Second year and killing a fraud
Two months into the school year.......
Henriette doesn't like the new DADD professor as he is nothing, but a fraud making her to plan to kill him herself and get his vaults.
Henriette haa found out he has, for some reason, fifty million making her to be angry as each one holds fifty bajillion gallons in each one with keys to them no less.
Henriette made sure her friends each got six hundred of his keys after killing him making them happy for the keys, but angry at the fraud for what he did.
Moaning Myrtle wants to help and he's scared of his own shadow making them to smirk as Mrytle was fun to have around all the time.
Luna Lovegood lost her father and Henriette was quick to blood and magically adopt her with Damian sending his own blood to make her his daughter as well.
Luna's animagus form is a small blond ferret with black and red tiped fur and was odd-eyed with one eye being silver and the other one being green.
Colin's animagus form with Dennis is a small brown fur coated dawf rabbit making Luna to enjoy holding them as Neville is her soulmate making him to be happy to have her.
Hermione and Ron are soulmates with Fred and George having the Carrow twins as their soulmates. Myrtle and Dean are soulmates with Seamus being soulmates with Daphne.
Theodore and Anthony are soulmates making Henriette to make a potion to allow Anthony to give birth like a girl than staying as a girl for sixteen months.
Draco and Astoria are soulmates making Daphne to letcher him and Henriette made a potion to keep one healthy for life with no illness from anything.
Astoria to be happy as she thought she would get an illness from an family member and only have one child making her to be happy.
Henriette made a potion to allow a woman to have more than one child per pregnancy making Astoria to be happy as she sees her as a second big sister.
Cho and Cedric were soulmates with Dennis and Colin being their children as both lost their parents a month ago making Henriette to hurry as both Cho and Cedric needs to adopt them.
Henriette heard a voice and followed it to the girl's lavatory and since she knows how to speak to snakes, she used the language to have the entrance to open up as she slides down the tunnel to see lots of fish bones.
She saw the snake and it didn't know how she came down here and it just stares at her making it to wonder why she isn't dead.
Henriette walks forward and the snake backs away until it felt Henriette petting it's nose making it to look at her strangely.
§Why are you hurting the hatchlings of the school?§ The snake was confused and replied back to her making her to hear a female voice.
§I was actually hurting muggles who were attaching the school.§ Henriette explains to the snake everything and welcomes her to be with her out of this place which she agreed to.
She saw Salazar's face and took everything from inside to keep it safe as the paintings of the four founders were there and she had a copy of them as a watch to talk to them as she can trust them more than anyone.
She placed them in the Great Hall and had Tom Riddle's dairy be giving to the goblins to remove the soul shard from it as they had found one in their bank.
They had gave the key to that vault to Neville since the owner was the one to place his parents in the hospital making him to be happy with this.
Neville was happy as he sent a letter to his grams about his new wand as his dad's wand doesn't listen to him and about the vault and about the school year.
Henriette sneaked behind the DADD professor and cut his head off with her sword making his family to be her's by conquest making her to wonder about the Grants.
She contracted the goblins and they told her about them making her to make sure all of their stuff is sorted out and anything Dark is to be removed and let the goblins have them making them to be happy.
Henriette had all of her friends in her place for the weekend and allowed Damian in as they train to have he friends get more use to him daily.
Henriette and her friends plus Myrtle, as she came back to life by will power alone, had mastered everything in Hogwarts.
them to pass Hogwarts very early and Damian told Henriette that he needs to introduce her to the family soon, but wants his father to meet her first.
Fred and George got their prank shop up and running with some in every magical community making Henriette to be happy as they brought the Zonk's.
They had turned it into a potion shop to sell Henriette's potions making her to love them as her big brothers as they see her as a little sister.
Zacharies Smith was dating Pansy and got involved making him to pass Hogwarts as well making Pansy to be happy to have him with them.
Henriette knows the Grants had a ring and it could be a soul shard holder making the goblins to get it and give her the ring after removing the soul shard and the dark magic on it.
Henriette knows her friends would be in danger and sent a letter to their parents explaining everything making them to ask her to keep them safe which she swears on her magic and life to do so.
Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, after finally getting a trial, are part of the New Dawn with Nyphadore Tonks, who also passed Hogwarts early thanks to Henriette's training.
Even Nymphadora parents, Ted Tonks and Andromeda Tonks nee Black, had joined and keeps them safe making her to be grateful for it and happy her friends are going to be safe from harm.
Henriette saw Dumbledore's wand since it was the elder wand and was quick to take it away from him without him knowing about it.
She has forced her magic to make it submit to her which it did as she got a second host to hold it on her left arm as Dumbledore is still looking for his wand.
Henriette saw Two-Face and got him to St. Murgon's where they fixed his face and a mind healer healed his mind making him a lawyer again.
He has became New Dawn's lawyer making them happy. Daphne choose to look after the children and babies making it easier as some are orphans and some were just abandoning for being 'freaks'.
Henriette was quick to have all of their and her friends O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts done so they don't have to go to Hogwarts anymore and Pansy is sharing Zacharies with Mrytle making both to have a day with him and a day with each other making Henriette happy for them.
The goblins gave them a master cards to the vaults making them to be happy as they can do shopping and get supplies for the organization.
Henriette has a ship for the spy-network to make it easier to find people with magic around the world to keep them safe from Dumbledore.
Henriette even has a place to be a school for them as they send their letters to them when they are ten and have teachers ready to teach them everything.
Keeping Dumbledore away from this is going to be hard as Henriette owns Hogwarts, but Sirius will be the Headmaster for her own school making her to be happy as the founders tell Henriette what the old man is doing making it easier to dodge him.
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