::Chapter 59:: Silence
It was quiet, to quiet. Harry thought as he looked around the space he was in. He knew were he was but it was odd as it wasn't where he was when he fainted in George's arms. It definitely didn't have the large windows-just tiny ones along with the sound of water-and not the sound of crying.
He was in the underwater house hut that his father had made in their lake by the lake house. He loved going in there with his father and playing some Uno, the cards were enchanted to never get wet, and they didn't go to the ceiling but stayed on the table like if they weren't in water. The windows were just open boxes where fish liked to peak in and swim around. Sometimes his dad would shoo some away, he knew why but he hated he could never talk to them like his dad did.
"Welcome Hardleear." A voice soft and airy spoke but grounding in a way that made Harry turn slowly as he stared his eyes widening as he continued to do so. "Please sit." The voice-there was no lips to speak with but it came from them-the skeletal figure cold in black sitting at the table holding Uno cards.
Hesitantly he walked forwards and sat down with a frown on his lips as cards appeared in his hands. "What's going on?"
The skull head tilted and it was eerie for Harry as he watched the bones move and the cloak flow. "That all depends on you."
"What? Who are you?" To be fair he probably should have asked that first, but he had his rights to be confused.
"I am Death. You are here Hardleear because you have died. In the arms of your mate George Weasley." Death spoke in her smooth voice as if trying to calm him before he could get upset.
Harry shook his head and stood up leaving his cards on the table. "No...no I'm not dead-I can't be!!" He denied as he walked backwards to where he appeared from. "Take me back! Right now!"
Death sighed as she stood and the environment changed to that of a barely empty bakery-the old fading into the new. "First we need to speak."
Harry looked at the new environment-but it wasn't new, he knew this place. The bakery that he had met his dad in, the place where he ran to all those years ago. The place he found family-found his future in. "Why here?"
"You're more comfortable in places that bring you happiness, did this memory not help with the patronus spell?" Death spoke as she gracefully sat stood over the figure he knew well. His father was hunched over a cup of coffee looking worn and tired-but he was smiling, a small one sure but it was aimed at his younger abused self. But he was frozen in time- everything was.
Harry wasn't going to lie and say it didn't work-as it did. He did calm down and find comfort in the memory-found happiness in the memory that helped his patronus. "I just don't get it..."
"That's why I'm going to explain it. Please-sit Hardleear. We have much to discuss." Death spoke as she sat at a table not far from his dad and his younger self.
Harry looked over the scene once more before he took a deep breath and sat at the table.
Daphne could barely breath as she looked over the edge of the broken bridge, tears blurring her vision as she barely was able to see below into the ravine that ended the intrusion of vampires into Hogwarts-but also took away Neville, sweet and kind Neville. The boy who loved plants and was always there for them-who wasn't particularly the angriest at them-the first to forgive the slytherins for their actions really.
Her eyes searched the air but found nothing-no Neville, no Magnus. She choked on a sob as she shook in place-her chest squeezed painfully as she moved back before she saw it.
Two people on a broom.
As they got closer she recognized Bellatrix-and behind her holding on tightly was Neville.
She jumped for joy as she rushed to where they would land-"Neville!" She sobbed as she hugged him to her trying to hide the fact she was crying from anyone but him. "You're okay..." she breathed in his earthy scent.
Neville breathed in deeply-shaking from his fall. "Yeah-yeah, I'm alive...thank you by the way Bellatrix."
"Anything for my godson-but nows not the time-the front courtyard needs anyone available." She spoke before nodding then turned to leave before turning back opening her mouth.
"I know-it wasn't your fault. Don't worry, I don't blame you-let's get to know each other after this yeah?" Neville spoke with a grin.
"Sounds like a plan." She smiled and off she went on her broom.
Daphne wiped her face as she moved back. "Let's get to the courtyard?" Her voice still wobbled.
Neville took her face into his hands and kissed her softly on the only place he wanted to in that moment-he did nearly just die. "Yeah-" he spoke as their lips parted. "Let's go."
She could only smile at him before everyone there retreated inside and towards where the main battle was-where they were needed was at.
Gasping for air Draco sat up with a groan-he felt his side, finding himself shirtless and cold. He looked around with a pounding headache and foggy memories of how he had got there-he could only remember Harry yelling at him to stay with him. He shifted more to sit up properly and looked around again with a better focus. Looking for his mates.
A couple cots down he found Fred holding a bandage to his head. Blood dripping from his head and shirtless as well, his skin bruising as he stared off into nothing.
Draco pushed himself off the cot and staggered over to him. "Fred." He spoke in a rasp as he stood to the side.
