Yey! Chapter 2 is out!
First: I don't now what is happening with my Wattpad but if things looks weird, that's why. I don't know if you see it like this: chapter 1, important, important, chapter 2, but I do and it won't listen when I try and fix it... Hates my phone. Hates my network.
Now, this chapter is dedicated to the best Voldy_Moldy as a thank you for helping me with BSL, spelling and grammar and of course encouraging me to write this! Thank youuu💙💙💙
Finally it's out! I hope it didn't take to long time according to you, I have written on it everyday but it hasn't been going so fast... Anyway it's out now!
A fast warning, it gets bad at the end, if I'll edit it sometime in the future things like that will probably get better.
Also, I decided to skip different pov and just uses ***** sometimes, feel free to name them!
For now, have a good reading time!
The light summer night let in some light to the room, giving it a soft look. But the boy laying in the bed didn't seem to notice. A pained scream escaped his lips, the potion laying on the floor shone as it stopped the sound.
Just mere seconds after the scream, the boy bolted up. Emerald eyes flickered around, his heart racing. Taking his time, he started to calm down. Fixing his eyes on a point on the wall, he sat quietly until his heartbeat was down to regular speed.
Casting a tempus spell, he could see that the time was no more than 4 am, and the night would continue for a long time. This night would go like all else, him reading for hours until Ron came to grab him.
Next to his bed a book laid which he picked up. Reading had been a common habit for him after the war. It was one of the few things that actually was an adventage of being deaf, since you wouldn't be bothered by other sounds.
Destroying the line of his potion, he allowed sound to pass again. Book in hand he sat down next to the window, letting the light from outside shine upon the papers.
Turning page after page, letting each line take him deeper into the story, time passed. Outside the sun rised, waking the world up. Raven locks lay down over his forehead, covering his scar.
Two times he had survived the curse, each time coming out with a new scar. One you could see but didn't affect him that much, another not visible on the outside but forever affecting his life.
Someone entered the room, seeing his friend sitting next to the window. In the beginning the boy had expected Harry to sleep when he came in, even after the nightmares had stopped. Still, every morning the raven haired boy would be awake, claiming he had just woken up. The red haired boy didn't know if he should believe it, but hadn't asked.
Walking forward, he got closer to Harry. Carefully, he touched the raven haired on his shoulder, causing the boy to turn around abruptly.
Ever since the war, Harry had been jumpy and easily scared. As he saw that it only was his friend standing there, he closed his eyes for a second, letting the fear go away. When he opened his eyes he had a new smile clustered on his lips, even if the eyes didn't synchronise the feeling.
"You scared me", Harry signed matter of fact, without looking upset about it. On the table next to him he placed the book he had been reading, before standing up. "Time for breakfast I guess?" His movements were clear, having practiced much.
"Yes, and then to go... shopping." Ron signed, having to think a little about the right word. Using a memory potion to learn it faster and better, he managed the language quite well but still had some problems with it.
Together they went downstairs, entering the kitchen. Molly was waving her wand around, breakfast placing itself on the table. When she saw the boys she smiled at them. Putting her wand down as everything was done, she did a thumbs up and the touched her chest with the tips of her fingers. "Good morning." The raven haired teen did the same sign back, and since he couldn't see Ron do it he guessed it had been said verbally instead.
The rest of the Weasleys entered the room and together they say down at the table. Then Harry realised one chair was empty, and looked around. Ginny's eyes met his, shaking her head softly. It was clear enough, George wasn't going to join them this morning either.
Since the war a lot had changed, and with George everyone could see the change. He hadn't laughed or joked ever since, the loss to painful. Not for the first time, Harry wished it could have been himself instead who was gone. It was unfair, that he got to live but all those others didn't.
Staring down at his food, he realised he didn't feel hungry. Since keeping his eyes down would mean the others couldn't talk to him, he kept them locked down anyway. He has always loved all the red-haired like a family, but right now he only felt in the way, like he didn't belong. Luckily, soon he would be at Hogwarts and not their responsibility anymore.
Without realising it he sighed loudly, they shouldn't have responsibility of him at all. But McGonagall together with other elders had thought he needed it, and Molly hadn't been late to ask for the mission. Harry knew who he had prefered staying with, but he didn't have the time and thought Molly was better suited.
