"I bet you I can fit this entire doughnut in my mouth at once," Morganna said, eyeing the glazed doughnut.
"Wow, if your father could see you now," Salixa joked, biting into her own doughnut.
"Hello, I'm Morganna Malfoy. Slytherin Prefect, the walking example of perfection. The Princess of Malfoy Manor. And she says 'I bet I can fit this whole doughnut in my mouth'", Lily laughed.
"Don't judge, we don't eat doughnuts often at home. Unless Mother gets up at five o'clock and makes them, which happens very rarely," Morganna replied, finally biting into her doughnut.
"Wait, your mother can actually make doughnuts? I thought you needed a machine."
"Nope, mother actually braids the dough and then drops it into hot oil. Then she rolls them in brown sugar, it's heavenly. I'll bring you some."
"You know what's not heavenly? Potions." Salixa sighed, staring down at her parchment.
Morganna, Salixa, and Lily were sitting together in Lily's room. The two older girls had become quite close friends with Lily, and they'd come over to do homework together.
"That's because your lazy Saliza. Potions are easy," Morganna retorted.
"So let me see your parchment."
"No way, do your own."
"Wow, you are definitely a demon," Salixa laughed.
"If only," Lily muttered. "I'd straight up Summon Sebastian right now and have him do my potions homework."
"Oh, is Sebastian your house elf?" Morganna asked, looking up from her parchment.
Lily choked on her doughnut, and rolled off the bed, clutching her sides as she cackled like a madman. "Oh my god.... Salixa I just realized.... Ganna's never seen anime. I'm not sure she's ever touched a computer."
"Well you wouldn't have either if it wasn't for me, your best muggle born buddy," Salixa was doing her best to hid her smile. "And Morganna's not half wrong, Sebastian is sort of like a house elf. That's really attractive and wants to devour your soul like a dementor."
"You two are weird."
"Dude, if only you could buy demons like you used to be able to buy house elves," Lily giggled. Lily's aunt, had of course, made it so that house elves were free and made decent wages. But there had once been a time when one could buy a house elf.
"Welcome to the gates of hell, how may I take your order?" Salixa snorted. "I'd like one super hot demon to go."
"I have no idea what your talking about, and I don't wish to know," Morganna said in a dignified manner, and picking up her quill began finishing her potions homework.
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