One: Love thy neighbour and fellow roleplayer. Treat others as you'd wish to be treated. This means that bullying out of character shall not be permitted, and will result in a ban
Two: Be creative with your OCs, and create as many as you wish, but keep track of them all. You can have animagi, parselmouths and such. I character is half vampire (because I think it's an interesting concept)
Three: For cannon characters, it's a first come first serve basis
Four: Please do stay faithful to the Harry Potter series. No Tolkien elves, or any creature that doesn't exist within the series. Also, be sensible. A merperson wouldn't be able to go to Hogwarts, due to obvious reasons. Just use common sense when creating a character
Five: The password is a riddle. Answer me this. Where do vanished objects go? Answer below in the comments please
Six: Don't have an omnipotent character. Don't have them be the teacher's pet yet still rebellious, also top in class, also the best quidditch player, also the heartthrob, also the funniest in the year. Characters have flaws
Seven: If your character has a mental illness, display it properly. Likewise for physical disabilities
Eight: Have group roleplays by all means, but please enforce a Roleplay order to avoid chaos and confusion
Nine: I'd like this to be a detailed roleplay, so roleplay comments must be no less than four sentences with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Ten: If you are playing a cannon character, play them right. For instance, don't have Snape suddenly be generous and kind and saccharine
Eleven: Have fun!
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