Sirius Black- Reunion (c)
When you had left school, your experience was far from average. You had joined the Order and was attempting to fight for good by the sides of your friend and more importantly your boyfriend. Although you didn't like to be part of a war, you didn't mind in the slightest as nevertheless you were happy. However, that was ruined within seconds.
Two of your best friends were murdered, only leaving their infant child orphaned. In the aftermath another of your friends was murdered at the hand of your boyfriend- or at least that is what was being told.
You didn't believe the stories that were being told. Sirius could have a temper, and he was probably capable of unspeakable things if things came to it, but he loved James. He loved James more than he loved you. Even if he wasn't as close with Lily or Peter, he would have never sold out Lily's whereabouts for anything and he certainly wouldn't have taken Peter's life.
Sadly, you couldn't do much but be coerced by what was being sold to you. With Sirius being taken to Azkaban and the other three meeting their demise, you attempted to keep in contact with Remus but you drifted apart- until now.
Out of the blue you had received news of Sirius' innocence from Remus, and that he had safely escaped his wrongful conviction. He offered you a place back in the Order, but only if you wished to take it as he understood if you were done with that part of your life. You weren't. You weren't done with it. You had missed Sirius every day since his incarceration. You missed your friends as well, and without everyone you had felt empty inside.
By no means did you expect Sirius to take you back with open arms, especially after you not standing by his side when he had needed you the most, but you just needed to see him once more.
You turned up at Grimmauld Place at the time that Remus had specified. Nerves rushed through you, pure uncertainty with the decision in turning up.
The first person you saw was the werewolf that had sent you the letter.
"Remus," you smiled at the tall man.
Although it had been a long time since you had last seen each other, he looked pretty much the same. He was still towering over you and looking as though his jumper was eating him due to how big it was. His skin was paler than it had been, including more scars and darker circles around his eyes. It looked as though he hadn't slept in the years since you last met.
"Y/N," he nodded.
His expression was soft yet uncertain.
You were hesitant at first, but the amount you had missed the man had forced you to practically leap at him to pull him into a bone crushing hug. He was taken back for a moment but enveloped you in his arms.
"I've missed you," he said softly.
"I've missed you too."
The two of you stood like that for a short while until an all too familiar voice pulled you out of your close moment.
"Did you miss me?"
Your head snapped up as you turned to try and find the owner of the voice.
There in the doorway was Sirius Black, his signature smirk on his face. Like Remus he didn't look very different even with time and horrific experiences taking their toll.
"Every day," you whispered.
Remus tapped your shoulder as a silent goodbye, giving you some privacy.
"I missed you as well."
"I'm sorry that I didn't try to fight for you," you said regretfully.
He took a step forward, a soft smile on his face to reassure you.
"I understand why you didn't. The evidence was rather compelling, but I am and always have been innocent. Although my name hasn't been completely cleared, I am enough of a free man now, and the first thing I wanted was to see your beautiful face," he smiled.
"I know that you are innocent Sirius. I have always known that. Not for a second did my belief falter that you would never harm anyone especially James and Lily. Granted when Remus told me that it had been Peter, it was rather shocking and wouldn't have suspected him anymore than I could have suspected you," you said calmly. "However I must apologise for not being there. I should have fought for you; you didn't deserve such a fate."
Sirius reached a hand out to rest it on your arm lightly.
"Nonsense. I would have likely done the same if I were in your place. However, we cannot change what happened. I can only hope that you can overlook everything that happened and take me back, but I am sure you are happily with someone else."
A grin curled onto your lips, just happy that you could have him there. Once more removing any sensibility from your thoughts you reached your hands up to cup his cheeks to pull his lips to your own in a passionate kiss.
After a moment you pulled away, resting your forehead onto his.
"I'm taking it that you aren't in a relationship, or at least one you're enjoying," He smiled, moving his arms to sneak around your waist to hold you to him.
"Don't be an idiot Sirius. I'm not in a relationship, well not yet anyway I do hope someone asks me though, specifically the brunette man in front of me," you smiled confidently.
"Well then, I guess we shall have to continue this after the meeting."
Written by Charlotte.
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