The Wayne hold meets Henriette's familiars
They increased the space as they have a lot of stuff and Henriette was very much careful with her two familiars, Hedwig and Samaria, her basilisk.
She needs to make sure she is careful showing them to her new family. Alfred knocks at the door and Luna answers the door with Hedwig on top of her head which wasn't weird at all as Alfred can see Luna is use to it really.
He wonders where it had come from as he didn't see it anywhere with the girls when they were at the door two weeks ago and why isn't she telling it to get off her head as it might get it's talons in her head.
"Master Bruce wanted me to check on you as he heard a lot of noises." Luna giggles as Hedwig hits her with her wing making Alfred to wonder if the bird belongs to Henriette.
"We were placing our stuff away. Mama wants you three to meet her familiars as witches and wizards have them.
Some treat them as pets and some treat them as comrades while fighting other wizards or witches." Luna said before she closed the door and Alfred heard her telling Samaria to wait until her second eye lid was down or else she would of killed him.
'Killed?' Bruce, Damian and Alfred were inside Henriette and Luna's room and saw a giant snake with yellow eyes and it shocked them to see it.
Henriette and Luan were giggling at them as Luna might have saw this coming which they did as Luna was a seer they forgotten about that.
"This is Samaria, a baskilis. A magical snake that is hatched from a chicken egg with a frog placed on top to keep it warm." Bruce was shocked as he looks to Henriette as if she was a child.
"Your joking?"
"Nope!~ Breeding them is forbidding in the magical world. She's a thousand years old since she was placed to sleep for that long.
Fifty-three years ago, someone unleashed her and she killed accidentally of course and she was placed to sleep again." Henriette said as she looks at Samaria with care and kindness.
"She actually was used to kill muggles who kill witches during the witch hunts as she is very prorective of her 'hatchlings'.
When she saw she killed one of her 'hatchlings', she mourned for three months straight from that." Henriette said as she walks up to Samaria as she pets her.
Damian was shocked as Henriette looks like she is use to being near a dangerous snake. Bruce wonders how he is going to explain having a snake in his manor that is this big.
Henriette showed a second letter since she sent Hedwig to deliver a letter for her and Bruce was shocked to see he has permission to have a Basilisk living in his home.
"Better than keeping it a secret." Henriette said as she can see Bruce's shocked face of allowing a dangerous snake to live in his household. Damian was scared of going near Samaria until Luna took his hand and pulls him towards her.
Once his hand touched Samaria's nose she rubbed her head against him making him to laugh as he had never seen a snake act like a cat before making him to like her.
Bruce wonders if Henriette wouldn't mind moving her into the Batcave, but he would need to show her the place first. He doubts there is enough room for Samaria to live down there.
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