The New Dawn
Two months later.....
Henriette was happy as Damian took over as Robin with Dick teaching how to jump from buildings to buildings and Henriette became Sparrow making everyone to think Batman has two new sidekicks making it easier to track the man down.
Damian heard his mother was kidnapped and he with Henriette bolted as they ate gillweed, a magical plant to breath under water and swimmed there. It was easier to swim there as they got there before the hour was up and they looked for a way inside and then climbed in as their hour is up and they need to find Talia.
Henriette actives the New Dawn symbol and her friends showed up. They all took out a lot of assassins which made Bruce in his Batman ego personality to be shocked. When he found them, Damian was going up against a man with two swords and was actually on even grounds with the man making him to be very shocked.
"Came to watch the show with us, grandfather?" He turns to see Luna without her mask on as she holds his hand as he saw her gloves has pointy nails on them making him to look back at the fight with Damian winning as the man was going to jail after this.
Damian was stabbed in the left lungs, but a girl the same age as Damian stepped up and slash at the man's back making him to turn to her and saw the same girl from before.
'Oh boy!' Was running through his head once he saw her eyes making him to be terrified of her as he steps back from her which was a bad moved to have done.
Henriette was outraged as she slash at his neck making the man to back off, but he saw she was faster and slimmer making her a dangerous opponent as she keeps him busy while both Hannah and Susan takes Damian and heals him.
Henriette knocks him out and ties his hands behind him tightly as she hugs the assassin out of Damian who hugs her back to calm her down as she is crying right now. Bruce walks over with Luna as he looks on.
"This is the first job I take it?" Hannah was the one to nod as she shows him Henriette's ideas and that was in the Bat Cave making him to be shocked at Henriette's idea.
The New Dawn is an organization that looks after those with magic and it is split into several pieces to do multiplying jobs.
First) there's the Assassin Queen, or 'The Throne', which is obviously the leader of the organization as she is the foundee of the organization.
Next is the Mages, or 'The Twenty-three Shogun's (Generals)', a group of twenty-three individuals that are the Assassin Queen's elite soldiers, the number represents their rank, with #One being the strongest. They are only known by their aliases, as using their real names will put them in danger of being found by the Aurors, which are:
#One: The Queen
#Two: The Jack
#Three: The Joker
#Four: The Goddess
#Five: The Creator
#Six: The Resourcer
#Seven: The Timer
#Eight: The Singer
#Nine: The Healer
#Ten: The Espada (sword)
#Eleven: The Shinigami
#Twelve: The Frost
#Thirteen: The Wolf
#Fourteen: The Flowerchild
#Fifteen: The Queen of Hearts
#Sixteen: The Oracle
#Seventeen: The Sensor
#Eighteen: The White Blackout
#Nineteen: The Lifter
#Twenty: Mother Nature
#Twenty-one: The Nannobots
#Twenty-two: The Mother
#Twenty-three: The Grim
#Twenty-four: Double Trouble
#Twenty-five: Explosion
And finally, #Twenty-six: Death Messenger
The next branch is called 'The Head' which is like a think-tank; 'The Head' is the R&D and strategists with the leader of the 'The Head' is known as #Four: 'The Goddess'.
The next branch is called 'The Broker' which is a group or individual that buys, sells and trades information, weapons, and many other things. 'The Broker' is also the spy network and has people virtually everywhere, the leader of 'The Broker' is known as 'The Illusive Man'.
Next is 'The Black Hand' which is a group that specializes in assassination, sabotage, mass killing, and other acts. Their leader is #Eleven: The Shinigami.
Next is 'The Hackers' which is a group that specializes in illeagel business, name changing and stealing information. They work side by side with the next group which is 'The Darkness', a group of thefts and 'Robin Hoods' as they steal money or anything valuable to the nobles working for the Dark Lord.
"The leader of 'The Light', a group who shows truths and not lies in newspapers and articles is #Eighteen: The White Blackout.
'The Hackers' have #Twenty-three: The Grim as their leader as no one can track them no matter what.
The next group is 'The Savers', a group that specializes in healing, mending, fixing and saving lives in the medical selection with #Nine: The Healer being their leader while tending to the wounded of the whole organization's wounded as well.
#Seven: The Timer is in charge of the group called 'The Alerters', a group who alerts the whole organization about things and reports to 'The Throne' and 'The Twenty-three Shogun's (Generals)' only.
They are working side by side with the next group which is called 'The Seers', a group who sees into the future and can earn money by telling people their futures and lead by #Sixteen: The Oracle.
Next is 'The Freeze', a group who freezes bank accounts of criminals, mafias and yakuzas with #Twelve: The Frost' as their leader as they work side to side with 'The Hackers' as 'The Hackers' hack into their accounts to steal the money.
#Five: The Creator is the leader of the next group called 'The Kamis', a group who gives life to those who don't have a life and create anything they want with 'The Throne' knowing a head of time to alert 'The Savers' in case of anyone getting hurt.
#One: The Queen is the leader of 'The Guards' who fight battles, wars and 'guards' the 'Royal Pair' who is 'The Throne' and #One: the Queen.
