Meeting the Teen Titans
Six months later.........
Damian saw something and thanks to Henriette, he saw the man was being possessed by a demon as he can see him floating in the air and normal people don't float.
He throw holy water onto the man's hand and he screamed a un-human scream making Damian to cover his ears as they felt like they were going to burst.
Henriette was standing very much in front of Damian making the man to stop in his tracks as she glares at him very angry before she opens a locket and sucked the demon into it freeing the human man.
She closed the locket and locks it tightly to make sure it doesn't come out and went to check on Damian as he was still covering his ears.
Henriette was really angry at the demon for this as she worried that Damian was going to lose his hearing which she fears he has as she holds him close to her chest.
"The kid was right to do that as it told us it wasn't normal and from the scream, it can do some damage with it." A man with the letter S on his chest said as he looks at the site making him to feel sorry for the kid as he could of lost his hearing.
'Will or are you very much alright, my Assassin King?'
'I don't think so, my assassin queen. My ears are still ringing from that scream he had made. It feels like my ears are going to explode.' Batman walks over and looks into his son's ears seeing no damage.
"No damage in either one, but your ears are still ringing, aren't they?" Damian nods as he doesn't like the sound very much.
"Sparrow, keep an eye on him. I'll have Nightwing show you to your new place as I believe you need to meet new people as you guys need to be around new people each day.
It'll help you increase you friend circle and Nightwing will come check on you guys. We should head home and let Robin rest." Bruce picks Damian up with Henriette following him as they went to the Batmoblie to head back to the Bat Cave.
Henriette and Damian packed their stuff and headed out with Dick driving them there. Damian isn't going to be liking this, but was happy to have Henriette come with him as it would of been very boring if she wasn't around to keep things interesting from time to time.
"O.K, you two. Starfire is in charge, so be nice to her alright? She is the oldest there with me sometimes. She'll look after you two while you are there.
Think of her as a mother or a older sister while your there." Both Henriette and Damian nodded their heads and Henriette holds onto their stuff.
Once they got to the building, they saw the Teen Titans there to welcome them making them to be happy, but one was starring at Henriette making Damian angry.
'He can't take me, you know that. He's not my type and he is definitely not a good looking guy.' Damian laughs in his mind making Henriette to smile at him.
Dick told Starfire about them talking telepathically to each other and she was shocked.
"This will help on missions. Thanks, Nightwing."
"No problem. Robin and Sparrow, you two better behave or else I'm coming over to letcher you two, got it?" Both nod as they look to Starfire and nod to her.
"Shall we get going on the tour so you two can know where everything is?"
"Yes, ma." Henriette said as they went inside the building and already the green skin boy was getting under their skin with all of his questions.
"Sorry, Starfire. Even though Nightwing told us to behave, I'm going to break that." Henriette said as everyone looks to her before she did a powerful punch to green boy's head and set him into the wall with a very large crater being there that reaches six feet in length and width.
"It's not even been a day and already you're getting under me and Robin's skin with all of those questions. Learn to be quiet or else." Henriette said before she went into her ferret form.
She then jumps up and went onto Damiam's shoulder to rest shocking everyone before Damian went to the kitchen as he can smell fresh baked bread in the kitchen.
Henriette woke up two hours later as Damian has a piece of cheese cake in front of her nose and she eats it making Damian to smile as he doesn't have his costume on.
Henriette licks his fingers making him to laugh as she nibbles on his ear which had him trying to have her stop as she is tickling him.
"You two sure know each other, don't you?" Starfire asked as Damian looks to her.
"Yeah, we do. Why?" Damian asked as he was curious to what she'll say.
"Just curious as you look like you've know each other for a long time." Starfire said as she walks away with a bowl of cereal making Damian to wonder if she is trust worthy.
"In thirty minutes, we're going to do some training. Care to join us?" A blackish blue hair girl asked as Henriette feels magic inside of the girl.
'She's trust worthy as she has magic as well, but very different.' Henriette said to Damian as he nods his head and went to put his costume on his body as Henriette looks around the room.
"Damian, the room isn't bad, but it's not sound proof. I can try to sound proof it." Henriette said as she takes out her wand and points it at each wall and door making the very whole room to be sound proof plus the ceiling as well, too.
"There. Now let's get going. Don't want to be late." Henriette has her own costume on her body as they head out and went to the training room thanks to Damian. Two hours later and Damian was still at it.
"Robin, we need to let others have a turn." Starfire told him, but he keeps going making her to sigh as she doesn't get it.
"Both me and Robin are very much use to training for hours on end. Stopping us from doing that is going to be hard.
So just leave it, Starfire." Henriette told her as she watches Damian train until the guy in the blue suit turned it off.
"Ops. How did that happen?" He winks at Henriette who looks angry at him.
"Don't stop our training or else we'll kill you on the spot for it. Nightwing got severally hurt when he stopped us once.
And who do you think you are flirting with me? You're not even my type and your not good looking either so bug off, bug boy." Henriette said as Damian throws a shurikin at him.
"You want to go?"
"Robin, I would back down right now as he doesn't feel right for some odd reason." Everyone looks to Henriette as they looked shocked.
"You know about my scarab?" He was shocked as no one knows about his scarab, but him.
'Danger. Destroy her.' He ignores his scarab as he needs to know how she knows about it.
"Meditation allows me and Robin to sense things, but I have been doing it longer than Robin." Henriette said as everyone else was shocked at her.
Damian said something making Jamie Reyes, the boy in the blue suit, to fire at him which made Damian to go into a defense position.
"Don't you two! We're suppose to be on the same side!" Starfire said as Jamie was slammed into the floor, but Henriette saw danger.
She got in the way as Jamie's beetle took over and she had her top of her costume removed with her bra strap as the blast came from the chest area.
A blood curling scream came from Henriette's mouth as the blast hit her on the left shoulder to her left shoulder blade and to the middle of her back.
Jamie was completelye shocked before piercing green eyes glared at him as he flinches from the way they were looking at him
"You should never have done that! You should never aim at the Assassin Queen's husband as that can get you killed!" Henriette shouted angry as Jamie flinches again.
"Assassin Queen? Husband?" Green boy, who is called Beast Boy, asked as Henriette sighs before showing the wedding ring on her left ring finger making everyone to be very much shocked before Henriette and Damian left the room.
"And I thought the bro code was to never hit on another guy's girl?" Henriette said before she fully left the room as she calls Susan and Hannah to look after her as she doesn't want Raven to look through her memories.
Both were shocked as Henriette explains everything and the Teen Titans saw them healing the wound, but because of how it was caused, it was pink skin making Henriette to just sigh.
"What's one more scar on my body?" She didn't expect for her cloths to vanish and she being turned around facing the Teen Titans making her to break free and cover herself while Damian got in front of her, but they saw the scars.
"What the fuck was that?!" Henriette was quick to call Dick as she needs back up of an adult making him to show up and see why she called him.
Starfire explained everything making him to rub his temple as he knows this was going to happen, just not on the first day of them coming.
"Abusive relatives gave her the scars, but some were from training. She's the leader of New Dawn by the name of Assassin Queen and trust me when I say this, Henriette is someone you don't want to get pissed off.
Now, since I'm here, I might as well join you guys to make sure this doesn't happen again. Henriette, don't you have a potion that can fully get rid of that scar on your back?" Henriette pulls out the potion and took it as the big pink skin vanished leaving the scars she had there to still be there.
"It's gone. We'll be heading back to our children now." Both Hannah and Susan waved good-bye before they left as Henriette has a spare cloth to wear making her to look to Raven as she didn't like that making her to nod as they all went back to training.
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