Sirius Black- Poppies (c)
Remus and his parents had moved into town when you were ten years old. You had first met him at the farmer's market when you were both going with your mums to get dinner. He soon went to boarding school, but nevertheless you befriended each other and exchanged letters along with spending nearly every break from school together.
It was the summer before the last year of school and not only had Remus come home for the break, but he had brought a friend with him. It was surprising that they were friends really as they were very much unalike, but he was a nice and attractive guy nevertheless.
You had spent nearly every day of the break with the two guys, and it felt terrible that within a couple of days they would both be gone again. You had become fairly fond of the dark-haired boy, but you didn't want to overstep your boundaries with Remus by making a move on his friend.
Seen as you had only a couple of days left you had arranged to have the two guys to meet you at yours for lunch, but when you opened the front door only Sirius stood there, holding one hand behind his back.
"Hi," you smiled warmly. "Where's Remus?"
"He was feeling a bit poorly," he had to pause to hold back his laughter. "But I thought it'd be a shame to let you spend the day by yourself and it is a little stressful to have to put up with him whining about being sick."
You grinned fondly remembering how terrible the poor boy could be when he was ill.
You allowed Sirius into your home, closing the front door behind you. You led him into the living room taking a seat on the sofa but he stood awkwardly in the doorway.
Raising an eyebrow, you weren't sure what was wrong with him. He always seemed very confident but currently he was a complete mess and looked as though he was about to pass out.
"Are you okay mate?" You questioned.
"Um... yeah... I guess," he mumbled. "I... urgh... I need to tell you something."
You smiled trying to reassure him that you weren't going to bite his head off.
"Well... you're an amazing girl. Nothing like any girl I have met before, more than you could ever imagine actually. And I thought that Moon- I mean Remus would have a problem with it, but he was actually surprisingly supportive over the matter. He also found it funny that I was becoming a babbling mess... I'm sorry... this is very unlike me. Um... I didn't know what a girl like you would like... so Remus told me that you may like roses. Supposedly their romantic... I'm not good with this stuff," he sighed holding out the bunch of red flowers towards you. "I just... er... wanted to tell you that I like you more than anything... and I really thought it'd be a complete shame if I left without telling you that I liked you."
Never could you have imagined that your feelings were requited. He was out of your league but you weren't going to argue with the fact as it warmed your heart that he could care for you in the same way.
"Um... I really appreciate the notion. And I do feel the same, I have all summer really but I didn't want to overstep and upset Remus. But I do feel like I need to tell you that those aren't roses," you smiled softly, feeling bad if you were crushing his kind gesture.
He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Then what are they?" He asked.
"I thought they were roses. They're red," he said completely confused.
You couldn't help but laugh at his naivety. Quickly you had learnt that there wasn't much he was actually familiar with, even the simplest of things he was confused by.
"Lots of flowers are red. And not all roses are," you stated trying not to be awkward with correcting him.
His expression saddened as he lowered the bouquet of flowers.
"Oh... I'm very sorry. I am not the best with flowers. I honestly know nothing about them. I'm surprised I even got through herbology," he frowned.
You weren't quite certain what herbology was but you weren't going to dwell on that factor.
Trying to lighten the mood you rose from your seat, gently taking the poppies from his hand.
"It's completely fine Sirius. I like them. They are like less pretentious roses," you smiled warmly holding them close to you.
He let out a relieved sigh. "I'm so sorry. I'm usually better at things like this, but I don't know why but I'm a complete disaster currently. I just would... you know... really like to go on a date with you before I leave."
You grinned, reaching one hand out to rest on his shoulder as you kissed his cheek.
"I would love to go on a date with you. You are very sweet Sirius."
A snort escaped him as he tried to look offended by such a term.
"I'll have you know I am far from sweet. At Hogwarts, I am known as quite the bad boy," he smirked attempting to puff out his chest.
You laughed at him. "I highly doubt that."
Written by Charlotte
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