#Fifteen: the Queen of Hearts is the only one who doesn't have a group to lead as they are the adviser to 'The Throne'.
#Three: The Joker is the leader of the next group called 'The International Pranksters', a group who prank people to make them smile and laugh to cheer them up, but they have a dark side to them called 'The International Rippers', a dark side that scare people at night if they harmed a child.
The next group is called 'The Destroyers', a group who destroy things or organizations who harm people with their leader being #Eight: The Singer who works side by side with the next group called 'The Cleaners'. A group who cleans the mess up and make it look like it was a national cause as they have earth and wind magic to help clean 'house' with water magic to wash away the 'proof'. #Twenty: Mother Nature is the leader of this group as earth, wind and water are part of 'Mother Nature'.
#Six: The Resourcer is in charge of the group called 'The farmers', a group that gets food and other resources that the whole organization would be needing as no one can tell what they will be needing to need and cloth is also resources as they all need to change cloths as wearing the same cloths over and over is a good way of thinning it out and throwing it out which is not what they are going to be doing.
#Nineteen: The Lifter is the muscle of the organization as they are in charge of the next group called 'The Titans', a group who carries the heavy stuff into the organization's buildings and loads the trucks with stuff for each buildings.
#Ten: The Espada is in charge of the next group called 'The Samarias', a group of swordsman or swordswoman that cut ties lose and do sneak attacks on mafias and yakuzas.
The next group is called 'The Techno', a group who is the ones that create the technology for the whole organization from laptops, computers, cellphones, burners, ect, ect, ect with #Twenty-one: The Nanobots being the leader of this group.
The next group is called 'The Children', a group of children where they just play and have fun with #Twenty-two: The Mother being in charged of them.
#Thirteen: The Wolf is in charge of the group called 'The Safe Heaven', a group who is a safe heaven for abandoning children and raped teens or adults. The children will go to 'The Children' group where #Twenty-two: The Mother will look after them.
Next is the group called 'The Teens', a group to look after teens who are thirteen to nineteen and help them get a job or help them get the schooling they need. The leader is unknown as anyone is welcome to take it.
#Twenty-four: Double Trouble causes mayhem and chaos which is trouble for those who got them angry which is why I gave them the alias Double Trouble.
#Twenty-five: Explosion make things explode onto everyone once in a while.
And lastly, #Twenty-six: Death Messenger who send death threats and letters to people if they don't change their ways.
Finally, there's the Peace Keepers. A group of people that, as the name suggests, keep the peace all around the World as the leader of the Peace Keepers is #Fourteen: The Flower-child.
Every last person in the New Dawn answers to Assassin Queen. She personally makes sure it makes it easier to tell their parents about their magic. She even wants to make sure to have them know they have their children's best interest as not only will we teach them how to control their magic, but will also let them have a normal life.
It will make it easier to keep them away from Hogwarts and the Death Eaters. They have a baby-sister to look after them if the children what to stay in dormitories with their families to be safe from bad wizards and witches who wish to harm them.
They have a base at the bottom of the ocean, which is forty-seven meters deep from the surface, and used their magic together to create a very huge underwater city with a giant glass to keep the water out with lots of air as the city itself is forty-eight million meters long and wide.
They made the place look to be an underwater city with lights to light the whole place up with to keep it from staying in the dark. There was even a palace for the leader to live in with her 'Shoguns' as well, too as there is lots of buildings and there is one big hospital that can host two million wounded people.
There is a flying ship that looks in the one from an anime show called 'Karneval'. It's meant for spying while it can go invisible as well, too making this more easier to stay hiding and to sense accidentally magic as the head of the spying division is going to be up in the ship.
"I may be against killing, but you guys have a good reason to do this." He wonders how long they kept this hiding from this man named Albus Dumbledore. Bruce was impressed as Henriette worries for a lot of people and plans to keep the world safe from that man. Damian looks after Henriette and she saw Dick looking at Damian. She walks over to him and he can see Henriette doesn't mind sharing Damian with anyone else for that matter.
"I don't mind sharing Damian, but you need to know that Damian really prefers to top. We did have sex, but it was safe sex as we're not ready to be parents yet. Luna was the best thing to happen to us." Dick nods as he takes Damian upstairs making him to wonder why until he saw Henriette's face.
'She is so going to be getting it!' The whole place can hear Dick screaming in pleasure making Bruce to see Henriette doesn't mind the sounds at all as everyone else ignores them.
"Anyone pregnant?" Twelves hands went up with Seamus's hand as well making the others to look to him.
"Dumbledore raped me four and a half months ago." Henriette wasn't happy as her magical aura was circling around her and her group as she is very much protective of them making Bruce to tell she is very powerful as he feels like he needs to bow to her.
"HE'S DEAD MEAT!" Henriette was really pissed off as she has red eyes and they looked to scare everyone else, but Luna who hugs her mother and calmed her down.
"Thanks, fae childe." Henriette said as she hugs her daughter. Bruce couldn't believe Luna calmed her down and now Damian wants to stay with him. Talia did like Henriette, but was shocked that both adopted Luna making her to be happy she has someone to look after her. Bruce would never understand this stuff as it's to complex to know.
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