Marauders- Jar (c)
You had been friends with the marauders since you first met at the start of first year. You got along like a house on fire, spending pretty much all of your time outside of class with them, spending most of that time in their dorm, joking around and attempting to get the all to do their homework- it always ended up with just you and Remus doing it. Even though you had your own dorm, you felt at home there, far more welcome around the four of them rather than in your dorm as you didn't often talk to your roommates.
As you did most weekends, you were sat on Sirius' bed with him and Remus whilst James and Peter were sat opposite with the newly invited Lily. She hadn't spent much time around your group seen as for the longest time she and James didn't get along however a couple of weeks ago she agreed to date him and now she was one of your group.
"So why are there two jars of money on the windowsill?" Lily questioned.
The two jars had been there for the longest time, filled near to the top with knuts, sickles and galleons. Dust covered the surface they were on along with clinging to the rim of the glass jars.
"They're the swear jar and the were-jar," you stated.
They were both introduced in your first year as they were a necessity to the five of you and now there was an undetermined amount in them that would probably be a small fortune now.
"A were-jar?" She questioned.
You rolled your eyes knowing that the easiest way to explain what it was for was to get Sirius to have to put another sickle into it.
"Well you know that Remus is a werewolf," you stated.
Sirius perked up, jutting a finger towards Remus. "There-wolf."
The other three males and yourself all knew the drill. "Jar!"
Sirius frowned standing up and walking over to the jars to put a sickle into it.
"And that is the were-jar's-" you were cut off by Sirius screaming 'There-Jar'. "Purpose."
"Jar," Remus stated firmly.
"But it wasn't a werewolf one," he frowned at the werewolf sat next to you.
"It still counts."
Sirius sighed putting another sickle into the jar. It must have been a sad thing for Sirius seen as the jar was filled with only his money and there was a lot in there.
"We haven't decided what the money is for yet but with Sirius making the same terrible jokes and Remus being a swearwolf, we could probably buy a small village."
Written by charlotte.
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