::Chapter 53:: Rest
there will be smut ahead at some point in this chapter. I will put a warning before, and let you know when it's ended-and if there's anything you will miss during those parts that you may not be comfortable with, there will be a short nondescriptive summary if needed.
Anyways enjoy 😉
Percy bit his lip hard enough for it to bleed but it healed quickly and that gave him a minute to decide, he lowered his sword and put his wand away. "We'll talk."
"Perfect. Henry, take Harry here for me." Kronos spoke as he threw Harry at the wizard-Harry tried to escape but this time there was a knife to his throat, another wizard came up and put his foot on The very still Draco and a wand to the boy.
"Percy..." Tom spoke quickly as he tried to stop their mate.
Percy looked at him. "Take care of things here." His eyes met Toms and they seemed to speak before he was walking away and following the old man into the woods some and out of view of his worrying mates.
Harry's breathing was getting faster and he knew he was about to have a panic attack if it held up the way it was going. He ignored the sting in his eyes as he stared at Draco's still form. His chest hurt as he tried to see if he could tell if the boy was alive or not. Trying to keep tears from his eyes the longer he stared.
"Henry Adensone," Lucius spoke up as he stared at the man holding Harry with a knife. "I didn't think you of all people would join a cause like Dumbledores." He spoke calmly as his eyes flicked between the two people holding the kids.
"Shut up Lucius, he promised us eternal life. Can't pass that up." Henry grinned like a fool.
Harry's eyes met Toms who he noticed was watching with rapt attention. "Pops..." he spoke in a pinched hoarse voice and winced when the knife came closer as Henry told him to shut up.
"Watch it you fool..." Tom warned the wizard his heart racing in his chest-not only was his child in an enemy's hand-but his mate was with the enemy and out of sight.
Severus glared harshly as he looked around before his eyes met Toms. "Let's talk about this for a moment...." He held his hands in placating manner.
"Talk about what?" Henry asked the knife loosening around Harry's throat as his attention turned to Severus.
"About how Dumbledore can't make you immortal-Percy can though...and if you save his son, then maybe he'll grant it to you as soon as today." Severus lied straightly as he kept eye contact and didn't move a muscle.
Toms's eyes twitched as he just wanted to hurry this along. He watched the knife lower away safely from Harry's neck.
"Really?" He asked dumbly.
Harry's eyes met with Tom's again. "Do you trust me Harry?" He spoke softly. Not even being paid attention to by the wizard holding Harry.
Harry stared deeply at his father. Did he?
"Don't be shtupid Henrey! They'll just blast ya the minute ye set da boy free." The other holding Draco spoke as he looked away and to Henry with a glare.
Tom watched Harry nod slightly and smiled at his boy, "Lucius...." His head tilted to the wizard who spoke up and then lifted his wand as did the other father and in a split second chaos ensued.
Percy kept a tense stance as he faced the puppet with golden eyes. It reminded him a lot of the first war he painfully went through... He watched wordlessly as the wrinkled hands smoothed over the wood of the wand owned by the old headmaster of Hogwarts.
"You wanted to talk, so talk." He spoke casually leaning on a tree. Ears straining to hear anything from the group left behind.
"Always so pushy." Kronos chuckled and it sounded odd with the face to match it for now. "I just need you on my side this time."
Percy glowered. "And why did you think I would join you as easily as that? You do realize what I am now right?" Percy leaned off the tree his eyes staring down the man. Staring down on Kronos and gods did the primordial feel that.
Glowering himself now Kronos continues. "I'll set your son free-and the other thing, as soon as I win of course."
"Ah, I see you need me to win because you know you'll lose," Percy spoke with a smirk filling out his lips.
Kronos growled. "I will not lose-but you will lose everything before I have you in my clutches again, broken like you were when I had you in my grasp."
Percy's eyes shown brightly as his anger roared up and into existence. "Oh? Do you really think you can handle me at my most broken? And angered? You see, the only reason I lived when Gaia came with her army of giants and monsters was because I lost everything...and I won't let that happen ever again. So you better be prepared to die...for the third time."
Snarling Kronos attacked him and Percy easily dodged and kicked the man at the same time. The man now lower than before, easier for him to look down on the old man. "You never learn..." he spoke. Then he heard battle where he left and then silence again soon after it started up. He felt out and smirked. "Seems we've won already..."
