Morganna & James
This one-shot was requested by @RenegadeMagic and @101FanQueen101
Morganna had fallen asleep on the stairs of Malfoy Manner, her head resting against the heavy stone. Both of her parents were gone, and Scorpius was off camping with Albus. Morganna's key seemed to have shrunk, and was no longer the right size for the keyhole. So she'd resolved to wait until her parents got home.
She was pulled out of her dreams by someone shaking her, "Morganna, Morganna wake up."
Instinctively, she grabbed the person's wrist, and slammed it into the stone above her head. She ducked under the arm and sprinted a few feet away. Morganna could hear angry swearing.
The figure turned around, and James Potter grinned at her, "Now, is that any way to treat your boyfriend?"
"James? You scared me!"
"Sorry 'Ganna," James said, smiling, "How about you and I take a trip?"
Morganna shook her head, "No way. I've got to get in."
"Did someone shrink your key?" James winked at her.
"You little prat!" Morganna shoved James.
"Come on Princess, It'll be fun. There's nothing to do at home, Albus is off camping, and Lily's at school." James shot Morganna a pleading glance.
She rolled her eyes, "Fine." Morganna grabbed James' hand and then they disaparated.
They arrived at their destination with a jolt, and Morganna nearly fell over. She quickly took in their surroundings, dark trees,very little light reached the ground. Morganna recognized the forest instantly, she and James had gotten into a lot of trouble here many times. The Forbidden Forest.
"Why are we here?"
"Quiet Malfoy," James snapped, "Good things come to those who wait."
He grabbed her hand and pulled her through the forest. Morganna could hear animals howling in the distance, and she remembered sprinting through the woods to outrun a werewolf with Scorpius once.
James led her to sit beneath a massive tree, it's long branches curling down like those of the weeping willow tree. "Remember this tree Morganna?"
Morganna's bright blue eyes scanned over the tree, searching every inch of it. A glimmer of recognition ran through Morganna, and she put her hand over the trunk of the tree, pulling away the ivy. There on the trunk, were the initials Morganna and James had carved into the tree nearly five years ago. "This is the tree where you first kissed me, it's also the tree where I broke your nose," Morganna laughed.
"Sure is, "James smiled, "Now I'd like to add one more adventure to the tree."
Morganna's ice blue eyes clouded with confusion as James Sirius Potter got down on one knee and grabbed her left hand. "James, what in merlin's beard are you doing?"
"Morganna Malfoy, will you marry me?" James said, his voice held no hesitation.
A wave of shock slammed into Morganna. A hundred questions running through her mind, but she blurted out the first thing that came to mind, "I swear to God James, if you are joking, I'll bury beneath this tree."
James grinned at her, "I'm serious Morganna, hows about an answer?"
Morganna tackled James in a hug, knocking him over, "Yes! Of course, yes, I love you!."
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