to Gryffindor tower.
I bury my face in my hands, leaning against the wall and taking a long breath. I have to find a way to fix this. Even if I have to Obliviate Harry's friends myself. I hope it doesn't come to that... but my sexuality can not be exposed. I will fix this. I'll confront Granger and Weasley and find a way to make sure they won't tell. And I'll confront Harry. Eventually.
I hear the door open and straighten up, instantly forcing a collected expression on my face. And turn to head towards the door and leave, so whoever just walked in doesn't get suspicious. But I stop in my tracks. Standing there, staring at me in confusion, is Harry Potter.
Harry's POV:
Draco looked normal... until he saw me. His guard dropped for barely a second, before his face went back to perfect, calculated calm. He stared at me for a moment and I glance around the bathroom to make sure it's empty. It is. "Hey. You... were late. I was worried. Is everything ok?" I ask, eyeing the door to make sure nobody walks in on us acting like boyfriends instead of enemies.
"No," he replies firmly, and my heart sinks in my chest. "Everything's not ok." I step towards him, starting to ask what's wrong, but Draco steps away and cuts me off. "You made me one promise. One. Bloody. Promise. You promised to keep one secret, and you failed."
I gasp. He knows. How does he know? I wanted to tell him myself... how long has he known? Oh, Merlin... he's going to break up with me and tell me to pretend this never happened - pretend we never happened.
"Draco," I start, "can we talk about this somewhere else? I'd really rather not have this conversation in a public bathroom."
"Is there any 'conversation' to have?" He accuses, crossing his arms. "I don't think there's much you have to say. I think everything's pretty fucking clear. You broke your promise. You went and told Weasley and Granger about everything. Which is exactly what I specifically asked you not to do. I don't see any 'conversation' necessary."
I can't help but wince at his words and the cold tone the accompanies them. Its been a while since that tone was truly aimed at me. "You're right," I agree, lowering my head. "I broke that promise. But I'm sorry, Draco. I just want to talk about it. And we both know that this is a horrible place for us to be talking." I silently plead with him, never looking away from his angry-but-adorable face until it softens. Just a bit.
"Fine," he concedes. "We can talk in the classroom down the hall where we were planning to go." He adjusts his tie and strides past me, not even pausing as he stalks out the door and into the hallway. He gives a little wave so I know there's nobody out there and I follow him to the empty classroom.
Draco unlocks the door and pulls me inside, closing it behind him. He leans against the wall beside the door, his face impossible to read. He's looking at me like... like I'm just another Gryffindor he vaguely loathes. If I look, I think I can see hurt in his eyes. But he looks so angry. "Alright. We're alone. Talk."
I sit on the edge of one of the desks, facing Draco. "I know you're mad. And I know why you're mad. I broke my promise." He makes a face as if to say 'well obviously.' I rest my face on my hand, my elbow propped on my leg. "I'm sorry, Draco," I state. "I'm really sorry. It was all an accident, and I know that doesn't make it better, and you don't even have to believe me, but it was. I had no intention of telling anybody until you were ready."
"Then why did you?"
"Hermione kinda... half figured it out," I explain, my feet fidgeting. "Last night in the Common Room she asked me, 'who have you been sneaking off to snog all these weeks?' It caught me off guard... and she's such a hard person to lie to, everything just kind of slipped out." Draco's face softens almost imperceptibly, and I can tell he believes me. I can't tell if he forgives me. "They... weren't happy. But I talked them out of it. I told them you're not really the pretentious arse you pretend to be. And I partially explained why you wanted to keep it a secret."
"Well, it's not much of a secret anymore," Draco interjects, but he sounds less accusatory. Maybe I haven't blown my chance with him...
"It is," I assure him. "They won't tell anybody. They swore to me it would stay between the 4 of us. You, me, Ron, and 'Mione. Your secret is safe." He still looks skeptical, but no longer angry. Thank Merlin. I slide off the desk I was sitting on and approach him, leaning against the wall next to him. "I understand if you're mad... but I hope you can forgive me for being a horrid liar."
Draco is silent for a long moment. As the time drags on I frown, wondering if I should just leave. Despite the delay, when he finally speaks, he says, "I'm not mad at you, Harry." It takes all my willpower not to sigh in relief. "But what happens when Granger and Weasley are horrible liars too? I hated myself enough for telling one person that I'm... gay... and he came out to me first. Now 2 more people I know and they're both people I've tortured for years. What's stopping them from whispering this in the ear of the next person they can see who will get it back to my father?"
"They wouldn't do that," I assure him. I know Ron and Hermione aren't that petty, but I also know that Draco doesn't know them as I do. "I trust them, Dray. And they both trust my judgment enough to know that if you were a terrible person I wouldn't care about you as much as I do."
I wrap my arms around his waist, having to tip my head up to look him in the eye. It feels unnatural until Draco's arms find their way around my neck. "Can you trust me, too?" I ask. "Just in this one matter?"
"I do trust you," he murmurs, and my heart skips a beat. Draco Malfoy's trust is not easily earned and I know it. "Merlin... today I was wishing I didn't. But I forgive you, Harry. And I apologize for asking you to keep secrets from your best mates."
"No need. I understand."
Draco half-smiles, one of the most attractive facial expressions I've seen grace his features. "I don't want you to do that anymore. As long as Granger and Weasley won't tell... you can tell them whatever you want. Just... nobody else. Okay?"
"Okay," I agree.
Draco leans down and kisses me, his lips soft against mine. When he pulls away, he says, "I do have one question, though." I nod for him to ask it, wondering what he would want and certainly not expecting it. "How the hell did you find me in that bathroom?"
I grin. Then I snicker. Then I burst out laughing. Draco looks more confused than ever as I struggle to get my amusement under control. "I guess I'm going to have to tell you about The Marauders," I say, a sad smile spreading across my face. The topic is bittersweet. Draco cocks his head in question and I prepare myself to explain. "Let's just say that this is the story of a werewolf, a currently deceased pureblood fugitive, a now-follower of Voldemort, and my father."
Alright. This took longer to finish than I hoped, but it's also almost 700 words longer than I planned, so oh well.
If the ending is trash I apologize, it's past midnight here, my play opens tomorrow night, I'm already sleep-deprived, and I'm getting up at 5:20 tomorrow morning.
Anyways, thanks for reading, hope you liked it, vote if you did, drop a comment if you feel like it, whatever.
Peace Out.
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