:: Chapter 6 :: Howarts and Professors
By an hour into nightfall, the train came to a stop, older kids trickled off and towards where they would need to go to get to the castle. While all the first years went off towards a giant male, waving a lantern all the while calling for them.
Percy had to leave with the older kids, per the letter he was given, and when he did leave. Harry became quieter like in Madam Malkins. Draco took it in stride as he to was quiet do to the fact he was also nervous-yet also excited to see Hogwarts.
The boys made it to the lake, climbed into a boat and soon had two more join them. A girl, and another boy. The girl introduced herself as Daphne Greengrass, and the other Blaise Zabini. Draco and Daphne started talking about houses as they waited, and the other two stayed quiet for completely different reasons.
Harry felt like he was being suffocated. As much as he loved his father, homeschooling didn't make him ready for this world. He wondered why his dad didn't tell him earlier, before he got his letter. But he shook his head and looked down at the dark water they rode on.
"You okay Harry?" Daphne asks as she looks at him, noticing his frown.
Blinking he looked up before shrugging at her. "I'm fine. What are the houses?" He said changing subject.
Raising an eyebrow she only let it go, for now. "The houses are what makes Hogwarts, Hogwarts I guess, it was made by four founders, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, Goodrich Gryfindor and last but most importantly, Salazar Slytherin. They were the teachers that started the school. And it's one of the best in Europe. Would be the top-if Dumbldore wasn't taking away many of the more important classes but, that's a subject for another time." Daphne waved her hand, and Harry seemed to be really interested into what she had to say.
"The houses each represent them, and their personalities. Ravenclaw is for the witted and studious, they're really smart-in one way or another. Logic and they use that a lot. Unlike Griffindor, they're brave and courageous but they always get into some dumb lucked trouble-don't get me wrong, I'm sure my Uncle Delpheus would be Griffindor and he's my favorite Uncle. Griffin it's just run in without thinking I suppose. Slytherin-cunning and ambitious. They actually think and smartly to get what they want. A lot of people take that all who go into Slytherin are bad. But really they're just more to their selves and sly. Plus it's a more prestigious house considering most that go there are from pure blooded families. We might all be in it, depends on the hat. Slytherin are really hard to describe when it's actually very versatile."
"That's the house I want to be in." Draco smirked as he turned to Harry beside him.
Smiling a little, Harry turned to him as well. "Hmm, you seem more Griffindor."
"Take that back!" Draco says affronted.
"Speaking of Slytherin and Griffindor, they're both very competitive, especially against each other. The houses are absolutely always bullying the other. It's how it's been since forever, as Godric and Salazar weren't best friends in anyway." Daphne pointed out as she smiled at Draco's outburst.
"What about Hufflepuff?" Blaise asks, monotonously as he looked to Daphne.
Blinking, she tried to keep a flush of red from escaping onto her cheeks. Shaking her head she smiled at him as she continued her house talk. "Hufflepuff is one of the best houses, though I'm not sure I'd get into it. They only get one or two students a year sometimes, but a lot have come recently so who knows? But usually, they would either fit all houses or fit none at all, they are usually the most loyal and friendliest types. They'll protect the ones they hold dear with their life. My mother told me to make sure I make friends with them-they don't bully Slytherins-they usually are the ones to stop it."
"Sounds like my Dad." Harry laughs, feeling better, he hoped he got into Slytherin or Hufflepuff. He wasn't much of a studier and he was also more sly then run into a situation.
They then turned and saw the first glimpse of Hogwarts, their eyes widened as they looked at the tall stone castle and its many towers in awe. The lights in the windows as the night surround it made it look that much better.
Harry now understood the boats.
Percy arrived with the older kids, looking like a lost lamb as he followed with them, nearly blending with the older years with how young he looks, but he didn't have a uniform. He was dressed in some casual dark blue jeans and a dark blue plaid shirt, his hoodie on one arm, covering his praetor tattoo.
He watched a woman in dark green robes and a pointy hat walk briskly towards him and he couldn't help but the ink of the lady fates. Shaking his thoughts he met her as she walked over. "Hello, Mr. Jackson I presume?" She spoke in a thick accent. Her spectacles low on her nose. She looked the epitome of a Teacher.
Smiling nervously Percy Nods. "Yes, that would be me. Nice to meet you...?"
