Bruce meets Henriette's friends
Two weeks later....
Bruce saw the building as it takes up sixty buildings on both side and behind it as well with the height being fifty meters tall making there be lots of room with the basement to make the stuff.
Four floors is the flat making Henriette to be happy to see them as Luna runs into her and Damian's arms. Bruce looks to the little one in their arms and can see Henriette and Damian inside of her.
"My blood adopted granddaughter I take it?"
"Hello, grandfather. I hope you like my present." Luna gave Bruce a present box which he opened and found a small worg cub making him to laugh as the cub lick attacks his face.
"It's a magical version of a wolf called a worg. He'll look after you family if train properly to be a guard dog. His mate is in their dog bed since she was tired." Luna showed him making him to like this as Damian stays near Henriette.
Dick was surprised by the place making him to like it as he can prank Joker which got Bruce to look at Dick with a blank look while one eye brow was raised at what Dick had said.
"What? He won't see it!"
"If you mean a white face man with green hair, Fred and George got him scared as he jumps at his own shadow and had to be placed in jail as he keeps blowing things up.
They're still getting him and it got caught on tape, so the guards are trying to find them. They even pranked the whole place with Poison Ivy getting rained on twenty-four seven.
I think she likes it as it stays with her as she just smiles and looks after plants daily as the cloud gets bigger to water them as well, too making her to be happy.
How the cloud showed up I don't want to know as they might make it happen to me and I don't want that thank you every much." Remus said as he shakes his head.
"They out did us, Remus! Not bad." Sirius said as he smiles at the two as Bruce looks at the four adults as he wonders if one of them is looking after them all.
"I am. Names Ted Tonks, Henriette's honorary aunt's father."
"Your son better take good care of her or else I'm killing him."
"SIRIUS! DON'T YOU DARE MAKE ME GO INTO MY FERRET FORM AND BITE YOU IN THE NUTS LIKE A SORTING BLACK WOMAN BY THE NAME OF TERRY DOLITTLE DID IN JACKING JACK FLASH CAUSE I WILL!" Henriette shouted at Sirius making him to jump into Remus's arms scared making everyone, but Bruce and Dick to laugh.
"She knows how to make him really fear her. You don't tick or piss her off unless you want to die." Ron said as he gives Hermione a book on Atlantean Runes making her to kiss him on the cheek.
"O.K. What do you do when your not here?"
"Our first job. We'll explain soon. Give us two months to get use to Gotham and we'll tell you. Being in a new place takes time to get use to it and all that." Ginny said as she leans into Colin's side, her soulmate and fall asleep.
Bruce wonders how Henriette trains them, but once he asked, both him and Dick were running for their lives from four T-Rexes with Damian laughing at them.
Bruce couldn't believe the training as he doubts he and Dick can handle this type of training as they do this on a daily basis making him to think they are nuts for doing this training.
"Why did you ask her?! I FUCKING HATE YOU, BRUCE WAYNE!" Dick shouted as he ran faster than Bruce did.
"Both managed to last sixty years inside only while everyone else managed sixty thousand years." Daphne said making Bruce and Dick to stare at her before passing out from that training.
Damian to shake his head as he couldn't believe they passed out like that making him to think they needed to be children to handle this type of training which is true actually.
Henriette called Alfred, who's last name is Pennyworth, to come pick all four of them up as both Bruce and Dick are passed out on the floor from doing her training since Bruce asked her what type of training does she and her friends do together and she showed it to them.
Alfred shows up and saw both Bruce and Dick passed out with a bit of burns and scratches, but nothing he can't handle as both Remus and Sirius helps load them into the limo and Henriette plus Damian went with him as they need some sleep and both passed out onto the bed curled up fully together.
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