New Dawn's leader shows herself
Henriette knows she has a week to go before she gives birth, but her family was captured and she won't stand for it! Her and Luna had their cloths on as her's was fixed for her stomach and they left with the others watching them.
Six hours later and Bruce had to rush to the batcave cause interdues were inside, but he saw Henriette holding her stomach with scars on her body. He even saw other kids with five adults with her. Luna was holding her fiance in her arms as a girl tends to his wounds.
"Henriette!" He was quick to get her into a bed to make her comfortable. One of the adults followed him and saw the bed. Bruce took her cloths off and cleaned the wounds as Damian, Dick and Alfred showed up.
"Move!" A girl pushed Bruce out of the way as she points a stick at Henriette and said a spell before she moved it onto a piece of paper.
"Godric fucking Salazar, Henriette! You're in labor! All males out of the room! AND THAT INCLUDING YOU, SIRIUS ORION BLACK!" The girl shouted as they left the room with Sirius getting a boot to the ass as he lands on his face.
Damian was laughing at him with Dick as both thought it was funny as others laughs at him as well. He pouts as he gets himself up off the floor and dustes himself off.
"Ha ha, laugh it up. Who are you to take Henriette's cloth off like that?"
"I'm her fiance and I believe I have ever right to help my fianceè out." He showed the contract making Sirius to shut up. An hour later and the girl comes out.
"All three are fine. HENRIETTE LILY POTTER! YOU EVEN THINK OF EVER COMING OFF THAT BED, I'LL STICKY SPELL YOU TO THAT GOD DAME BED PERSONALLY!" Bruce heard Henriette groan as she wanted to check on everyone.
"Can I go see her?"
"Yes, but keep her in the bed as she is very tired. What was she thinking I don't want to know. Names Susan Bones. The other girl tending to our friends is Hannah Abbott." Susan said befor she left to tend to her friends before Bruce went to see Henriette.
She was weak and has lots of sweat on her with her wounds treated by Susan with two babies in her arms. She saw him and smiled as he got closer to her.
"Hey. I don't think I can even handle another pregnancy until three to five years go by." Bruce chuckles as he can tell that Henriette is still the same as the day she and Luna had came to the place.
"Who were your friends? They looked badly hurt." Henriette was nervous to tell him, but did so anyway.
"Ever heard of New Dawn?"
"Yeah, why?" She shows him a tattoo that has the word 'New Dawn. Ranking: Universe Goddess, Boss' on her arm making him to realized what she is trying to say.
"It was first year since Dumbledore was trying to control my life since my parents were murdered. He even tried to control who my friends are.
I created New Dawn to stop him and the Dark Lord that came back in my fourth year. He use a ritual and my blood was taken forcefully. I was likly to get out of there.
Our marriage contract has a strong protection charm to keep me alive as I can't die unless you reject me. He did shot the killing curse at me, but I was still alive making him to be confused unless he knew about the contract between us.
Draco asked his dad about it after I showed up, The Dark Lord didn't know about it. Thank goodness for that or else he would of killed you then me." Bruce was shocked by that as he saw Sirius pop his head in.
"Alright there, pup?" Henriette nods before she yawns making both to know she is tired.
"Get some sleep. Susan did completely everything. Just waiting for a name to place down." Bruce said before he left the room and saw Luna hugging Neville. He went over to them and Luna smiled at him.
"Neville I take it?"
"Yes, sir." Good hand shake and firm too.
"Henriette told me Luna is your fianceè. How do you plan to look after her as Henriette just told me about New Dawn."
"Daphne the long blond hair beside the rustt red head is in charge of the children. She baby sits our kids if we have any of course.
She's great with them. We take jobs in both the Magical and Muggle World. In wars, you either kill or be kill and Henriette doesn't want us died.
She worries too much over us too let that happen." Bruce was shocked as to how much Henriette cares about her friends as this is going over the edge to keep them safe.
After four hours, everyone was treated and are in bed rest until they are healed. Bruce allowed the adults to fix a medical bay in his cave since he built the place.
They found a good spot and blasted a meter deep hole into it with it being five feet long and cleared it out while fixting it up greatly to hold them all as Damian watches them work.
He would sometimes make sure they have the walls smothed to place the walls up which they did and he would also tell them to have a bathroom inside for them to use that has enough for each gender than using one.
Bruce was shocked to see the new medical room as it can hold fifty hundred people with the bathrooms holding the same amount. The toilets are enough to hold two full armies inside with the toilets being half of that number.
"Better to be safe than sorry in case you have people coming to visit." Siriua said as he rubs his neck.
"Well, he is right." They all saw Henriette, but it was a hologram with it on a summoned large centapeid.
"What? It has to be this large to handle the hologram. What do you expect me to use? A smaller one?" They nodded making her to sigh as she knew they would answer like that.
"We need to forces here. Albus Dumbledore's manipulation needs to stop and a sorting Dark Lord needs to be dead." Her group nods their head while Bruce, Damian, Dick and Alfred is confused.
"I saw the dame crystal ball that holds it. It was meant for a male, Nev." He glares as he holds Luna close making Bruce to see the will to protect her from harm.
"The family needs to defy the Dark Lord three times which both families did. Nither could live while the other survive. Don't know what that means. Knows the power that he does not. Don't know what that means either." Henriette said as she shakes her head.
"Maybe love is the answer. Dark Veddor can't understand love." Everyone laughs at the Dark Lord's new name making the four muggles and five adults to be clueless.
"Draco's new name for the Dark Lord. This is the first time he used it. A good point there, Draco and he doesn't understand friendship or the help of a family." Henriette said as Bruce can see she has this all packed tightly.
"Don't leave us adults out of this! You need adult power in this plan!" Sirius said in a teasting letchering tone making everyone to laugh at him.
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