Shouts in the Dark
Albus Severus was attending the World Quidditch Cup with his family. Everyone turned to stare as their father walked past, and Albus just rolled his eyes. He was used to it, he wasn't trying to get a glimpse of the chosen one, he was trying to find the familiar white-blonde hair and bright blue eyes of his best friend, Scorpius Malfoy. Scorpius had told Albus his family was going to be there, and Albus could see his brother James looking for a Malfoy as well. Not Scorpius, but his older sister, Morganna, who was James' girlfriend.
As they were taking their seats, Albus caught sight of the Malfoys. Astoria Malfoy, Scorpius's mother, was smiling, though Albus could hardly remember a time seeing her when she wasn't smiling. Draco looked happy, though Albus had never seen Scorpius's father actually smile. Then came the lovely Morganna Malfoy, she saw James, and waved at him, before taking a seat next to her father.
After the match was over, Morganna darted over and James caught her in a hug, spinning her around. Scorpius agreed that he and Morganna would meet James and Albus later.
"Hey there Potter," that was Morganna's way of greeting James.
God. His brother and Morganna had the weirdest relationship. Albus and Scorpius went off in one direction to talk about what had gone one during their breaks, and Morganna and James walked off into the woods.
Not ten minutes later, there was a high pitched screaming from the woods. Albus was filled with terror, and worry for his brother. Aurors came running towards the screaming, Albus saw his father and mother. His mother ran toward him, grabbing him in a hug.
"Albus, thank god you're alright," Ginny whispered.
"Mrs.Potter, have you seen either of my parents?" Scorpius asked, his voice trembling.
"No dear, I haven't, why don't you stay with us until we find them?" Ginny said gently. Albus noticed the horriffed look that passed between his parents, and he heard his mother whisper to his father, "Doesn't this remind you of the last World Cup we attended?"
Harry nodded gravely, and took off running for the woods. Albus saw Scorpius's mother, Astoria running toward them, and swooping her son up in a hug. "Draco, he's over here!" she shouted. Then turning to Ginny she said, "Have you seen my daughter?"
Ginny shook her head, "No, I'm sorry."
"Would you watch him please?" Astoria asked. That reminded Albus that his mother and Astoria had been good friends back at Hogwarts.
"Of course, Astoria, he'll be safe with us," Ginny said.
Scorpius's mother nodded her thanks, and took off running towards the woods.
When Albus arrived in the wood's with his mother, he could see Morganna, she was sitting on the floor of the forest, James was holding her. Her hand was over her mouth in horror, she was pointing at something. That's when Draco and Astoria found their daughter, hugging her tightly to them.
Looking up, Astoria said in horror, "Draco. Oh god."
Albus looked up and saw something that would probably give him nightmares for the rest of his life. There was a body suspended in the air, hanging as though by invisible strings, blood dripping from it's hand. Then Albus's mother covered his eyes with her hand.
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