Kronos yelled and was up and this time Percy didn't have time to dodge instead he was stabbed-which surprised him as he didn't see any knife-and Thrown into a tree holding his stab wound.
"You will pay for this dearly Perseus," Kronos spoke with an angered face and then disappeared with a pop.
"Right Grandpops," Percy sighed alone as he held his wound. "Dam, that hurt." He pushed from the tree before spinning and getting ready to fight when someone came running in his direction but found it was only his mate Severus coming to get him.
He breathed in relief when he was told both Harry and Draco are fine.
"Now!" Tom yelled and blasted Henry away with a spell that turned him to ash, the knife dropping with a wrinkle to the leaves, and a spell from Lucius hit Draco's looming wizard.
Chaos began as spells were thrown about again, but the surprise attack from them gave them an edge and they were all being quickly dealt with as Tom made his way to Harry easily. The boy was already at Draco's side checking on his with Severus. He quickly and swiftly killed another wizard that dared try to attack them as they worked on Draco.
"He's fine Harry, just a good jinx to him but he should be fine." Severus spoke as Tom protected them.
"Thank Merlin..." Harry sighed as he let a few tears free as he held Draco close to him.
Severus looked around and saw that their party was winning and turned to Tom. "I'm going to look for Percy."
"Alright, stay sharp." He spoke.
Severus ran off after making sure Harry was alright and found Percy quickly enough. He was facing him with his sword out and a hand to his abdomen. He then fretted over him as they walked back. "You're bleeding, you need to be stitched up." Severus reprimanded as he held Percy in a bridal carry, not caring that Percy whined about it.
"It'll be healed in a few hours. Would heal faster if with some ambrosia and nectar but I unlinked the vault so we will just have to be careful-and maybe have a good shower or bath." Percy spoke as he held onto his mate, a bit embarrassed at being carried even though he could definitely walk.
"Still, we have to take care of it properly." Severus spoke, not letting him on onto the relief he felt at knowing he'd be fine. It still worried him to find him stabbed in the forest.
They came back to where their party of everyone was and it seemed everyone was okay just tired, Draco was awake now and Harry was taking care of him as their fathers watched on carefully.
Percy sighed in relief himself when he saw Harry and Draco perfectly fine, even laughing. He smiled as he laid his head on Severus' shoulder. "Let's go home." He spoke up, and everyone agreed.
::Warning:: smut starting here
Draco was surprised as soon as they were home and in Harry's room, he was being kissed heatedly. He kissed back of course, grabbing the back of Harry's head with one hand as the other wrapped around the boy's waist to pull him closer if that were even possible with how close they already were. His lips moved sluggishly as his head still was dizzy but he didn't let Harry move away, knowing that both of them would run out of air soon enough.
Harry whined in his throat as Draco stuck his tongue in and he was able to get a bit of air. Soon they pulled apart to gasp into each other. They just stared then as if they seemed to be waiting.
In walked the twins-more like they ran in but stopped when they saw the position the two younger boys were in. "Oh, are we interrupting the two who were just hostages?" George spoke with a bit of a frown.
"Yes and not anymore we aren't," Draco spoke as he quickly, carefully pushed Harry to the bed, him flailing as he landed on his back. "Care to join us?" He spoke as he climbed over a red blushing Harry.
"Might as well." Fred clapped his brother's back as his eyes watched as Draco unbuttoned Harry's shirt.
George sighed but decided to join after locking and silencing the room. "Yes, might as well." He rolled his eyes fondly at his brother before he found him and his twin watching Draco and Harry with feverish eyes.
Harry and Draco could feel their eyes roam their bodies as they kissed and tugged on clothes to get rid of the materials blocking what they wanted. Harry gasped away when Draco pinched a nipple that was exposed to the air. His button-up shirt was thrown towards the twins who just shoved it out of their view and left it in the ground in a crumpled mess.
Soon the two were in their boxers and rubbing their selves together with moans and laughs as they forbid the twins to join now until Harry and Draco were prepared properly by each other. The twins couldn't hold out as they watched them try-forgetting why they rushed in here earlier to reprimand the two for going on the more adult mission. Even if the two would be technically adults in a couple more weeks-at least for Harry.
Before either could get a second finger in each other with lube-covered hands, a twin was grabbing each of them and laying them side by side.
"Naughty boys..." George spoke first as he grabbed Harry's hands rubbed them clean with a towel.
"Making us wait-we can't anymore though." Fred spoke as did the same for Draco.
