:: Chapter 8 :: Halloween Nightmares
The day was slightly cold out but still walkable without the capes they carried around, so Harry and Draco layed out in the sun, it being their free hour before astronomy. Daphne reading a book against a tree and Blaise sitting under the same tree's shade.
Neville, a now regular among them was letting Trevor, his frog hop around freely, while also making sure the frog didn't run off again. Angus was making cute noises as it followed the frog.
Harry sighed as he felt the sun relax him with warmth he needed from the cold wind of fall. "We should start going back in huh?" He asked out loud, eyes still closed.
Glancing out of the corner of his eyes Draco looked at Harry. "We could, or we could skip."
"Considering we are first years, I don't think we should skip just yet." Daphne says as she blocks the sun from the boys who groaned at her. She only smiled and rolled her eyes. "Come on you lazy bones. It's a long way up. Maybe we'll see your dad on our way up, we have him after Astronomy remember?"
Harry sighed, she was right, but that didn't help him. Because as much as he wanted to go see his dad, he was to sleepy due to the sun to move. Suddenly, fluff was in his face making his jump up and catch Angus when he fell off his face. He heard snickering as he looked down at the puffskein affronted as it seemed to be laughing as well.
"Cmon Harry, let's go." Draco said as he clipped his cloak back on with a laugh.
Harry, sighed before getting up and grabbing his cloak. "For your information, we have lunch first before going to my dads class."
"Ah yes, can't ever forgot about the food." Blaise smirked.
Harry blushed as they all smiled at him and started their way up. He had to hurry to catch up after putting his cloak on. "Food is important!" He defended as he caught up to them, standing beside Draco.
"Especially the blue food." Neville poked in a shy smile on his face as he put Trevor into his pocket. The croaking insueing.
"Yes! Exactly! Neville gets it." Harry rolled his eyes and they all just laughed as they made their way up. Stairs upon stairs.
They were glad they left when they did, otherwise they'd have never made it to class.
Astronomy was fun for Harry honestly, he loved learning about the stars, because he loved the stories of what his father told him about them. He loved all his dads stories.
Then they went down to his dad class, so far it had been pretty fun considering it was really mundane, not much magic was taught unless it was spells that warded muggles away. Or simple charms that concealed your wand. Easy things really. He said in later years he would teach higher spells. But for now they are learning about the history from muggle perspectives, as well as magical mixed in. Everyone in the school had been talking about it all over, saying how it was interesting and about how muggles were advancing in their own ways as well.
The Ravenclaws were the most interested unless they were muggleborns-who already knew about it all. So far, they've advanced to Percy teaching them how to make electricity work with smaller devices.
Entering the class room, full of soft couches and chairs, along with tables and water, blue was the theme of the colors, and the large windows looked over the landscapes of Hogwarts. Harry smiled as he watched his dad use his magic to make the books appear in their tables.
"Good afternoon class, you nearly ready for lunch?" Percy asks as he leans casually against his desk piled with papers he had yet to grade. His dad looked tired but happy.
Everyone responded with eager nods or yeses around the room.
"Alright good, today, we'll be learning technology-muggle style. I'm trying to catch you all up to the Ravenclaws, but we all know they're just going to continue to milk me dry." He laughed as did the others. It was a Hufflepuff and Slytherin class. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were in the Astronomy tower at the moment. "Now, who knows what I mean by this-and don't respond if your know what a mobile phone is." When all hands raised Percy realized he was truly behind.
He pointed at Neville. "Radios, those work, emergency broadcasts and such bout all tho."
"Wow, only the radio? Anything else?" He ask before pointing to a Hufflepuff girl.
"Cars? Or trains?" She spoke quietly.
"You are all stuck in the late 1800's. Who knows of what a cd movie is? Or a game console, or maybe even a tv? Or how about-ah yes, this?" Percy took out his cellphone to show it to the class. They all looked confused except his Harry.
Percy wanted to laugh again, teaching was hilarious. Especially to those who think science is magical-in a way it was, but really they themselves are.
"Harry, can you tell them what I have here?" He asked him as he hoped onto his desk to dangle his legs. Standing was getting annoying.
Smiling Harry nodded. "That, is a cellphone, muggles use it to contact one another in various ways, as well as many other functions. It doesn't need buttons, only for turning up volume or turning it on and off. I have one too, but it doesn't work here."
Hands shot up around as soon as he finished, and Percy went on to answer as many as he could as well as teaching them the technologies he knew.
"So today's homework, I want you all to write out what you learned of muggle technology, as well as what is causing electronics not to work in the magical world, now off to lunch with you lot. Enjoy the rest of your day!" Percy excused them and they all started flittering out.
Draco had to drag Harry out when Percy said he was staying behind for a minute.
As they were walking and talking to catch up to the rest of their small pack, running past them was a sobbing bushy haired girl they had remembered from their classes and from their first day. Hermione, she was crying.
Hearing the laughter behind them, Harry glared up at the viciously smiling red head on the stairs. While the others actually had the decency to look guilty.
Sighing he left it as is, and would talk to her later at diner when he saw her.
Dinner came around and yet he still hadn't seen the girl. Harry was obviously worried when he kept glancing off towards the big doors trying to see her walk in.
"She'll be fine Harry, eat already. You're worrying poor Neville." Daphne chided as she flicked a piece of broccoli at him to get his attention.
