Bruce meets Henriette
Two months later.....
Damian and Henriette was quick to attack a man who works for the man who attacked them making Henriette to growl at the man.
Damian hurts him, but not enough to keep him in a coma as Henriette made sure the man drinks the truth potion as she gave him a over dose of it so he can't lie for the rest of his life.
He managed to get both outside and Damian just knocked him out so the police can get the answers from him as they need the information from him and to get it to Batman.
Henriette had to go back into her ferret form as Damian was taking down by Nightwing who is Batman's partner making her to growl at him before attacking him.
Both were tied up after a good four hour fight as Nightwing calls Batman with wounds and a bloody nose and blood was coming down the corner of his lip as both Damian and Henriette was dangerous together making them to like it that way.
"Lose something?"
"I'm not in the mood."
"I have a kid here with a white ferret. Says he's your son." Damian wasn't happy as he didn't even try to hurt him and he wasn't happy that Henriette was tied up as well, too.
"I'll be right there." Damian knows his father is going to letcher him for this and Henriette is going to protect him which will force her to show her true-self to his father.
Batman showed up and got all three of them back to the Bat Cave as Damian stays quiet all the way there as he doesn't want to talk right now as he watches Henriette heal her wounds herself.
Damian was very curious to how she does it and she taught him making it easier for him to look after his own wounds as they can get worse from her training.
"It really ticks me off after all those letchers of him telling me about using protection."
"Indeed." Pennyworth said as he stitches the wounds.
"Are you already, Master Dick?" Both Damian and Henriette looked to each other as naming a child 'Dick' was not right unless it was a nickname.
"I took the cut, I can take the stitch." Dick said as Damian looks at him.
"Maybe you need more anesthetic. The amount that Pennyworth gave you lose it's effects five minutes ago making you to feel the pain.
If he had gave you the amount for your age or for your weight as it makes it easier for him, you wouldn't feel the pain for four hours max."
"Maybe you need to go fu......."
"Master Dick!" Pennyworth letchers as he doesn't want Damian hearing any of those words.
"I was only telling the truth and you are trying to tell me to fuck off? Father wouldn't like that." Damian said as he walks away making Pennyworth to start letchering Dick about using swear words in the manor.
"We asked him questions and it seems like he's trying to fight something as he tells nothing, but the truth. What I think it is is a truth syrup, but one that is very strong to make him to try and fight it." Bruce thinks and nods his head before closing the connecting.
"Hope the police got enough of the information from that guy or else it would be for nothing." Bruce sent his chair rolling away from him making Damian to be actually scared as fear is in his eyes as he backs away from his father shivering.
"Oh boy." Dick said, but he saw Damian shivering and shaking in fear and is scared of his father before he saw the white ferret looking at Bruce with anger in her eyes.
"You went too far!"
"No I didn't! I had help and he's still alive cause the police officers needed the information as they are going to be sharing it with you if they attack Gotham which THEY WILL if they know I'M HERE!"
"Who helped you?" Damian was shaking and was backing away and when Bruce went to pull Damian closer to him, Henriette bite him on the hand fast making him to see the protectiveness in her eyes.
He sent her rolling on the floor which after four rolls, Henriette went back to normal with her wearing a dress that stops at thighs and has spaghetti straps as her chest was covering some of her arms plus was bare footed.
Bruce, Pennyworth and Dick was shocked that the ferret wasn't a real ferret at all and Damian was quick to run after her.
She was going to the edge where she will fall and die all because of Bruce making her to roll towards the edge which is not a smart thing to do as Damian doesn't want to lose her.
"HENRIETTE!" Bruce heard the fear and saw Damian running after her as he slides on his knees and caught her hand as he was hanging off the edge with his other hand as he went over as well making Dick to rush over to them.
"Kid, hold on! I'm coming!" Dick was quick to grab Damian's wrist and pulls him up as he then grabs him around his back as Damian holds onto him and Henriette as Dick pulls him up and over the edge.
Both pulled Henriette up together as Damian holds her close to his chest with tears threading to fall making Bruce to feel sorry as he didn't mean for that to happen.