Draco sputtered as he tried to find words at the sudden actions of the twins. "You were supposed to wait!" He spoke finally as he took his hands away and tried to turn on to his stomach but was back on his back with a hand to his chest.
"Yes, you two were not supposed to go to the lake house." Fred gently reminded, muttering something and his hand became wet with lube as he quickly stuffed them into Draco before he could say anything else.
The boy squeaked cutely to the twins and Harry. Before Harry himself shouted a bit in surprise from watching the two beside him and not to George who was smirking as he moved his fingers slowly into Harry. The naked boys groaned and whined as they were played thoroughly with by the twins. Before they were ready enough.
Draco and Harry held hands as both well-endowed twins entered them, they cried out at the same time as well when the Twins seemed to have found their good spots at the same time and hit them dead on.
"Wa-wait!" Draco spoke having not expected it. And how Fred was starting to pick up the pace, as was George to Harry.
"Nn-ah, wait!" Harry spoke as he to was getting overwhelmed a bit but he liked it all the same.
"On what angels?" Fred asked as he slowed to hear them out, even if he enjoyed their little whimpers.
Draco whined as slow seemed even worse to him, "I think it's too much." He gasped out. His hand not occupied by Harry's holding his eyes closed in embarrassment. His cheeks flushed darkly with color.
Fred smirked. "Can you handle it?" He asked as he stopped deeply inside.
"I don't think I can handle it at all or more like never-but I think I can't handle you not moving more than when you do move-" Draco gasped when Fred started up again faster this time. "Wai-slow..." Draco's hand squeezed Harry's as his toes curled.
Harry couldn't form any sentences-as George wasn't going to listen like Fred did-which he didn't mind but it drove him mad with the buzzing and the heat pooling in his stomach. His only hold onto the sheets and Draco's hands for dear life as he cried out each time he hit that spot inside him hard enough to see stars.
"I-ah, I'm com-coming." Harry gasped as he tried to hold himself together even though he felt like he was falling apart.
George smiled. "Good boy."
Harry couldn't help but cum after that comment. His back arched as he gasped sharply and whined as he did so. Before collapsing back, rocking softly as George rode him out of the high pleasure before he stopped and groaned himself, coming into the boy he held himself in.
Draco's ears tingled as Fred fucked him slower than George did Harry, he could tell when the bed stopped its shaking and only rocked. He was close to his own hand still on his face as his whines got closer and closer to moans and gasps.
His hand was grabbed by Fred and put beside him as he was roughly thrusted up into while his eyes met the blue of his Twin. "Gotta see that pretty face when you cum oh so prettily darling." Fred grinned as he moved.
Draco whined at him as that seemed to be what he needed. He was coming, clenching hard on Fred enough for him to groan and cum with him. They gasped at each other as they came down from the gentle ecstasy.
"Alright, I'm down for a round two, you?" George asked Fred.
Fred smirked as he pulled out still hard, enjoying Draco's soft gasp at being left empty. "I suppose."
They then switched sides. Harry's legs met Fred's shoulders as he was gently and slowly entered, while George grinned and thrust deeply and quickly into Draco not giving the boy time to render that a round two had begun. But you won't hear them complaining now.
Percy sighed as he melted into the large bath connected to their shared room. He was fully submerged laying at the bottom of it, if he raised his arm he'd have only a few fingers out in the warm air. Cold to his wet fingers. He closed his eyes as he tried not to let today's events go to his head, but it was seemingly impossible for him.
He sat up, his eyes coming out of the water to see who had walked in, and found it was Severus. The man was already naked, and he enjoyed the view. Built smooth stomach and a patch of hair that led down in a happy trial. He bit his lip as he tried not to say something.
"Percy? Mind if I join?" Severus asked as he came to the stairs that led up into the bath.
Getting onto his knees to be more out of the water to speak he nodded instead as he suddenly got shy, he knew why to as the man smirked at him as he walked into the pool bath.
Percy went under again and closed his eyes. His thoughts suddenly going back to today's events-he popped back up with a sigh.
"What's wrong?" Severus asked as he looked at the soaps on the ledges. His eyes caught the frown on his lover's face.
"Noth-what?" Percy asked as he was taken into the man's arms and sat on his lap while sitting on the seats that were on the edges of the wide bath. His face turned red at the space between their bodies, or more like the nonexistent space between them.