Taking the green veggie out of his hair he glowered at her. "Rude, and who knows really if she's okay? All anyone's doing is gossiping about her, no ones went to help her." He huffed.
"Sounding like a Hufflepuff there Harry." Blaise said as he played with his food nonchalantly.
Deadpanning at him Harry rose a brow. "And my dad is what again?"
Draco rolled his eyes. "Hufflepuff, we know. The school is trying to figure out how you turned Slytherin if your adopted dad wasn't. I don't know, they're gossiping is annoying."
"Which adoptive father?" Harry asked confused.
They all stared at him wide eyed.
"Wait, Mr. Jackson has a partner?" Daphne asked, she loved this type of gossip the most. So she leaned forward ready for the details.
Harry scrunched up his nose, "No, James Potter was my adopted father, blood adopted me when I was 1. You know what happened next I presume-anyways, my dad-Percy." Again his nose scrunched and Draco eyes caught onto the action before looking back to the green eyes. "He adopted me when I was 7."
Frowning Neville turned to him. "Who were you with before Professor Jackson?"
They felt the intense feeling of sadness wash over them, and from the look on Harry's face, it was coming from him. "I don't want to talk about it."
"Wait, are we going to skip the fact that James Potter and Lily Potter weren't your birth parents?" Daphne whispers.
Harry shrugged as they looked at him. "I thought it would be obvious."
"No, no it's not." Draco, Blaise, Daphne and Neville spoke in union.
Before they continue that route of conversation the big doors opened with a slam, and considering who had done the slamming, it was surprising. Weak Quirell had done it. He was panting and looked pretty huffed out as he came to the middle of the hall. "Troll. In the dungeon. Ought to let you know." With that he promptly fainted.
Kids started to freak out but before they could do it for to long to hurt anyone, Dumbledore stood and motioned everyone to stay calm. "Everyone, please head to your dorms as quickly as possible. We will deal with the problem and let you know when it is safe to come back out." With that he went to leave.
"Albus." Percy spoke causing everyone to stare at him wide eyed. "I think you forget, that the dungeons is where the Slytherins dorms are. I say all of the students stay here, I will deal with the troll myself." He spoke calmly as he walked past the gaping old man. "Why there is a Troll here will be discussed later." His eyes cold as the coldest ice stared at the now pale old man.
Harry's eyes widened as he realized that Hermione was still out and about in the girls bathroom, near the dungeons. "Dad! I'm coming with you." He spoke as he ran to catch up.
"Learning only." Percy spoke, meaning he wasn't to get into it physically. He knew his son would have left him alone to deal with it, but it was probably important if he was coming with.
"You can not take a student with you, and you need more then one person to knock out with a Troll." Snape argues as he walked to catch up.
"Who said anything about knocking it out?" Percy asked as his pen transfers into its sword form as he walked out.
"Coolest teacher ever." Twin voices said.
Harry quickly followed his dad, as well as Snape in a billowing fashion.
"Harry," Percy said as he walked in a direction. He was following his gut as usual. "Explain yourself."
Snape watched as the younger adult walked with an elegant and yet determined gait, the bronze sword steady in his hands, like a wand in a expert duelers. This was a first for him. Seeing the annoying male so serious.
"Hermione, a friend of mine is getting bullied in her house by Ron Weasley. Today he said something that made her run crying and I heard she's been in the bathroom crying since. A bathroom near the dungeons." He spoke up. Serious as well.
"If I ever hear about you from my son again, with questions for 7th years, or just slandering him ever again-I will end your pitiful excuse for a life you bat. I will not tolerate anyone bullying someone, neither will my son, and neither will if anyone is bullying my son, do you understand?"
Severus remembers those words clearly at this moment, seeing how angry Harry had gotten at the fact someone was bullying someone-it made him realize he wasn't James Potter at all. He was more Lily then anything. Especially considering how advance he was in his class. Striking electric tsunami eyes met flashes in his mind. He received those eyes when Percy had come to him before dinner that night and pointed a wand to his throat this time.
His thoughts were broken when a scream echoed down the hall and they all took off running. They entered the destroyed room, to find a large smelly troll clumsily waving a club around. Water spraying everywhere from broken sinks and toilets.
Hermione, the poor girl was crying as she cowered under the last attempt to hide herself under a sink. Percy rushed forward and drew his sword through tough skin, only making the Troll angry and turn to him. But the same result of getting its attention worked.
Considering he can still die by mortal means-even if a lot slower meaning if he can heal fast enough he'll be fine-it would still hurt him to get by a club, so of course he dodged it as Snape and his son arrived.
"Hermione!" Harry called out to the girl.
"Harry!" She cried and the Trill turned to her again.
Percy huffed as he stopped the club, with his sword. "Uh no, you nasty thing, you aren't going to even try. Now, Harry, pop quiz, what has tough skin, everywhere but what place isn't?"
"It's the nemian Lion, it's tongue wasn't it?" Harry said as he crawled his way over to Hermione, even though Snape tried to stop him.
Smirking, Percy got his wand out, "Correct." With that, made the water rise and attack the Troll, drowning it easily. No remorse in his eyes as it twitched in the waters hold. Until it was still then he made the water and Troll disappear.
"Who are you?" Snape asked as he looked at Percy in shock, and in morbid curiosity.
"Who me?" Percy asked grinning lopsidedly. "I'm no other then Percy Jackson. A master of the sword."
Yet, he didn't even kill the troll with said sword now pen.
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