Ron, who sat next to Harry, looked worriedly at him. The rest who sat around the table had as well noticed the sigh, and the fact that Harry hadn't even touched his breakfast. Sadly, this had started to became a common sight and he didn't know how to help. Harry was like a brother to Ron, and the red haired boy wished there was something he could do.
On the other side of the table Ginny stood up, taking her empty plate with her.
"I'll be in my room, tell me when we are going", she said as she placed away her plate. "It's not like anyone wanna talk here either way." Since Harry looked up at the movement she signed the same sentances as well, before heading up to her room.
"I'm not hungry", Harry signed where he was sitting next to Ron, before placing away his plate as well and heading upstairs. With a sigh Ron took a last bite of his chicken sandwich, and then followed his friend. Why couldn't Mione have stayed here the whole summer? He thought, even if he knew she had to fix things with her parents. Still, everything worked so much better when she was here.
Sitting at his bed, Harry looked into the wall with empty eyes. He had no clue what was happening with him, but he would always get so angry at everyone. In the corner of his eye he could see the door opening, and someone entering. Soon Ron sat next to him on the bed, waiting.
Deciding to wait for Harry to do the first move, Ron sat down next to his friend. Many had been lost during the war, but he didn't think Harry was just grieving. There was something more, but Ron had no idea what it could be.
Ron had lost track of the time, but after a while he could feel a weight on his shoulder. Leaning his head against Ron, Harry relaxed a little. He could feel tears slowly running down his cheeks, as he didn't manage to keep them in anymore. Together they just sat like that, comforting each other just by being there.
When Ginny later was ordered to get the boys, she found her brother holding the raven haired boy, who had fallen asleep from exhaustion. Ron smiled up at her, moving his body just a little bit, but it was enough for the emerald eyes on the other boy to open.
"Hey", Ginny signed and said as both the boys rose up. "It's time to go to Diagon Alley." She was smiling, happy that the two best friends, who in the latest had been more and more cold to each other, now seemed to be friends again.
The cold feeling had been in the whole house ever since the war, and she really wanted to go to Hogwarts. Yes, she was greiving, but the aura on the house did nothing better.
The three of them walked downstairs, to take the floo. Harry felt more rested then he had been for a time, having been able to sleep dremlessly, if only for an hour.
Molly had everything ready as they came down, smiling as she saw them. At once she noticed that Harry looked much calmer then usual, and the bags under his eyes weren't that big anymore.
"You ready to go?" she asked as she did the sign for it as well. Getting two verbally "Yes" and one sign "Yes" she started handing out the floo powder.
Ginny went through first and then Ron. When it was Harry's turn he took a deep breath before throwing the powder into the fire. As the flames became green he stepped into, and closed his eyes.
"Diagon Alley!" he shouted, pronouncing the words clearly. Holding his mouth clammed shut and his arms against his body, he transported through the system.
As he came out from it he casted a quick reparo at his glasses, and then Molly arrived as well. Together they waited for Hermione to arrive, since they would go shopping together with her.
Not many minutes after they had arrived Harry saw a brunette getting closer to them. "Hey", Harry signed, which caused the Weasleys to turn and see Hermione.
They chit-chatted a little before they decided to split up, Ginny and Molly go together and then the trio for themselves.
Picking up his list he remembered the personalised letter McGonagall had sent him with the Hogwarts letter. Not only had she told him that it would no problem with him being deaf, she had already taken care of that. She also asked him to became the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, an honor for him.
They had been at the Leakey Cauldron after they had finished shopping and were now heading back to meet Ginny and Molly. The three friends signed with each other, joking about everything and nothing.
"So how does it feel to go back to Hogwarts?" Hermione signed in the direction of Harry, unsure how he felt about heading back. As she had suspected, he looked a bit taken aback at the question, crouching.
"Fine I guess", Harry signed, but anyone could see that it wasn't the truth. Why doesn't he trust us anymore? Hermione had knew him long enough to see through him, and right now he wasn't even trying to hide it.
