Chapter 15
People didn't really talk about what Percy had done during Halloween. At least, not to his face. He did, however, hear a whole lot of whispering as he walked through corridors. Some younger students asked him questions, and he was patient with them - it wasn't anything different from the kids at camp wondering if he actually had turned into a guinea pig.
It was all around a little irritating, but it did make his classes more interesting because everyone now knew he could beat the everloving crap out of them all and took his self defense advice.
They were learning the basics, mostly blocks or punches and kicks. Later he would teach them how to fight, as in doing the punching and the kicking, but he didn't want everyone to be taking the offense after only knowing how to physically fight for a month. Their strength wouldn't be enough.
This was also something Percy had noticed. They haven't been doing enough physical exercise, so after thirty minutes of performing basic blockings, they were all winded. Percy saw this almost as a challenge. So the next time he had classes, he brought them out to the school grounds. Fresh air is better than being bottled up in a small classroom.
"Uh, Percy, what are we doing here," Harry whispered to Percy as they were walking down to the quidditch pitch.
"We need fresh air," Percy said, and winked. The class stopped in the middle of the field, and Percy told them to line up. He was going to do almost the same thing as he had been doing in all his other classes. Well, at least for his 8th year students.
For his younger students, 1st to 3rd years, they were learning how to defend themselves as in running and he only had been teaching them, or planned on ever teaching them, simple blocks and weak points. He figured they would need more help with defense than the older kids would, because the younger the less common sense you have.
For his 4th to 6th years, he'd been teaching them how to disarm someone from their wand, or how to break free from different holds. They were more likely to be rash and impulsive, meaning they'll probably get in the most amount of trouble. If they needed to get away, he figured they would need to know how to disarm someone, then they can run away or fight if they're very stupid.
His 7th years had been learning a broader lesson of blockings they could do, ones they could apply to most things or if they wanted they could bend them to weaken the opponent.
His 8th year students were the only ones he trusted to learn simple punches and kicks. They still learned the blocks and weak points on a person, but he focused on the offense. Unless he was mistaken, this was the group of kids who fought in the battle against all the Death Eaters the previous year. They should know most escapes and blocks from experience in the field. They were also the only ones he trusted to fight against, or to have them try to block from his blows.
Sure he let the other students fight against him, but that was more he would fake punch, then they would block. He would fake kick, they would block. Or he would pretend to be attacking a group of them, and they would need to "take him down" which translated to he was either cornered without a wand, or he was on his knees.
Back to what they were doing on the field, where Percy had had the 8th years spread out into a line. Percy started talking.
"So you guys are really great, and I know I've already said this, but you really need more physical experience. Such as running," Percy lectured, then turned tail and ran to the goal posts, which were about two thirds of a football field away. He turned back to his class, and yelled, "Come here!"
Percy saw the class share looks of confusion, and then started doing that awkward speed walk jog. Percy smirked to himself.
When the last of them reached Percy, he was amused. Most of them were already panting softly. "Here's the thing you guys, if you had been being chased by a Death Eater, you would all be dead. And I know you didn't have that in mind, so next time, run like Filch is coming to send you all to McGonagall's office for flooding the entire kitchens with orange juice."
Percy ran back to the middle of the field, where they had all been at the beginning. He raised his hand, and when it fell, everyone started sprinting to him. It was better, but they still needed lots of work. They were all panting now, all except for Percy.
"Again!" Percy yelled, then ran back to the goal posts. They did this the entire class. And the entire week following. His students were starting to complain. Percy saw the 8th years groaning as they would get up from their seats, or hobble off to their next class, trying not to use their legs too much from the soreness.
He figured he might have gone a little too far on them, so he made a plan for Saturday evening. They were going to play Capture the Flag.
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