Mate, You've Got No chance
"James, you do realize you haven't got a chance?" Namara whispered in James' ear as he got ready to go and talk to Lily Evans.
"My deranged cousin is correct," Sirius said, twirling his wand. "You've got no chance Prongs."
James shot them both death glares, and finally worked up the courage. By this time, Peter and Remus had joined them, waiting to watch the fireworks.
Lily Evans walked by, not giving the Marauders a second glance. Her red hair flouncing behind her, holding her books tightly to her chest.
Clearing his throat James shouted, "Hey Evans!"
Remus winced, leaned over and whispered to Namara, "And in 3...2...1"
Without turning around, Lily shot a hex at James. She didn't stop to see if it connected, just kept walking.
Namara and Sirius bent over James, who's face had taken the full force of the hex. "Nice one Evans! 10 points!" Sirius called to Lily as she walked away.
"I hate you padfoot," James managed to mutter.
"Like Namara said mate, you've got no chance with Evans," Sirius said, offering James a hand and pulling his friends to his feet.
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