:: Chapter 9 :: Christmas Adventures
"Okay, here's what you need." Hermione slammed a book onto their table in the library, she was in Hufflepuff colors, as she was a Hufflepuff now, considering her house first years were bullying and had inevitably put her in a deathly situation she was able to switch, but only this once. She liked it much much better now.
"Hermione, this is as big as Ron's Ego." Harry said as he looked over the book to look at her. They could only see each other's eyes.
She blushed as she looked down. "Well maybe it is but it'll have the most information for the history quiz when we get back from break. You and your father doing anything thing for the break?" She asks as she started to flip to where Harry and Draco would need it the most.
"Nah, just staying here. And maybe going down to Hogsmeade. That and Christmas shopping. Maybe go see my Granpa but my Dad hates having to go to his family." Harry shrugs casually as he started reading the pages that Hermione pointed out.
Daphne slammed her hands on the table aghast. Ignoring the withering glare from the librarian and Hermione's disapproving look. "What more family gossip do you have? First it was the whole Lily and James were your first adoptive parents, now family disputes in the Jackson world? How much is there?" She interrogated.
Harry actually thought about it for a second before wincing.
"Oh wow." Blaise said with raised brows, still looking not so interested. But they knew he was shocked. "And I thought mine would be a short list." He smiled.
"Shush you." Daphne waved him off. "Harry, you have to tell me everything."
"I can't. It's not mine to say, I mean the first part yeah, I can tell you all after break, but still. It's mainly on my Dad's side." Harry shrugged again before writing down some notes before passing them to Draco to have for the break.
Draco pockets them. "Why after the break?"
"Because we need to leave, like now." Hermione said as she grabbed her pack and rushed off in a hurry, and soon was followed by everyone else. Except for Harry who only said his goodbyes with a smile. Before he started remaking his notes to study for.
Percy was grading papers in his classroom quietly, hoping to catch up on them before dinner so he could be free to do whatever he wanted with Harry. He looked up to find Severus walking in with Lunch. So he guessed all the kids that were leaving for break had gone already. He knew Harry was off studying so he too could have free time, he hoped his son ate.
"You need to take better care of yourself." Snape sniped at him causing him to laugh.
"Right. Thank you Severus." Even though he didn't need food to be sustained anymore he took the food, seeing that it was already turned blue as Snape sat at one of the couches for his students. He decided to sit across from him.
Ever since the troll incident, Severus was more inclined to being friends with him. And he was getting used to Percy's sass and eccentric bright personality. Though he will never understand the need for blue food.
"How's the grading going for you?" Percy asks as he starts eating.
"They're all idiots." He spoke casually causing Percy to choke on his food as he laughed, coughing he righted himself still laughing. "You?"
"They're all idiots." Percy smirked.
Snape had a smile pop up on his face. Their banter continued until Snape left to finish up his work for the break before he too will be off to his cabin.
When dinner came around, Percy went and found Harry and was bringing him to his rooms to eat together, there was only a handful of students about so it was quite weird to see the great hall so empty. As they were heading to his rooms the stairs suddenly changed course on them. Moving them to the third floor corridor that was briefly mentioned not to go to at the beginning of the year.
"Weird." Percy says as they step off and the stairs move again trapping them on that particular floor corridor.
Senseing something, Percy turned to a door and walked to it casually. Harry following his Dad.
"What?" Harry asks as they stop at the door.
"I'm not sure." Percy says.
"We should go in." They smirked at each other for saying it together before Percy unlocked the door with a spell after finding it locked. They then opened it to find three big dog heads staring at them. All the while growling.
Quick wittedly-from many years of having to be, Percy created a large red ball and threw it at them.
They happily started playing on it, until two whined at him.
Harry laughs. "Go on give them balls to."
Sighing Percy did. They walked in and closed the door. Watching them play with the rubber balls that wouldn't pop-Percy made sure. He had dealt with a Cerberus before.
"Huh, his name is Fluffy." Percy smiled, after he read the big dogs collar.
Frowning as he pat a dogs head he turned to his father. "Who the heck names this guy fluffy?"
Shrugging Percy tried to stop the two heads he was busy with from making him wet with slobber. His eyes then caught a trap door that Fluffy seemed to be guarding. So did Harry. But they didn't dare try to go for it. They'd probably die trying. Even if it was being friendly to them.
Harry was wondering the school when he came across a room, he entered it as he was exploring all and any rooms he came across in his boredom. His father in a meeting with any of the teachers still here.
When he entered he found himself in a room bare of nothing but a large and very tall mirror. The erised or Desire as he came to read it backwards.
