"You want me to do what?" Namara Black asked her cousin Sirius for the third time.
"Join the order! Namara you could help us fight against Voldemort!"
"So it isn't enough for you that I got mauled by a werewolf while on mission for the order, now you want me to join?" Namara Black had been attacked by a werewolf while trying to hunt down a known deatheater, now she joined Remus Lupin at the full Moon, clawing at her own skin.
"Dumbledore wants Remus to set up a network of werewolves, you could help him," Sirius went on.
"Fine," Namara snapped, "But only because I don't think conditions for werewolves would improve under Voldemort, not because you asked me too."
Three years later, Namara Black was standing in front of the ruins of the Potter House. Chunks of rubble laying everywhere. Lily and James' bodies going cold. Her cousin Sirius was being chained up and carted off to Azcaban. He'd betrayed them, betrayed them all. Now Lily and James' were dead, their infant son had survived. Hagrid was taking him somewhere safe, Voldemort was defeated. But Namara felt like he'd won, two of her best friends in the world lay dead, and her Cousin, the closest family she had, was the one who'd betrayed them.
So while the entire wizarding world celebrated, two sat in despair. Remus Lupin and Namara Black, they'd just lost their only friends in the world. Two dead, one a traitor, and one killed by the traitor. The horrifying realization of what had happened sinking in, they'd both have to make their full moon transformations alone now. They'd never hear James' idiotic jokes, or Lily scolding him playfully, they'd never hear Sirius make fun of Snape. Three out of the four Marauders were gone. Wormtail, Prongs, and Padfoot, who'd spend the rest of his days in Azcaban. They sat together alone in the alley, just a few block where the murder of their best friends had occurred. This wasn't a day of celebration for them, it was a day of mourning.
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