At all, but she bite him and he reacted to it as ferrets don't usually have that kind of protectiveness to have over someone like she dies with Damian.
"Henriette! I thought I was going to lose you!" Damian holds her tighter as she hums a song to him calming him down as Bruce steps forward to them while Dick glares at him before stepping in front of them.
"You went too far! She could of died! Damian would of lose her! What WERE you thinking?!" Damian was happy about Dick's protection as Henriette doesn't mind sharing Damian with Dick or anyone else.
"I though SHE was a ferret and she bite me! She shouldn't have even rolled like that as ferrets don't roll at all!" Bruce said as he shows his face to her making her to know she needs to calm this down and quickly, too.
"Dick, please stand down for five to six minutes." Dick was shocked, but did as she had told him and walks four steps away from them and she stood up before taking two steps forward.
"I bite you cause you were scarring Damian. I was protecting my soulmate as I thought you were going to hurt him." Bruce calms after that and Dick holds Damian to his chest.
"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Henriette Al Ghul-Wayne nee Potter, Damian's wife in the eye of magic.
We've been together for nine years and I was the girl Damian was going to have you meet." Bruce, Dick and Pennyworth was shocked as not only was magic real, but Damian is married.
"Explain, please." Bruce couldn't believe he has a daughter-in-law already even if it is in the 'eye of magic', she's STILL his daughter-in-law.
"I was being abused by my magic-hating-muggle relatives and books showed up when I was three years old and I used it to escape when I was six years old.
Six months as a ferret helped me to recover, but the scars are still there. Damian found me and when his mother, Talia was going to take me away from him, I bite her and hissed at her making me to stay with Damian.
I used letters to explain to me who I was and a bit about my life and I showed him my true-form, but I was naked since I was still new to it. He gave me one of his shirts and asked me what I was going to do.
I kissed him making us to glow pink, yellow, white, gold and silver. I told him after pulling away from him that I was going to stay with him. He taught me a lot and I did the same.
We can talk telepathically to each other. I was the one to teach him to be polite and he lies to his mother to get me cloths as he thought killing while undercover as a girl would work and she was fooled.
He does that a lot and he even mention a gun with a silencer on it making them to be too strong, so we killed half of them to make it easier for you to defeat them.
Me and my friends plus our adopted daughter since her father died and her mother died when she was nine years old killed twenty-eight more assassins which made his grandfather to have them go up against each other.
Me and Damian killed only a quarter of them as they were weak making his grandfather pleased as that is what he was hoping for. A man attacked the place and I stayed with Damian's grandfather to keep an eye on him.
The man who attacked them I jumped onto his shoulders, but jumped off as Damian attack him. I kept his grandfather alive long enough to get him be hospitalized in the hospital.
I had Sammy my male snake bite him three times and I scratched him over his right eye making him to be blind in that eye as he won't be able to use that eye as I was the one who did that.
I had to go back as ferret as his mother was going to show up and I didn't want her to see me in person yet. And you know the rest. I can't tell or explain to you everything, but what I did as there is a law against telling muggles about magic.
I know a spell that can show the rest, if you want." Henriette and Damian knows this is a lot to take in and Bruce looks to be having a hard time with the information Henriette had giving him.
"Do you share a bed?"
"Yes. Better than someone finding me in a room and killing me." Bruce nods as he thinks before he agrees to seeing the memories. Pennyworth and Dick wants to see as well as she is going to be living with them.
After four hours, all three were shocked as Bruce wonders how she is still alive from all of this.
"Henriette and me have been training together since she moved in and she out smarts me in many things, father that I can't even do myself as she is smarter than me.
She helped me get better and makes sure I'm polite as I could use it to fool people, but when I met her friends, I know they mean everything to her like I mean everything to her.
She means everything to me, father." Damian said making Bruce to nod as Henriette had found a way to make muggles magical, but it takes a lot of magic.
"Maybe some other time. Right now, we need to see about your friends staying somewhere safe for the time being." Fred and George said that they have a muggle version of their pranking stuff and it has a flat big enough to fit them all.
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