Henriette's information
Once they got to Britain with Henriette holding onto his sword for him, they saw an owl land and Henriette went back to normal as she takes the letter.
It was her magical school letter and they were quick to send a reply back as they saw a bar and she saw the bar tender before she showed him her letter and asked to keep it down.
He showed them the way and they thanked him before they went and looked around before they saw two tall goblins.
Henriette was quick to curtsy to the guard with Damian bowing making them to bow back and allowed them to enter the bank.
"Damian, goblins are prideful and we need to make sure to not give them a reason to kill us." Damian nods his head as he looks at the goblins in the large room. Both walked up to a teller and both coughed to gain their attache.
"Mrs. Henriette Potter would like to make a withdraw, warrior goblin." Henriette told him as he looks down to see them.
"Do you have your key to withdraw, Mrs. Potter?" Henriette was quick to think before she looks back up at him.
"I don't have my key as it's either been stolen or someone else is holding onto it." The goblin looks a bit angry and calls for a another goblin to take them to the Overlord.
Both were careful as to what they saw as the Overlord is the king of the goblins and they don't want to get killed by him.
"Overlord. We have Mrs. Henriette Potter with guest to see you. She doesn't have her key to withdraw to get her school supplies." Both were allowed in and Damian can tell the Overlord is serious about this case.
"Heiress Potter, may I ask who your guess is?" Henriette looks to Damian and he nods as this might help them out in a long shot.
"Damian, my soulmate husband. I've been living with him for seven years." Overlord looked shocked, but he nods and brings out a dagger with one piece of parchment paper making both to be on guard.
"Heiress Potter, if you may, cut yourself to allow the blood onto the parchment so we may know what you have.
It will also tell you more about your vaults as well." Henriette did that and the blood became words making Damian to be shocked as he had married a royal witch.
Inheritance for Henriette Lily Potter-Black-Gryffindor-Ravenclaw-Slytherin-Hufflepuff-La Fey-Pendragon-Peverell-Emrys-Fleamont-Donovan-Grants
Mother – Lily Marie-Ann Potter nee Evan (deceased)
Father – James Fleamon Potter (deceased)
Female Ancestor – Rowena Ravenclaw (deceased)
Godmother – Alice Longbottom (currently indisposed in St. Mungo's Hospital)
Dad and Godfather – Sirius Orion Black (currently in Azkaban for crime did not commit – innocent)
Male Ancestor – Salazar Slytherin (deceased)
Male Ancestor – Merlin Emrys (deceased)
Male Ancestor – King Arthur Pendragon (deceased)
Female Ancestor – Morgan La Fey (deceased)
Female Ancestor – Helga Hufflepuff (deceased)
Potter Castle
Slytherin Island
Rowena's library
Potter Manor
Black Residents
Hogwarts – one hundred percent ownership
Gryffindor – twenty-five percent
Ravenclaw – twenty-five percent
Slytherin – twenty-five percent
Hufflepuff – twenty-five percent
Godric's Hollow (Damaged and monument)
Gryffindor Castle
Potter Manor
Slytherin Manor
Ravenclaw Castle
Hefflepuff Castle
Wordless: five thousand%
Wandless: four thousand%
Wand Magic: zero%
Magical Abilities:
Animagus (natural ability – blocked fifty percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Parseltounge (natural ability – blocked eighty-five percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Occulmency (natural ability – blocked one hundred percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Magical Core (natural ability – blocked ninety-nine percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Memory Recollection (natural ability – blocked one hundred percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Intelligent (natural ability - blocked ninety-five percent by Albus Dumbledor)
Knowledgeable (natural ability - blocked ninety-five percent by Albus Dumbledor)
Potions Ability (natural ability – blocked eighty percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Charms Ability (natural ability – blocked thirty percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Transfiguration Ability (natural ability – blocked thirty percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Defence the Dark Arts Ability (natural ability – blocked thirty-five percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Potison Resistances Ability (natural ability – gained through various means (resistances to all poisons) - bloocked by eighty percent by Ablus Dumbledore)
Multilingual Ability (natural ability – blocked seventy percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Rune Ability (natural ability - blocked by seventy percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Families Inherited:
Potter (inherited from father)
Peverell (inherited from father)
Gryffindor (inherited from father)
Slytherin (inherited from mother)
Ravenclaw (inherited from mother)
La Fey (inherited from mother)
Emrys (inherited from mother)
Pendragon (inherited from mother)
Black (inherited from dad and godfather)
Merlin (inherited from father)
Hufflepuff (inherited from father)
Fleamont (inherited from father)
Donovan (inherited from mother)
Family Conquest:
Grant (from defeating Tom Marvolo Riddle ten years ago)
Riddle (from defeating Tom Marvolo Riddle ten years ago)
Slytherin (from defeating Tom Marvolo Riddle ten years ago)
Other Information:
Abusive/Manipulative Charm (placed upon by Albus Dumbledore ten years ago)
