::Chapter 56:: Blindesided
Gods and Titans battled fiercely as Percy flew around like a surfer on a broom-he would have called for Blackjack but the Pegasus was currently in America still. And it would be a minute before he got there anyways.
Quickly dodging oncoming rocks-he swiped down at the giant who threw said rock at him-water coming out from the ground in large gushes and quickly sharpening in a way only he could do with water-except maybe his father Poseidon-and ended the giants life easily. A lot easier then when he was a simple demigod-but now he was a god. So it worked out for him.
Tom was in the spray of the more mortal enemies were-a dagger of his own for the Greek monsters and a spell for the wizarding. He was tearing threw with focus-to much so as he felt himself get lifted into the air. Percy zooming him away when a hole opened in the ground-his water saving the allies not fast enough to get out of the way.
"Thanks..." he spoke as he took that moment to catch his breath and making him realize how tired he was. "How's it going?"
"Good as it can be-Get ready-" Percy spoke as he got ready to drop his mate off at another location farther from the titans and gods in their larger forms fighting it out.
"Got it." Tom readied to land but instead of the gentle landing he thought would happen when they got closer-they were instead falling to the middle of enemies forces. "Percy?!" He yelled as he turned in the air to see what happened from the sudden shift. He found his lover falling head first with a bloody wound in one shoulder.
As quick as he could he grabbed the smoking broom and dived after him. Barely catching him enough to roll and knock enemies over. He yelped and groaned when they stopped tumbling. He could feel the leg he broke fix it's self as he tried to stand quickly. Percy groaning himself as he wobbly got up.
"Are you okay Percy?" Tom asked worriedly as he quickly stabbed a hellhound in the head. It turning to golden dust in time for him to see Percy move his hand in a slashing motion and several enemies die by the sharp water he had created.
"I could be better." Percy groaned as he felt his own wounds try to heal.
Tom got backed into Percy as They found themselves surrounded with no other way out but to fight. "Yeah-yeah it could be."
Then back to back they fought-Percy broom was down for the count as it split in half upon impact. And he found himself thinking that it would be nice to be able to fly on his own to get him and Tom out of such a situation.
His thoughts were interrupted as grumbling of the ground started and the air around them got thick with power-causing monsters to back up and wizards to run off.
And Percy was Blindsided by the sudden emergence of a portal and the tendrils of ink that spilled out grabbing Tom and pulling him in with a shout form the male himself. Percy following into the portal soon after. In a rush-ignoring the fact that it would very well be a trap for him.
The wards were up-the fighting inside had paused-everyone pumped on adrenaline looked around. Some just stood there as they wondered what exactly to do. Some cried over dead family or friends. Some were rushed to the mediwitches.
Some just sat and waited.
Like Harry. He was lack of much emotion. Besides anger and resentment as he looked out at the chaos of debris and death. He bit his lip as the sudden sadness washed over him.
"Hey-do the wards look-strange..." Ron asked beside him. Having stood there with him.
Harry frowned as he looked up at the shimmering wards that had only been up again for an hour at most-he watched in horror as the wards seemed to age-weaken and-"The wards are going down-THE WARDS ARE GOING DOWN!"
Everyone heard and relayed it and got ready all over again. Some running back out with frenzied looks.
Ron and Harry got ready-then they were down.
Then they were fighting. Again. For their lives and for Hogwarts. For the kids inside, for the injured...For those not with them anymore.
A war cry spilt out of Harry as he ignored the sting in his eyes as he slashed his dagger and spouted spells left an right at whoever dared tried to stop him as his eyes landed on a man with gold eyes.
He stopped for a moment on the bridge there. Noticing how everything had stopped. Time had stopped. Spells in mid air. Some clashing some hitting targets. Rocks stalled in mid throw. People in mid shout. Harry wondered if they too couldn't move but could see what was happening.
Harrys eyes zoomed in on the person that was still moving. Smirking at him.
"Harry...I would say it's a pleasure but it really isn't." The man simply spoke as he made his way closer to him.
It wasn't Dumbledore-he knew that-but he thought Kronos would still be in that body-that he didn't change it unless-he found a better person to inhabit. He wanted to say something but couldn't.
That he wouldn't be able to stop time like this. How was he supposed to face this man? This primordial?
Kronos stopped in front of him and looked down at him in disgust. "Mixed blood-so much mixed blood. Four fathers-one mother does smell strong on someone. Though one father makes you connected to me...makes you a link to him...if I have you-your father will come right back into my hands." Blood started to leak from his nose though he didn't pay much attention to it. He only seemed slightly annoyed.
Harry twitched his fingers-and before Kronos could grab him he was able to shoot a spell and he was able to move.
"You-" he spluttered angrily.
Harry didn't care he just started throwing spells watching as time started to work again the more he did so-and the more the vessel Kronos was using weakened. From the divine power they held inside-the poison in which was killing his vessels so quickly. Was him.
So it made it easy for Harry to push him back....then everything was going back to normal speed.
