A cheerful little tune plays. Steam blankets the stage as the engine for the Hogwarts Express readies for departure. HARRY enters. He watches with fondness as robed students of every height crowd the platform and the station. An oversized, unmistakably familiar man with a shaggy black beard corrals them into the train cars. It is RUBEUS HAGRID.
HAGRID (bellowing): Tha's it. Off ter King's Cross. Mind the gap, now. There yeh go.
A boy is causing a ruckus. HAGRID lifts him easily onto the train, one-handed.
Keep quiet, you.
He sees HARRY, who waves. HAGRID calls out to him loudly and pushes through the throng.
All right, Harry?
HARRY: Hello, Hagrid.
HAGRID: Bin awhile.
HAGRID: Wildes' day o' the year, this. I on'y stand out there ter stop 'em from capsizin' the ruddy train. No one listens. Summat tells me the ears go mute once they reach Hogsmeade. Wasn' the case with you lot. (beat, he looks down) 'Least I think. Memory's bin on the fritz. Nothin' but horsefeathers up there these days.
HARRY: You are getting along in years.
HAGRID: So are you.
They share a laugh. Far behind them, THEODORE NOTT, the Unspeakable, enters. He stands at the far corner of the station. He simply observes, hands folded at his waist.
HARRY: Hagrid, I'd like to do something for you.
HAGRID (unsure): Fer me? Like wha'?
HARRY: You've always been there for me. When it mattered most. I don't think I ever truly appreciated that. And, at times, I failed to give you the respect you deserve.
HARRY reaches into his pocket. He takes out a small ring of keys. HARRY removes one of them and hands it to HAGRID. He looks at it questioningly.
HAGRID: Wha's this to?
HARRY: That — is a key to Twelve Grimmauld Place.
HAGRID turns the key around in his hand. He looks up at HARRY.
HAGRID: Ain' tha' where Dumbledore had them gatherin's fer the Order of the Phoenix, back when he was breathin', that is? Tha's Sirius Black's place. What yeh giv'n me the key fer?
HARRY: Well, you've been using his motorcycle all this time. Why not his home?
HAGRID: But this... this belongs ter you, Harry.
HARRY: Not anymore.
HAGRID sniffs. He looks slightly baffled and then pulls HARRY into a bear hug. HARRY's glasses go askew as HAGRID squeezes him. He is deeply moved.
HAGRID (blubbering): Oh, Harry! Harry, this is the bes' gift anyone's ever given me. I promise yeh, I'll take such good care o' tha' house. Spruce things up a bit. Tad dark as I recall. An' dinner parties! I can host dinners fer yeh. And Ron and Hermione, Professor Longbottom. An' there's room fer creatures, an' all. Maybe even a mate. Always wanted ter bunk with a house-elf. (beat, his voice drops) Ooop, said tha' wrong. They don' like goin' by house-elf no more. But them bein' so small, an' tha', they can reach the small spots, an'...
HARRY (struggling): Ha-grid... Do you mind...?
HAGRID: Sorry 'bout tha'.
The two men dislocate and grin at each other.
Fergit me own strength sometimes.
HAGRID points to his head.
HARRY: I should go.
HAGRID: Me, too.
HARRY: Meet us down at the Three Broomsticks for a pint?
HAGRID: Will do, Harry. An'...
He holds up the key, blinking away the tears.
HARRY: Happy to.
HAGRID gets back to shoveling students onto the train before it leaves the station, occasionally grunting and mopping the tears from his eyes with the back of his shirtsleeve. HARRY walks off with a smile on his face.
He makes to exit, then notices THEODORE NOTT and comes to a stop. Many unspoken words pass between them.
HARRY nods. THEODORE NOTT returns the gesture. HARRY exits.
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