"It is okay if it feels scary", Hermione said and Harry bit his lower lip. Not sure how he felt about it, the only thing he knew for sure what that he didn't feel ready to talk about it. Not even with his best friends.
Just as he was raising his hands to answer, he bumped into something and lost his balance, falling to the ground.
The day had started like any usual day, the blond sitting alone eating breakfast. His mother wouldn't join him for it, and for once he missed school and couldn't wait to get back there. At least he wouldn't have to be alone.
When he later picked up his school list, those thoughts had gone away. He would be completely alone, the Slytherins would more than probably hate him, together with the rest of the school.
By being on He Who Must Not Be Named's side he had betrayed everyone on the good side. By betraying He Who Must Not Be Named he had lost the respect he before had got of fellow Death Eaters and their families.
Because no matter how much he wished it wasn't true, it was. Draco Malfoy was a Death Eater, he had the mark that proved it.
Having answered yes to his place, he couldn't jump of without being a quitter. Certainly he wasn't a quitter.
Therefore he had, according to his plan, apperated to Diagon Alley to get everything he needed. Sometimes he had seen classmates, but he was sure no one except Pansy had recognized him.
The brunette had been friendlier then he had expected, but then again she was his best friend too. At least he would have one person who didn't completely hate him.
Saying goodbye to his friend he started heading towards his last stop, Flourish and Blotts. To not risk having to talk with anyone, he kept his head down, it was best that way.
Around him it was crowded, a lot of Hogwarts students wanted to buy their supplies today. One hand laid securely over his wand, it let him feel protected. The next second he had walked right into someone, and saw a boy with dark hair loose his balance and fall down.
It didn't take more then a second for Draco to know who it was. Harry Potter, the boy who lived. Surprised he took a step back.
"Merlin, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" he said. When the boy didn't answer but just carefully sat up, the blond became afraid Harry had gotten hurt. As a redhaired sat down next to Harry Draco realised that the whole golden trio where there.
"You okay?" Ron signed with small movements, as Harry had gotten up to sitting. He nodded shortly and took Ron's hand, standing up. As he did he could see a blond boy, and realised who he probably had run into. Behind him Hermione stood, signing.
"M asked if you are okay." As she nodded to Malfoy Harry understood and smiled while he tried to find the words. Caused by not using his voice much, he had some problem with making the words sound like they should.
"I am good", he said, trembling just some on the words. Guessing he would have to try reading lips, even if it was difficult, he focused on the blond's lips.
Draco couldn't help but notice that Harry's voice sounded unused, and it sounded like Harry hadn't spoken much lately. Next Harry looked his eyes on his lips, which caused Draco to blush only so slightly, he hoped it wouldn't show. Why would Harry look on my lips?
"Um well I hope you have had a great summer and it will be nice to come back, won't it?" he started, not sure what to say. "And um we'll probably see each other, you know, since we will be going to the same school", he continued, cursing himself for being so awkward.
He tried. He really did. But nonetheless Harry couldn't seem to keep up with it, it just was to fast. Instead he stopped trying and looked past Malfoy, at Hermione, seeing her look back with a confused look.
"I should really get going but I'll see you at 9 3/4 I guess", Draco said nervously, as he realised Harry didn't seemed to be listening. Quickly he turned around and started walking away. Every single time he tried talking to Harry, he would fuck it up. If only it had gone better in the start, but after Harry had rejected that handshake everything had got worse. Why couldn't this weird crush just go away?
The golden trio looked confused at each other, and Harry were the first to comment it.
"Is anyone going to tell me what just happened?" His signs were big and a little to fast, but both his friends understood.
"Dude I have no idea!" Ron answered, looking just as confused.
I really hopes you liked it!
I have decided to not write a total word count yet, because I will edit chapters after they are published, and that will make it harder to keep track of the count. But later I'll add it!
Also, I have some questions to you!
1. How long does you want each chapter to be? Should I do more short ones and be able to publish more often or do longer, them it will take some longer time.
2. What ships, beyond Drarry, do you want included? Just wanna check of what you feels up to reading!
Think that was everything, pretty sure it weren't, but now it's time for me to start writing next chapter😊
Please vote if you liked this chapter and comment much!❤️💜💙💚
Word count: 2824
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