Oliver Wood- Sport (h)
Relationships were always interesting, and of course there was going to be arguments, but you hadn't accounted on arguments over a sport.
Perhaps you should've realised when you agreed to date a quidditch star - the thought didn't exactly go through your head.
You had seen Oliver around whilst the two of you were in Hogwarts, however you had never been friends due to you being a year below him.
It wasn't until after Hogwarts that the two of you had reconnected so to speak.
You had been in a bookshop in Diagon Alley, and when you had turned around you had bumped into another person causing both of your books to spill onto the floor.
It was just your luck that it was Oliver.
Since then, the two of you had been seeing each other and for the most part it was an amazing relationship.
The both of you had been together for just over seven months, and you were slowly but surely realising that Oliver chose Quidditch over you a fair few times.
The first couple of times, you weren't bothered.
And of course, you knew it was his job so there were times that you had no real reason to be upset at him for choosing quidditch over time with you.
However, it had gotten to the point where he had chosen to do something absolutely unnecessary for quidditch without even telling you beforehand.
A part of you knew you shouldn't be so upset, but you couldn't help it.
It felt as if he was deliberately using the game as a way out from you.
You had arranged to stay at Oliver's for the weekend, so you had gone over that afternoon to drop your stuff by.
When you got there, there was a note from your boyfriend telling you that he was going to be late at training, so you shouldn't wait up for him.
That most definitely got on your nerves.
The whole point of you going over was to spend time with him because he had been so busy because of quidditch.
You'd made yourself stay awake that night, and it was well past midnight by the time Oliver got home.
He seemed surprised to see you sat on his sofa when he walked through the door.
"What're you doing up Love? I thought you'd be in bed by now."
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. "I'm annoyed at you."
"Why? What have I done?"
"You weren't here when I got here."
He chuckled, thinking you were just playing about. "I left you a note Love."
"I know you did. Telling me you were at training, yet again."
His smile dropped when he realised you were genuinely upset.
"You know, that's the seventh time this week you've had training."
"It's my job Y/N," he reminded you gently.
"I know that Oliver. But that doesn't mean you have to unnecessarily blow me off," you told him. "If you don't want to see me, I'd much rather you just tell me that."
His brow furrowed in confusion. "Why wouldn't I want to see you?"
"I'm not stupid Oliver. You have been blowing me off for practically the last month, always something related to quidditch."
"You knew that quidditch was always going to be a factor here Y/N."
"I don't dispute that," you sighed as you spoke. "What I don't get is how much of a factor it has been."
When Oliver didn't answer you, you sighed again and stood up.
"Owl me whenever Oliver."
You went to leave his flat, but a hand on your arm stopped you.
Once you turned around your boyfriend had a determined look on his face.
"I'm not letting you leave."
You shook your head and attempted to get out of his grip.
"Oh, for merlin's sake Y/N, I love you!"
You took a sharp intake of breath at his declaration – he had never said those words before, neither of you had.
"I love you so much more than that damn sport. And I always will."
Written by Hannah.
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