Kronos realizing this left the body he inhabited. And he was back in Dumbledore who was fighting with Severus at the moment in time only a few feet away-in close range-Kronos quickly took over and shoved the man away before shoving the knife into the man.
Harry watched on in horror just as he had for Draco he screamed with so much anger that Kronos turned to him with a smirk. Before the gold eyes went to a pouch and brought out a potion vial filled with the golden ichor of his other father.
Feelings-rushed out of Harry-anger and contempt-yet aching sadness and guilt consumed him as well. Harry decided it was enough as he charged forward having thrown a expelliarmous knocking the wand from his hand. He felt satisfied a little bit when Kronos seemed annoyed by that.
His dagger turned into a sword and he held it like Percy taught him and they started going at it-Kronos having somehow found himself a sword. They backed each other up until the other found a way to reverse their situation. And it went back and forth- Harry struggling the most as he wasn't a master swordsmen like his father was. He was possibly average with no experience-not a lot anyways-of course he'd be struggling.
He held in his pain when he was sliced or cut by the primordials blade. He did make noises when they continued onwards-he growing tired and the man was stronger and getting more so as ichor ran threw his veins.
Before he could react he was on his back-with the top of a sword at his throat and his own transforming back into a dagger and clattering away from him.
"You really are irritating. Just like your father. Like your mother..." Kronos spoke with a growl through Dumbledores own voice. "I really should just kill you..."
Harry huffed as he glared up with so much hatred he was bursting at the seams. "Go fuck yourself." He spit out.
The man twitched before he lifted his sword only to get pushed to the side by a large wiggling form as it strikes fully intent to kill the man.
"Nagini!" Harry yelled in surprise as he turned on all fours to watch as she bit over and over-until her head was taken away from her body in a slashing sweep of the sword. "NO!" He watched her body go limp. He looked up wide eyed as Kronos groaned and gurgled.
"No!" The primordial yelled out as blood poured from his wounds and throat-Nagini's attacks had struck with her venom and precision that wounded the mortal body of Dumbledore. "NOOOOO!!" He screamed in anger before gold dust flowed from him and the body of Dumbledore fell limply.
Word spread of Dumbledore and Kronos being gone and the monsters that were sided with them-the wizards and creatures-retreated with Harry's Allies following behind to make sure they left.
Tears were in Harry's eyes as he stood bleeding-before he remembered Severus and ran over to the man who lay gasping and holding the knife wound.
"No, please-no," Harry spoke gently as he kneeled beside him.
"H-Harry..." Severus groaned trying to get up.
"Don't! You'll make it worse-we won practically anyways-I'll get you to the mediwitches-just stay with me okay?" Harry sobbed. He felt like he was losing everything he cared about-even if he hadn't just yet. "Please just stay Papa..." he spoke with a warble.
Severus' breath caught in his throat before he was smiling at his boy. "I'm not going anywhere Harry-besides to a mediwitch-" he laughed but then groaned as he was helped up.
"Harry!" Said boy whipped his head around to George by himself running over-dirty and wounded, an ear missing from his head but okay-if not frantic looking.
"George!" Harry smiled happy to see him-trying really hard not to let tears go down his dirt smeared face. Then he frowned as George didn't look to happy to see him-relieved yes-but something happened-"Where's Fred?"
George quickly helped with Severus who was also wondering what was going on-"I...I don't know." He spoke up.
Closing his eyes briefly Harry nodded. "Let's regroup inside then-see...see who's all left."
Percy screamed in pain-he had been doing that for what felt like hours. He was chained and kneeling before the large entity before him. Clad in dark armor and shining red eyes looking down at him. It felt like the months of his draining of power-that's what this was-he was being drained or cut off from what ultimately came from inside him. It felt like something was painfully being pulled out but sticking like glue to him.
He huffed when it paused-his head pounded and his body was sore-a large sword speared him in the middle-to speed things up the Entity had said in that dark echoey deep voice that made him want to throw up again-glad it at least disappears from the ground the moment it reached-he had nothing more to throw up anyways.
"This will be a lot easier if you just let it happen." The voice spoke as he tilted his head.
Percy grunted coughing but looked up defiantly. "Never."
"Hmm," the voice got closer as it leaned down. It's face a shroud of black shadow and only the red orbs for eyes much much closer now. "Do you want him to live?" He spoke as his head tilted to where Tom was-limp and out of commission.
Percy faltered as he didn't like the implication that he presented-at least he assumed it was a he with the voice and all-but you can always be wrong. "Don't touch him." He garbled.
"Then give me what I want-" He spoke and leaned back.
Percy winced as the drain began again. He coughed when a faint spell hit him but he was back before anything else. He groaned. "W-wai-wait a s-second...." He breathed easier as it stopped again. "Let me speak to him before..." he huffed as he looked down defeated.
"Good choice." The voice bellowed and Percy couldn't help but feel useless then and there. At least he could save Tom...save someone he loved unlike before...
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