Luna Lovegood- Night Time (a)
The soft moonlight rested tranquilly on Luna's pale face, she looked up at the plethora of stars that shone in the sky with a slight smile sitting on her face.
"It is nice outside tonight isn't it?" She asked, sitting quite a distance from you on the cold bench in the courtyard.
"Yeah, it is. I hope Filch doesn't come this way, we are way past our curfew." You nervously checked all the entrances to the courtyard that you could see.
"It is okay Y/N, he should not come this way, he does not normally come outside when it is this cold." Her breath shot clouds of vapour. "And it is awfully cold isn't it?" She was only wearing her rather thin pyjamas, yet she did not shiver or shake.
"Do you want my coat?" You started to take off your fluffy coat to give to her, but she raised her hand in protest.
"No thank you, I should have brought my own." She did not look down from the night sky, affixed to it.
"It is no trouble really, I am not cold."
"You are not cold because you are wearing your coat. Dad tells me not to wear other people's clothes, if I needed the coat then I should have remembered to bring one, but I didn't, so I do not need one." The sly smile had not escaped from her face.
"So what is it about the night that you like so much?" For the first time since secretly meeting at the bench she turned to look at you.
"It is just so... quiet. I have always liked the night because everyone is asleep. The world just seems so much more... peaceful. The birds are asleep, there are no students running around and the nargels all seem to have gone away." She fiddled with the small pendant that hung from her neck.
"Oh right, the nargels, well I like the night too. You seem much happier when the sun is down."
"It is less that the sun is down, and more that the moon is up. It is just so much prettier than the sun and ever so much gentler." In the moonlight she just looked so pretty, it sat so perfectly on her pastel face and baby pink lips.
"When the sun is in the sky, people flock out here like birds but when the moon is out people hide. People don't like the moon, they fear it. People fear what they do not know and cannot explain but I like it. I like the unknown, it excites me."
Written by Aaron.
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