"Minerva Mcgonagal. You may call me Minerva if you wish. Now come come, I need to get you seated before the first years attend-are you alright with being sorted? Dumbldore would like to have you sorted as a fun little introduction. You don't have to do it if you don't wish too." She spoke as she led him to the big table at the very end of the big hall that Percy was watching in slight interest. The candles to him were the best part-besides the spelled ceiling.
"I won't mind. I think it would be fun as well." He gave his answer with a smile.
His eyes roamed to the table, seeing three empty seats, straight in the middle sat who he guessed was Dumbledore himself, he smiled at the doting like grandfather-but his instincts said otherwise-he trusted them more then the old mans smile. There was a old lady in white robes, and another younger but shorter woman who looked like she just couldn't wait to get back to her plants considering her dirt covered hands.
"You'll be sitting between Quirell and Snape." Minerva said as she pointed between the male teachers towards the end, he also noticed a half goblin teacher.
"Thank you." Percy said as he tried to not look over-the supposed birth mother of his son. He did take glanced as he walked over to sit between the nervous man and the much more stoically staring one.
Percy smiled at Quirell, but the man only looked away with a nervous laugh. His turban wrapped neatly from behind as well Percy noticed.
Kids continue to poor in for a couple minutes before he finally turned to the dark robes man beside him, noticing he was larger then himself. "Snape? Is that a last name or first name?"
The old bat turned-he wasn't really old-actually he looked pretty young. His hooked nose was just part of his aesthetic. Percy thought he was an 8 in his book. The man raised a brow. "No," he purred in a deep voice. "Severus is my first name."
Percy realizing the man was trying not to keep the conversation only smirked making the mans eyebrows raise. "Oh? I'm Percy Jackson. I think we'll be good friends."
That made Snape pause before turning back o the front where the large doors to the great hall stood. "Not in a million years."
Laughing Percy turned forward as well. "You say that now-but I have time."
Snape glanced at him from his comment, frowning at his cryptic words but before he could say anything, in walked the babbling nervous first years.
Smiling, Percy was reminded the younger kids just entering their first classes at camp. Some were much younger then the first years-he took his head out of his thoughts as he watched them start sorting. Giving him an idea for camp as it went on, what if camp had a way to find which godly parent you had so you can get sorted? Of course at a certain age. Unless they're already claimed.
Shaking his head, he turned to watch the young Malfoy, who nodded at him as he sat, but before the hat could lay in the silver head, it yelled the house he was to be put in making Percy laugh into his hand as the joy jumped up with a bright smile to sit in Slytherin. He clapped for the boy. Making some stare at him.
Then, soon his son was up.
"Harry Potter."
The hall got quiet as his son walked forward nervously, he knew from the way his face didn't show anything-his eyes did tho. He smiled when his kid met his eyes and that seemed to relax him as he came forward.
"Actually, you do know my name is Potter-Jackson now right?" He asks Mcgonagal who stared wide eyed before she looked to Percy.
"Yup." Percy spoke as he stood. "That's my son. I thought you guys would have changed that when I put it in my letter. But oh well. Harry get sorted will ya? Enough with the dramatics." He smiled as he sat down again.
Harry laughed and sat on the chair. It took a second, because Mcgonagal was shocked but she put the hat on and everyone watched as the hat moved and wiggled atop Harry's head and soon a name brought chaos around the room, a silent one.
Standing Harry walked over to Draco. "Welcome to the house Harry." Draco spoke happily as he gave him room to sit beside him.
"That's my son." Percy said proudly to Snape, hoping to get a reaction-as well as he was also showing off.
All he got was a raised brow and curiosity. Not what he was expecting.
Soon as the last kid was in, Zabini, a Slytherin. Then Percy stood when Mcgonagal motioned him forward.
"Just for the fun of it, and since we all know our other teachers houses, we will sort the newest teacher of muggle studies, Percy Jackson." Dumbledore said making Percy stand to walk around the table.
Sitting on the stool Percy fidgeted before smiling at Harry who was watching with a smile himself.
The hat came over his eyes and he freaked when the hat invaded his mind. But stopped when the voice spoke.
"Don't worry, I won't touch them, just seeing the scars here is enough, I already know everything I need to know Your Majesty, you'd fit all houses but the most house you'd fit in is HUFFLEPUFF!!" Percy shrugged Ashe got up saying goodbye to the hat before waving to the cheering house table before walking back to his seat.
"With that! Let the feast begin!"
And food appeared.
The only disappointment about it for the Jackson boys, Was that it wasn't blue.
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