Wayne Manor
Henriette had gotten a Taxi to take them to Wayne Manor a.s.a.p as they can't be late for a meeting with Bruce Wayne and she offered to throw in hundred dollars into it as well making the drive to break the speed limit and had police chase after him.
Once they got to Wayne Manor, Henriette and Luna got out of the Taxi as she pays him two hundred for his troubles as she explains to the police officers why she had him break the speed limit and apologias for it.
Henriette rings the door bell and a British butler answers the door as she can feel two people watching her from the stair case listen in as she needs to do this properly as she is a Lady of her families.
"Good evening, ladies. How can I help you?" The man asked them as he looks to then.
"I would like to apologize first for the noises we cause outside the manor, sir." Henriette curties the best she can as she needa to be careful of her belly.
"Apologia accepted, miss." The man smiles as he can tell she is a lady of her family if she is curtying to him.
"Second, is Mr. Bruce Wayne by any chance in today, sir?" Henriette hopes so as she needs to get use to him now since they will be marrying in the future.
"He is. May I ask why you and your friend wish to see Master Bruce today?" The man wonders why both need to see Master Bruce.
"Have you ever heard of a marriage contract, sir?" Henriette hopes so as this would be a lot better to explain it to him.
"Yes, I have. It was back in the Victoria era and the times of the knights which was called Medieval Time if I am correct." The man said as Henriette sighs of relief inside her head
"Yes. You see, my uncle figure had found a marriage contract between a male ancestor of mine and Mr. Bruce Wayne's male ancestor four hundred years ago.
Both families kept having males until this era. I was born a female and he was born a male. I am Mr. Bruce Wayne's fianceè and have been for fourteen years.
May we please come in to explain it better without having anyone overhearing us, sir?" The butler was shocked before he allowed them to come into the Manor hold.
Henriette can still feel the eyes on them before she pulls Luna closer to her to keep her safe from them as they can see she is protective of the little one making them to wonder why.
He brought them to the sitting room where they will wait while he went to go get Master Bruce and his son with drinks and food making them to thank him for his kindness as they wait.
Henriette can already feel nervous about this as she didn't know Bruce and his son saw it as they were both standing beside the doorway.
"She's nervous, father."
"She is. I wonder why."
"Let's not keep the ladies waiting then, Master Bruce. Master Damian."
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