Hermione Granger- Yule Ball (c)
Unlike for all of your peers, you weren't too excited to go to the Yule Ball. You knew the person you wished to go with had already gotten a date, so you originally planned to hide in your dorm, however your friend had asked you to go with them as a friend date and you couldn't say no.
It was surprisingly enjoyable, something you never believed you would admit. Without the pressure of asking someone and dancing with your friend for most of the evening, it seemed like there was little to no worries, until you saw Hermione smiling and dancing with Viktor.
You had always liked Hermione, but you were certain she didn't think of you as anything other than a friend. The whole night you had been too apprehensive to approach her whilst Viktor was with her, but he had left her to go towards the punch bowl, so you saw your moment to go and speak to her.
Hermione always looked beautiful, however tonight it was different. You loved her wild hair and perfect robes but tonight her hair was all pinned up whilst she wore a beautiful pink dress. It felt as though you would trip over your own words or possibly your feet in being so embarrassed over making a fool of yourself when talking to her.
Taking a deep breath, you approached her with a smile on your face.
"Oh... hi Y/N. I didn't think you were coming," she said softly.
"I wasn't going to, but I thought I'd give it a shot. You honestly look stunning 'Mione," you smiled, your cheeks flushing red in embarrassment.
Her cheeks mirrored yours.
"T-thanks," she whispered, breaking eye contact. "You look really beautiful too."
Your eyes widened in shock, not expecting her to give you a compliment too. Your blush was almost impossible to not notice by this point.
"Thank you," you said softly. "Um... would you like to dance?"
She shook her head gently. "Oh... I don't think so... I'm not great at dancing and I don't know how to lead."
"I'll lead," you said slightly too quickly. "I don't mind I mean."
Hermione thought for a moment before nodding her head and agreeing. You took her hand leading her back into the crowd of dancing people.
"So... um... you came with Viktor Krum, right?" You asked awkwardly. "Do... do you like him?"
She shook her head. "Not really. He is a nice person but not my type."
With a sudden surge of courage, you knew it was now or never to be brave and see if she felt the same about you.
"Well... if you aren't with him... maybe you would like to go on a date with me?" You asked, instantly cringing in fear.
Hermione took a moment before a large smile appeared on her face. "I would love to."
Written by Charlotte.
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