"Obviously you're feeling guilty over what happened." Severus spoke as he rubbed Percy's back gently.
Percy shivered in the soft movements on his skin. "Yes, if I hadn't-Ah wait-what?" He gasped when he felt the man grind up into his now hardening member. "Sev," he moaned.
"If you hadn't wanted to keep the vault of infinity from them, yeah?" Severus spoke up.
Percy nodded as he tried to get away so they could talk. "Yes-but wha-ah" he pouted as he was shushed every time with a thrust to his groin.
"Nope, no-not your fault. No one blames you, it needed to be done. It's fine Percy-everything and everyone is fine. So no, don't even think it's your fault." Severus spoke kissing him gently.
"What he said." Tom spoke having joined them as he walked in, in all his naked glory and walking gracefully into the pool-like tub. "Are we going to have to pleasure you all night for you to understand? That sounds like fun..." Tom smirked as he came behind and kissed the male's cheek. Water lapped at the top of his thighs.
Percy went on to argue that it wouldn't do anything. But was stopped when he felt a finger probing him from behind. "Mm-Tom!" He yelped when the finger went in with the help of the water. He could feel it wiggle inside him as it pulled out and pushed back in easily enough that Tom added a second.
"Yes, love?" Tom spoke in his ear as he played with his rear. Severus enjoyed the faces Percy pulled.
"Really?" Percy whined as he shook in excited pleasure. Severus started to play with his member under the water and it was just making him clutch to the man's shoulders more as he tried to move but was stopped as both had one hand on either hip to keep him in place. "Please..." he begged when all the toying with him made him swell with eagerness.
"Alright dear, Severus is going first today." Tom spoke as he added another finger. "Then you'll have your fun." He nibbles on an ear as Percy whined as the fingers push into him and spread to widen him.
"Oh?" Severus spoke at the news as he stopped playing with Percy when Tom found that he was ready. "Here, sit on the ledge of the tub. Percy think you can please Tom as I have you any way I want?" He asked as he produced them in a position where he could enter Percy while Tom's member would be in bendable reach.
Percy moaned as he felt Severus already begun to enter, but he nodded as he bent over, and it somehow made it easier for Severus to enter him so he shakily held onto Toms open knees before grabbing the hardened member easily with wet hands before he was bending over and putting it into his mouth, Toms moan of surprise had him getting off to it as well, his tongue following veins and licking when it wasn't down his throat.
Tom watched with fervor as Percy sucked him off as Severus stilled to watch as well, before his eyes zoomed in at the area where Severus was moving now, in and out with ease. The water lapped at them with the thrusts just beginning. Tom's hand came up and into Percy's hairs to keep the man on his member as he watched him get thoroughly used from behind. Severus had picked up speed and the water was splashing out of the tub by that point. He leaned forward, carefully over Percy and Severus leaned in and they kissed over Percy.
Percy felt a bit blank and yet overfilled as the heat in his stomach felt hotter than ever before when he was with his mates, he moaned into Toms cock as he grabbed the man's thighs in an attempt to tell Severus to slow down or he'd explode but his head was kept in position by Toms hand, which he didn't mind-he just felt like he was going to go crazy. He moaned again and then Tom groaned as he moved Percy off him only from him to cum on his face instead of in the water as he wanted. And what a sight it was. His member already starting to harden at the look.
"Oh, gods!" Percy's voice cracked as he held tightly to Tom's legs ignoring how Tom started to wipe at his face.
"Coming!" Severus grunted as he wrapped his arm tightly around his waist and bent over him to thrust harshly into him to chase his upcoming orgasm.
Percy whined as he was filled and he filled the water with his own seed. "Oh good gods...." He spoke as he tried to stand on shaky legs but found himself being turned around after Severus exited him and being stuffed casually again. He mewled as his hands scrambled for something to hold, and found Severus' shoulders.
He was kissed on his neck by Severus as Tom started to plow into him. He started whining as he knew that night he'd be in bed or the tub with them all night considering Severus was already hard again.
But he didn't mind. Actually, he quite enjoyed himself too.
::warning::: alrighty it's done. Summary below.
Basically, The twins arrived worried over the two, they have fun together the four of them-that will last a few rounds
Percy was feeling guilty over Harry's and Draco's situation during the lake house. But Severus and Tom won't let him and decide to distract him with you know what.
That's about it-I hope that helps.
I'll be trying to update as soon as I can.
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