Damian meets his father
Summer of nineteen-ninety three.....
Henriette and Damian was standing near his grandfather as she was in her ferret form around Damian's neck to keep near him.
Remus, Sirius and Tonks are looking after her friends and daughter until they can be near each other as Dumbledore is looking for them and that's not a good thing.
Damian's great-grandfather was killed and his mother got him away with Henriette staying to keep an eye on his grandfather as she helps him fight.
He went after a man and she managed to keep up before she jumped onto him and when he was about kill Damian's father, she jumped off him as Damian kicks him away from his grandfather.
Henriette was quick to keep him alive long enough to get him hospitalized in a hospital in Gotham to keep him alive.
Damian was winning again the man, but when he was going to be killed, Henriette slammed into him and glared at him.
She allows Sammy, her male snake, to bite him three times and she had scratched him over his right eye making it to bleed.
She also made sure his eye was damage greatly as she plans to make sure he doesn't see from that eye ever again.
She was quick to go back as a ferret and Talia saw the man and her father as she ran to him quickly to check on him to make sure he is alive.
She was quick to place him in a hospital in Gotham and she has Damian hiding on a yacht to keep him safe until she has his father come get him.
Damian heard his mother and father talking and he came out when his mother said "Our son" making him to be polite as Batman looks angry for some reason as he was careful of what he says and does.
"Hello, father." Damian kept Henriette a secret until it was the right time to introduce her as his father doesn't look happy at all.
When Talia left, Damian asked his father if he can drive which he said no to as he is to young to drive it making Damian to think of a different way.
"Then when I'm sixteen, can I drive it? It'll be in three years until I'm sixteen." Damian really hopes Bruce Wayne, his father says yes to it as he really likes to drive stuff.
"We'll see. You will need a driver license first before then and it takes a year to have one." Damian was happy with that as he nods his head before he following his father inside.
"I got someone I want you to meet, but I want to wait until the right moment. Would that be alright?" His father looks at him as Henriette knows he was curious to whom this person is.
"Yes and her friends, who are in danger by a slimy old man who wants to use her as a weapon for his Great Good, are being watched by her honorary uncle, honorary aunt and godfather/papa.
Since his friend and his wife didn't mind her having a second father, they allowed him to be the second father if her dad dies." He looks shocked and nods his head as they drive back to the Bat Cave where a butler waits for him.
'Damian, he's a friend to your father. Be nice to him.' Henriette warns Damian as he nods his head as he knows to be careful.
"Hello, Pennyworth. I heard a lot about you." Damian was being nice making his father to wonder how he is this polite making him to think.
'It could be this girl he was talking about.' Bruce thought before he saw the ferret on Damian's shoulders making him to wonder where it came from.
"At your service, Master Damian." Damian looks around and saw it was only him here to greet him making him a bit curious.
"Where are the others? One person can't look after a huge place by themselves." Henriette was happy with that as Damian knows to not insult people unless it's really important.
"I'm the only one, Master Damian. I serve the family long before Mistress Wayne was pregnant with Master Bruce.
I'm also his father-figure when he lost his parents." Damian nods as he didn't push the subject and was shown to his room.
Bruce was confused as Damian was polite and doesn't push subjects making him to wonder who the girl is to make him this polite to people.
"He's way too polite and he doesn't push the subject like I do sometimes. I have a funny feeling is this girl he wants me to meet who is changing him.
I would of liked to know her name, but I doubt Damian would tell me." Damian heard and knows he needs to be careful as Henriette can't contract her friends then.
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