When his eyes finally met with his reflection they widened, only his reflections eyes didn't. He watched as his father laid beside him enjoying the sun, he himself-though slightly older- sat eating a cookie. A girl, much younger then him but looked so much like him playing with a doll, in Snapes lap. A man with brown hair and red eyes-from what he could tell at least as everything else was blurry. His friends were playing on the field close by to the picnic of his family. His blood adopted parents smiling as they waved at him from their own little spot under a tree.
"Interesting isn't it?" The voice made him jump to see Dumbledore walking out of the shadows towards him.
"Yes. But it's something that won't ever happen." With that he looked back to find it was just a mirror now.
"Very wise you are." Dumbledore said as his eyes twinkled at him, it made Harry feel uncomfy.
Frowning he turned to leave, "Okay Yoda." With that he left as quickly as he could.
Christmas came faster then they expected but they were glad they got everything done in time as they went about waking up and eating their breakfast together. Harry excited for his presents. He loved getting them, you could get him a grain of sand and he'd treasure it.
"Calm down kiddo." Percy laughs as he drinks his coffee in a very slow way-to Harry anyways.
Harry had more gifts then ever do to his friends, he was really excited about it. As you could tell. As Percy finished eating, he watched Harry separate gifts on either couches, Percy was surprised he had so many. He usually only had a few. So he too got a little excited.
Finishing off his coffee he came over and sat with his pile of gifts, as Harry sat across him. The fireplace roaring it's warmth at them which helped with the cool stone around them.
"Okay, first off, what my friends got me." Harry said when Percy gave him the go ahead to open some gifts.
He opened Daphnes first, and he wasn't surprised to find green hair clips and a dark green wooden ring which he put on. He remembered talking about his fringe to her, she had recommended the hair clips. The note saying it would compliment his eyes.
"Looks nice." Percy smiled as he started unwrapping his, a bright red one. When he opened it a bunch of butterflies popped out and fluttered around the room. He blinked before finding a note. He laughed. "Those twins invited me to a prank war. For tomorrow." He smirked.
"Oh no..." Harry paled.
Laughing he waved Harry's concern off. "Don't worry. No one will be permanently harmed."
Harry decided to leave it at that and opened his next gift. Blaise had given him a silk tie in green. Neville giving him pet toys for Angus and Hedwig. Percy got succulents from Sprout, and dress robes from Minerva.
"How did she know my size?" Percy said as he twirled in the fancy robes. Listening to his son rip into the present from Hermione, a very book shaped one.
Shrugging, Harry smiled when he found a book about potion ingredients. "Maybe it's charmed."
"That is true. Oh hey, Madam Pomfrey sent one as well." Percy laughs as he shows the wrapped present.
"You've seemed to have charmed the ladies." Harry monotonously said.
Percy blushed. "Have not." His gift was a book of medical spells. He would definitely be reading that later, if he felt up to the task.
Draco got Harry a broom-but since he can't have it at school till next year, it's been sent to his house. His dad got him tickets to theme parks for over the summer, something to do with friends. And an Xbox-which he would be working on so he could play here at Hogwarts somehow.
Percy finished off with Snapes and Harry's presents to him. Harry had made a metal Pegasus, that flew around the room when given a bit of magic. It took him months to finish it.
His last one was a letter and a quill, it was a self writing quill, one charmed to find mistakes and grade for you. Percy had laughed at the letter. Realizing the only reason Snape went through such a thing for him, was because of his spelling. Dyslexia does that sometimes.
Even if it's much better since becoming a god, it doesn't mean it didn't act up at times.
Harry's last gift was from someone anonymous, Percy had checked for any dangerous charms, but found it safe. It was a shimmery cloak.
"Well, go ahead and pull it on." Percy said as Harry stared at it. Still in his dress robes.
Standing Harry wrapped it around himself looking at his dad, who's face went wide eyed with shock. He then looked down to see only the ground and not his body.
"It's an invisiblity cloak!" Percy laughed as he watched his sons floating head.
"Woah...." Harry said amazed as he went to a mirror, he really was invisible, he pulled the hood and watched his father before moving, but he frowned when his fathers eyes followed wherever he went. "How are you doing that?!"
Smirking he closed his eyes while he layed down on the couch. "Because I'm a god you dummy. I can sense you."
Harry pouted as he took his cloak off before he smirked, and sprinted at his Dad, jumping on the man who gasped at the sudden weight.
"You really gotta stop doing that." Percy spoke breathlessly as he sighed.
"Yeah, no." Harry smirked.
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