Dark Object (lightning bolt shape scar due to the Killing Curse aimed by Tom Marvolo Riddle ten years ago)
Stunned Body Growth Charm (place upon by Albus Dumbledore ten years ago)
Financial Inheritance:
All the vaults have a combined value of one hundred gajillion galleons
Total Muggle Bank Account is twenty-seven.one bazillion Pounds
Total Magical Investments is twenty-five.nine bajillion Galleons
Total Muggle Investments is twenty-one.two jillion Pounds
Properties are at sixteen.eight bazillion Galleons
Seats of Power:
Two hundred seats on the Wizengermont
Fifteen for the Potters
Fifteen for the Peverell
Twenty-five each for Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff
Ten for the Emrys
Ten for the La Fey
Ten for the Pendragons
Ten for the House of Merlin
Five for the House of Donovan
Ten for the House of Fleamont
One hundred percent of the seats on the Hogwarts Board of Govoners
Her Royal Highness Princess Adriana of Camelot
Duchess of Hogsmeade
The Right Honorable Lady of the Most Noble and Ancient Houses of Potter
The Right Honorable Lady of the Most Noble and Ancient Houses of Peverell
Lady of Hogwarts
The Right Honorable Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Gryffindor
The Right Honorable Lady of the Most Noble and Ancient Houses of Ravenclaw
The Right Honorable Lady of the Most Noble and Ancient Houses of Slytherin
The Right Honorable Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of La Fey
The Right Honorable Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Emrys
The Right Honorable Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Pendragon
The Right Honorable Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Black
Merlin's Successor and Heiress
The Right Honorable Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Hufflepuff
The Right Honorable Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Fleamont
The Right Honorable Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Donovan
Duchess of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Gryffindor
Marchioness of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Ravenclaw
Baroness of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Merlin
Baroness of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Hufflepuff
Duchess of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Slytherin
Current Styling:
Princess Henriette, Twenty-ninth Duchess of Gryffindor
Princess Henriette, Twenty-ninth Marchioness of Ravenclaw
Princess Henriette, Twenty-ninth Baroness of Merlin
Princess Henriette, Twenty-ninth Baroness of Hufflepuff
Princess Henriette, Twenty-ninth Duchess of Slytherin
"This is very bad news as your core is bonded and this isn't right. We can unbound and remove the potions inside of you as well as the soul shard inside your scar to find others to kill the Dark Lord once and for all." Henriette nods as she kisses Damian on the lips until they are done.
Two hours later, Henriette was free and a case as being built against Albus Dumbledore making both to be happy as they like an alliance with the goblins for their help. Henriette went to buy a wand and Damian has his sword to the wand maker's throat.
"We don't like being surprised, old man." The wand maker nods and helps Henriette find a wand which turns out to be forty inch dragon heartstring dripped into basilisk venom and acromantula blood with the feather of a large thunder-bird and hairs of a grey unicorn making the wand maker to be shocked.
Henriette pays for it along with a host to hold it onto her right arm and wand care kit to look after it. They went to buy a owl to send letters to each other and snowy owl landed on Damian's shoulder making Henriette to buy her with all of her stuff.
Henriette went to get a pet and a snake, a large bat and a white ferret for Damian to use to pretend it's her went to her making her to buy everything for them.
Damian asked the Overlord where she can get her school uniform from and he points them to Einna Simmon's clothing shop which they headed to.
"Hello, dearies. How can this elder help you?" Einna was a eighty years old witch, but she looks to be ninety making them go be respectful towards her.
"I'm start school soon and I was wondering if you can do my school uniform with noble and royal clothing as well as assassin clothing?
The assassin clothing is for training and I need them to be pitch black." Einna nods her head and gets every measurement for the cloths.
"I place charms on all of my cloths and I also makes cloaks as well." Einna said as Henriette asked for forty, twenty for each of them, with every protection charm on them and well as her cloth making Einna to be happy as she rings the whole thing up.
"Two thousand gallon is the total cost. The school uniform has a charm that allows it to grow with the body like the other cloths I make as I'm the only one who knows how do the charm as I created it myself." Henriette pays for the whole thing and they went to get the rest of her stuff.
Four hours later and they went to get the cloths making them to be very much surprised at the cloths as they looked to be made from very expensive fabric making Einna to chuckle at at them.
"I use fabric that are very rare and I make sure every piece is perfect for the costumers." Henriette and Damian thanked her and left the shop to get some ice cream for a snack.
Damian called his mother to tell her about his 'assassination' making her to be happy before he hanged up to get some sleep as they have a lot to do.
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