::Chapter 57:: The End
Dragging his birth father to the mediwing, the very crowded mediwing. Made him feel sad all over again at how many people were there that he had seen in passing through out his years of school. Harry hated seeing the ones with sheets over their head showing how they had passed away. Biting his lip and ignoring his own pain-with the help of George they were able to bring Severus to an empty cot where a witch came over to do a quick examination.
Harry backed away, feeling woozy he sighed as he looked around at all the weary but relieved faces. The only sounds were of crying and silence. A silence that hit harder then that of explosions and screams of pain.
George helped Severus lay down to wait for a potion. But he would live, he looked around himself wondering if he could see Fred-or Draco, wondering if anything happened to the other youngest. "Harry, where's Draco?" His eyes turning to Harry who was staring out at all the bodies in the room that used to be so empty.
"What?" Harry asked, noticing how his body lost the energy-the adrenaline, his head starting to cloud over. "Draco? He's...he's..." tears clouded his eyes before suddenly he felt the pain all over himself his hand coming to similar wound to that of which he had screamed to when it was made on Draco.
"Shit, Harry you're hurt." George walked over and just in time to catch the boy who's breathing started to struggle. "Harry?" George was freaking out, his mate-his mate was bleeding from all sorts of cuts, so much blood was coming from him as he pressed his hands down on the ones he could see were the worst. "Harry! Stay with me-please!! I can't lose you too..."
Harry looked up with clouded eyes as his body finally register how broken it was-how much blood was lost, and his much energy he didn't have. He gasped as he tried to fight the darkness coming at him. "Hey...I love you..." he was able to muster out with a deep breath before he went quite, his eyes a dull green rolling to the back of his head before closing . His body now limp in his arms.
George started to freak out. He cried out for someone to help them, anyone-he couldn't do this again, he didn't want to see it so close. He had seen Fred blasted from him and he had no idea where his twin was-from Harry's reaction to Draco it wasn't good either. He felt it deeply in his being that something wasn't right. Tears burned his eyes as witches came over and took Harry, Harry who looked so quiet it hurt him physically as he pleaded with anyone willing to listen that Harry didn't die-that none of them had.
Hermione looked around the rubble for anyone left in it that needed help-or just to bring bodies out to be buried later. Luna beside her helping her. She hit her lip when she found Hannah Abbot her dorm mate, lifeless, dull eyes open and staring off into nothing.
She couldn't take it then. She broke down crying as she closed the girls eyes-she was one of many who had died. One of many that had gone to early.
Luna came up and took Hermione into her to cry into. Hermione hugged her close and did. They both weren't yet sure where everyone was, they worried they hoped, yet it felt like it would do nothing.
The silver blue eyes of Lunas shed tears as she looked up-as she being the seer she was didn't know how the further would be, if they were in it or not, she saw so many paths-she only could comfort her lover as she sobbed uncontrollably into her shoulder. Silently crying herself at so much death that happened.
Percy stood there clean as he was before battle, in their bedroom. At least that's what it looked like. He was twiddling with a piece of paper as he waited for Tom to wake up. He too was cleaned up. His eyes roamed his lovers face and he smiled as his hand found a way up to trace the lines and the brows, to his lips before he leaned down to kiss them.
"Mm" Tom responded as he kissed back bringing Percy closer before Percy pulled away with a laugh. Tom blinked as he woke up some more, confused as he found himself in their room at home. When the last thing he remembered was being grabbed by power rich tendrils of ink into some black hole of nothingness. "Wait what's going on?"
Sighing, Percy sat on the bed, facing away and out the windows. It was peaceful out there. Unlike how his head was as he frowned down at his hands. Before he turned and found Tom sitting up and beside him with a face full of confusion and worry. His chest hurt. Tears spring to his eyes as he turned to grab hold of his lovers face. "I'm about to do something you guys-you guys won't like."
Tom held Percy's hands searching his face for what he meant. Their hands now holding each other. "Percy-"
"Hey, you know how I said to wait to say the thing?" Percy whispered as he met their foreheads together.
"What?" Tom asked completely bewildered-even though he knew what Percy meant, his heart raced as he noticed tears falling down the angelic face he memorized well when he couldn't sleep at night.
Quickly Percy kissed him before he could say anything else passionately-putting everything he could into it and Tom reciprocated it. Their hands never unlocking. That is until he felt his hands go through Percy's as if he was nothing but vaper. Toms eyes opened to stare wide eyed at the image of Percy smiling as he moved back, tears like glitter on his face, shimmering as they ran down.
"I love you." Percy choked out and then he was gone. Tom searched for him in the room, finding that he wasn't there. He got up and tripped to find himself on the bridge of Hogwarts. Staring forward at the distraction, towers missing, bridges gone, and the bodies of enemies and Allies alike.
He didn't know what to do but scream for Percy, his lover, his best friend, his mate...
"What have you done?" Ends voice spoke out as he searched with unknown ways for Tom. Finding he was blocked of the view of earth. No access granted to him.
Percy smirked as he was returned to his bloody dirty state, back to being pinned to the ground with a spear. Unable to live with the weight of the power being stricken from him. "What? Don't like how I ruined your plans? I can handle pain bud-I can handle it for centuries."
"Then you will-for eternity Perseus Jackson-along with it, you will feel every pain of death-of every end of life of the friends you have made, of the people who followed you into battle and of the ones you loved most." End spoke with a snarl yet was oddly calm as he sat back and watched as the process began. Satisfied to watch Percy suffer.
And suffer Percy did-silently-even as he cried over the deaths, the memories that weren't his own...he knew he would not break just yet.
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