Marauders- Cat Toys (c)
This story doesn't have a love interest but involves Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Baby!Harry Potter. Enjoy.
James and Lily had gone away for the weekend and had left you to babysit Harry. For some reason Lily had insisted that you were to be his Godmother, and to be fair you weren't sure why. You knew that Sirius had a tendency to be an immature twat, but he would be a responsible and caring Godfather even if he'd possibly raise a slight menace if it was left to him. But you felt as though you were still a child, how could you be expected to raise a child if your friends passed away.
Even if you were to only have the littlest Potter for three days, you weren't certain you could care for him that long without an accidental fatality. Coincidentally you had invited Sirius and Remus over for the weekend, conveniently forgetting that the one year old was at your place as well. They instantly knew why you invited them, but they didn't mind, they loved the kid almost as much as you did.
You held your head in your hands, having spent the whole of the morning and a segment of the afternoon alone with the child, pretty much ready to rip your hair out.
"All he does is cry. I can't get any of his bl- damn, sorry no swearing... flipping toys to work. You need an engineering degree to handle a child. I may think that James is an idiot but blimey I underestimated his ability to do anything," you groaned.
"So you've just left him on the floor?" Remus questioned, looking down at the sobbing child on his play mat.
"No you idiot. I fed him, and put him down for his nap like Lily instructed and I gave him a hug. I couldn't get him to play with everything as it was all too intimidating. Luckily kids and cats aren't too different," you sighed.
Sirius glared at you. "What do you mean Y/N? Did you just leave him with your cat? I know cats that have just had a litter do take in other infants if they need caring for, but you shouldn't have let your cat attempt to adopt your godchild into its litter."
You slapped Sirius' arm frankly annoyed with his accusation that you would let your new mother cat take care of Harry. Okay, maybe it did cross your mind.
"Don't be so stupid. Alex is upstairs with her kittens and they have not met Harry. I'm not a complete moron," you frowned. "What I did was possibly worse."
Remus ran a hand through his hair, letting out a deep sigh annoyed with the sobbing coming from the child. For something so small he was very much able to scream the whole house down.
You walked over to the basket of cat toys you had. Picking up the laser pointer you pointed it to the ground next to the child.
Harry hesitated, silencing his wails as he turned to the red dot on the floor. Slowly you dragged it across the floor, resulting in him rolling slightly and crawling over to it. As you speed up the laser on the floor, he moved onto his feet teetering as he stood. He took wobbly steps as he attempted to follow the red dot that moved around the floor. A high pitch laugh escaped the child.
You smiled triumphantly at the two men, one that looked slightly amazed by your ability to silence the sobbing child, and the other that was certainly judging you.
"You do know I'm telling Lily that you've turned her son into a cat," Sirius grinned. "I don't think Prongs will care as much. But Lily will not be happy that you've started calling Harry, Whiskers."
You put the laser pointer down, picking up the child that was still smiling to himself.
"I never called him Whiskers. He is just playing with cat toys. And anyway why can't my favourite little Marauder, be a cat? We had to accept you as a dog didn't we?" You said smiling to the child in your arms.
Sirius' jaw dropped as a hand fell to his chest.
"You hit me right here," he said gesturing to his heart. "Why do you have to wound me Y/N/N?"
"Shut up Sirius. I won't tell James that you dressed Harry up as Rudolph at Christmas, if you don't tell Lily about the cat toys," you stated, holding the child to your hip with one hand and gesturing the other hand out for him to shake.
"Fine," he sighed shaking your hand. "Now we just have to get Moony to agree."
The two of you turned to the werewolf that had a concerned expression on his face, uncertain as to what you were planning.
Written by Charlotte.
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