Lily Evans- Severus (c)
The redheaded girl headed over to the Gryffindor table, smiling and laughing with her friends. Since your first year you had been intrigued by her, she was kind and brave and stood out from everyone else in your year. She had once been friends with your classmate Severus, but she had finally realised he was an arse and cut him off. Severus had still pined over her though, making a fool of himself in creating conflict with Potter over them both liking Lily but everyone knew he had no chance after throwing a racist slur in her direction.
You didn't mean to stare though. You wanted to speak to her, but you didn't know how to, she was kind and caring, but she would only see you by your green tie that she linked with her ex-best friend whom was nothing more than a racist pig.
A hand firmly gripping your arm stopped you from looking towards the Gryffindor table. The bony fingers dug into your skin, causing you to let out a squeak in pain. Turning to your right you saw the greasy haired pupil whom was infatuated with Lily.
"Why are you staring?" He spat.
"I'm not staring," you whispered.
"She wouldn't like you anyway," he laughed as though he knew exactly what Lily thought.
There was no certainty that Lily could like you; you would never know that, but you certainly knew she would like you more than she liked Severus- anyone would like you more than Severus.
"I never suggested she would, that is unknown but at least we all know she doesn't like you," you retorted.
His nostrils flared as you told him the truth in the situation. You didn't want to be mean, but he had spent too long pining after the poor girl who he undermined.
"You... you filthy..." you cut him off before he could insult your blood status.
"That's exactly why she doesn't like you Severus. You use racial slurs, as though you are better than us because we have non-magical parents. I don't know why she put up with you for so long, you were mean to muggleborns for so long but then you turned on her and she couldn't defend you anymore. Lily is more of a person than you are, but a chocolate frog is more of a person than you," you couldn't contain your anger anymore, letting everything spill out of you before you stood up and stomped out of the great hall with everyone's eyes locked on you having heard the whole thing.
You took rest in the library, hiding from everyone in a corner that you knew hardly anyone went to. You felt terrible telling Severus the truth, but he deserved to realise how horrid of a person he was and really, he needed to be put in his place.
As you hid, you were knocked out of your thoughts by the redhead that you had thought of standing before you.
"Hi... Y/N right?" She smiled softly.
"Yeah," you nodded awkwardly.
"I saw you stand up to Severus. He had been my friend but he isn't a good person, he is lost with the crowd he is in, but I could have never have told him everything I thought, so thank you for saying it," she smiled.
"Oh..." you were caught off guard.
"If you don't want to hide in here, you can come and sit with my friends and I for our free period if you want?"
You couldn't help but smile.
"I would love that."
Written by Charlotte.
Tumblr Request.
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