James Potter- Late (c)
Being punctual was all you asked of your infuriating boyfriend James Potter; however, that seemed too much to ask even from him. He had assured you that he was to take you on a perfect date this evening, and that he would be picking you up at 8 o'clock sharp. Now it was 8:15 and there was no sight of James Potter. It was one of your pet peeves being late, even if it was for something not overly former such as a date, you needed to be on time.
That's why you were sat on your sofa in your dress, twiddling your thumbs and hoping that the insufferable man was dead as that was the only decent excuse for him being late.
When the door finally swung open you were no longer for your evening out, you were annoyed that he had left you waiting without telling you he was going to be late. You knew it was likely he would pull the 'women take forever to get ready' card but you had gotten ready very quickly without much thought, whilst it took him hours to perfect the messy mop he called his hair.
"Honey, I'm home," he chimed, laughing to himself, which to anyone who didn't know him may be concerned with that, but it was a normal occurrence for him.
"Don't honey me," you frowned keeping your place relaxing across the couch. "You're late."
James walked into the living room with his signature grin on his face, not showing any form of remorse for his idiotic tardiness.
"You're stunning," he smirked as though that would make you feel better. Sometimes you worried who he actually deemed as his partner as sometimes he did act as though you had the personality of his best friend.
You moved to support yourself on your elbows so you could look in the idiot's eyes.
"I'm not Sirius, you can't sweet talk yourself back into my good graces, you lazy sod," you said bitterly.
James looked at your feet as a gesture to make you move them, but when you refused he lifted them up and plopped down onto the sofa with your feet on his lap.
"Even if you won't except my compliment, doesn't mean I'm lying to you. You are bloody gorgeous," he grinned rubbing a hand against your lower leg.
"I hate you sometimes Potter," you frowned at him.
"And I always love you," he smirked.
You rolled your eyes at him knowing all too well you were about to forgive him as you loved him dearly even if he could be a little bit of a twat.
"You're a very annoying man. But I love you too, for some crazy reason," you sighed.
Written by Charlotte.
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