The blue eyes snapped to him before sighing in relief. "Draco-you're alive. Thank the gods." Fred reached out with his unoccupied arm and pulled him onto the cot, to sit between his legs, back to his chest.
"Wait-Fred you're hurt." Draco protested but hadn't much strength to do so much as fall into place with a wince.
"Yeah-but just a few scrapes and brusies from a nasty fall and things, but you seem to have a nasty slash." Fred spoke as he wrapped his arm gently to touch his side. "You shouldn't be moving around."
"You can't move can you?" Draco asked as he noticed how the blanket fell more to the bed. "Did—did you lose your leg?"
Fred chuckled. "Only half of it-it'll grow back."
The silver haired boy only frowned before he leaned gently into Fred. "Do you think Harry and George are alright?" He spoke quietly as he kept his eyes up to the ceiling so he didn't have to see the sobbing of people over bodies-like how he heard Harry to him. It still echoes in his ears. He shuddered and pulled the blanket over them both.
Kissing the top of the boys head Fred hummed his answer. "Mhm, they have to be."
Severus was angry, he was angry for the kids who had to fight. So as he fought with them he protected and shielded them the best he could.
But he started fuming when he saw the man who caused it all. The man in all his pajama robed ridiculousness walking without much care of where he stepped adding to Severus' anger. And when their eyes met did the gasoline add to fire and he started shouting spells and heading towards the man named Dumbledore.
He couldn't see much-but from the destruction, and the cloudy day, he wouldn't have been able to. All he could do was protect himself from stray spells and focus on the man who ruined so many lives. He got hit barely by a few and hit him with some of his own.
At one point it felt off-and then suddenly Dumbledore who was so close to him, somehow took his dagger and stabbed him. But when he saw the gold eyes he knew-Kronos was the one who stabbed him.
Tom wobbled as he tried to get into his senses, confused and-he looked around for Percy quickly as he stood not caring he nearly fell again as he waited for it to pass, he continued his search. Besides the obviously done battle of war-there was no Percy.
"Percy?" He croaked as he spread as much of his senses as he could. Still looking for him. "Percy?!" He screamed hoping to the gods-to Merlin that his mate was with him. "PERCY!"
No answer, he ignored the wetness as he searched anyways and to look for his mate. He went to lift a rock-when a piece of paper slipped from his hands. Landing on the rubble ridden ground. Quickly he grabbed it and his eyes searched it for any clue but instead it only broke something in him as he fell to the ground trying to not let a sob out. He breathed in deeply before he nodded-pocketed the note and was off inside Hogwarts.
He needed to see how much damage was taken-to Hogwarts and of life itself. He could smell already that they had lost many on both sides.
He stopped to look back at the bridge maybe hoping to see Percy come back then-but he didn't. So he changed focus to find Severus, to find Harry and Hermione.
When he found Severus he worried over him, but his mates healing skills and potions he would be find. Hermione was with his helping where she could.
So his search for Harry was what who he needed to find next-he knew for certain he wouldn't handle Harry's death on him along with Percy's disappearance...he had a knack for that didn't he?
"HARRY!" George-he knew from the way his eyes snapped on the red head from across the room. To him holding the smaller boy in his arms. Limp and as pale as a ghost.
Quickly he ran over beating Madam Pomfrey by a hair. They rushed him to an empty cot to find him not breathing.
He held his breath-as Pomfrey did her magic with hurried steps as she tried to bring him back before he was gone for good. He barely even got to know his son yet-if he died here-Percy wouldn't even know-he wouldn't know as he's somewhere he can't even reach.
So he held onto Harry's hands as Molly reassured her son to her-her eyes already rimmed red with tears. Her daughter lifeless on another cot, sheet covering her head.
Tom begged the gods under his breath in a mantra-any god-he names them off in his head wondering if they could even hear him. But he stopped when a sharp intake from Harry was formed and he sagged in relief. After checking with them-Harry would be fine.
Walking back to Severus, Tom hugged him closely. "I'm so tired..." Tom spoke into his lovers embrace.
"Then sleep." Severus spoke as he pulled Tom onto the cot opening his legs so Tom could sleep on his stomach easier. "We're waiting for the last round ups of stragglers, healing and then we can all have some dinner then sleep..." he spoke as his hands went through the dirty dark brown hair of his lover.
Tom hummed in approval. Before he closed his eyes. "I don't think I'd eat much."
"I don't think many will....where's Percy? Do you know?" Severus asked noticing how Tom tensed a little at Percy's name. "Tom?"
"He'll...be back soon."
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