::Chapter 51:: Conseqences
This is basically a slight warning as well as catch up on those who didn't read last chapter so you understand the content.
This chapter will have graphics not in the same way but more gore-ish and heavy amounts of blood mentioned.
Last chapter was basically kids are back at school, Dumbledore is not headmaster but Snape is-couple months later, a bored Percy in a large house with sexual tension. Things tend to get spicy so it did. They did the do. Percy is a brat basically.
That's about it. I don't even know how many words were in it cause it's glitched.
Anyway, enjoy the story.
Harry smirks as he reads the paper, finally back in Slytherin graces considering who his actual father is-only those who knew knew, and those who didn't were pestered to leave it alone unless told otherwise.
But back to the paper, the front picture of a moving angry Dumbledore throwing spells at aurors was quite the spectacular sight to see, it caused so much ruckus for so many people who saw it. When he looked up most of Griffindor were paler then pale. He snickered into his hands. He was elated to say the least. There were columns and columns in the paper of people who took purges and found out, remembered everything the man did to them. Some children were pulled out to get purged as well. And oh the things that came out then....
So many families were hurt by the man, and it wasn't just Harry, Ron and Neville, just about half the school and most if not all the teachers. Mcgonagal had been in such shock for such a long time classes were put on self study with Professor Flitwick or Madam Sprout until she recovered from her shock.
Everything was pretty good in Harry's book, things were turning out well for his side of things and that's all he could ever ask for. If he didn't control himself, he was sure he'd let out a happy trill. That would be embarrassing, at least for him.
Draco slithered a hand around his boyfriends waist and gave a peck to the wild silky black hair that came with him. "What are you snickering about?" He asked softly into the sensitive ears of his mate.
Blushing ruby red Harry rolled his eyes and put his paper down, unlike the rest who's noses were still in the thin pages and eyes bulging with each word they read. "I'm just happy he's getting the karma he deserves."
"Me too, I'm just worried on what this means for our ministry considering the things coming out about some of the higher ups as well as Dumbledore." Draco popped a strawberry into his mouth as his eyes looked down on the papers moving pictures, then frowned. "And the raids...."
Harry frowned then as well. "I know he's not doing them-from what we've been told it's a farce...."
"What's a farce?" Daphne spoke up as she finally welcomed herself to the table halfway through breakfast, looking more tidied up then any normal morning person. Her eyes glancing at the papers with a frown coming to her own lips.
"The Raids in Voldermorts name." Harry spoke quietly so not to spook anyone outside of the four of them-Blaise eating casually beside Draco. Theo he supposed was still sleeping as that was normal for the boy.
"Is that any of our business? I'm sure your parents will figure out something to do before it gets out of hand Harry. But we're just kids-or at least we should be. We have one more year of school. One more summer between it. Let's just live the best we can. There's been so much going on through the years it's kind of hard to be normal again." Daphne sighed as she buttered her toast.
Shrugging Harry looked up at the floating unlit candles- considering the large windows let in the morning sun easily enough, they didn't need to be. "I suppose. I guess I'm just worried. We've already been involved thanks to that loon on the front page..."
"I'm sure everything will go smoothly." Blaise spoke up his eyes meeting Daphnes, who smiled at him.
Draco and Harry's eyes met then and smirked. "Right." Draco spoke up his smirk still on his face.
"What?" Daphne spoke up confused.
"Oh nothing." Harry grinned.
Tom sighed heavily. The papers and the board behind him that showed the attacks and moves of Dumbledore and ichor drunk wizards was a massive web of destructional death. So many innocents lost for both sides. The spider web kept getting more intense by the day with increasing casualties.
He remembered going to one as a fake Auror with Blacks help, seeing the young wizard scared and juiced up on the god blood. Dying slowly from the inside out, crying blood as they begged for someone to help them. In any way they could, and they tried until their very last breath. He watched Black fall apart to Remus when he thought no one was watching, and how he looked at Percy and knew he'd never tell the man what his blood did to the mortal wizards. Even if he knew Percy had his suspicions.
He needed to act, to show it wasn't him-at least not the fake him-or the one Dumbledore made of him.
So he did something drastic.
He appeared in Diagon alley. As his alter form, the noiseless mask in place enough that it made him itch in distaste. The screams made him cringe as he waited with his trusted colleagues.
His eyes notice how some looked at him with confused scared curiosity. He recognized some from the paper as those who got purges. If he was correct he supposed.
His eyes turned to the sudden appearance of the aurors. And before they could start blasting their spells like the nimrods some of them may be-he spoke. "I am not here to fight but to clear my name." He amplified into the whole of the alley, everyone leaning in to here more. "I am not the one responsible for these attacks and have never been-I too was purged...I too am innocent. This is not even my real form as I had thought for so many years. Too many years. I will take the truth serum to show that I am not faking or lying to any witnesses-to as many as possible. More the better." His body of Noseless gone and his original taking its place slowly as he spoke.
Shacklebolt stepped forward with a frown. "Who's responsible for these claims?" He asks with a question in his eyes. He recognized the man in front of him from the Yule fiasco-who would have thought the man to be Voldermort.
"Do you mean who is responsible for the crimes against me?" Tom asked slowly as he judged the man in front of him silently-also recognizing him. When he nodded he continued speaking. "The one person that everyone is claiming did something to them, none other then Dumbledore himself..."
Gasps were heard all around from all. Their eyes big eyed in shock. Someone even screamed and fainted. Tom would laugh at that later, but for now he was focused on the fact a spell was aimed right at him and coming at high speeds. Easily he threw a shield up and shot another in the direction it came. Causing a Wizard in black robes to fall like stone in a paralyzed position. Hand out with a spell on their lips not complete.
"Seems you have a rodent infestation Mr Shackle correct?" Tom asked.
"Shacklebolt." He said with a even larger frown as he looked at the auror. The evil sneer from the auror a haunting image to him.
"Right, I will see you all in a week at noon for a court hearing under Lucius Malfoy. Farewell." With that they apperated out and back to their base of operations.
"Lovely, now I have to go get a court room in said week at noon." Lucius spoke as he walked past Tom who chuckled.
"A court room? For what?" Percy asked as he came in at that moment, a brow raised in question at Tom. His arms folding like his moms would when he got in trouble. His eyes narrowed on Tom who looked away from him. "Tom...what the hell did you do?" And Percy couldn't help the way his voice raised in slight fear from the thought of something bad had happened.
Tom sighed and brought a hand to his face before he started walking gently up towards Percy. "It's nothing really-I have the greatest lawyer-or well of the magical kind to my aid. I will be cleared of the name Voldermort as well be innocent again...." He slowly trailed off when Percy's frown deepened as much as it could.
"So your sayin-that you went out and outed yourself-however you did it. Got a court date, without telling me or Severus? Did you even plan it out with anyone? Or did you think it would work perfectly?" Percy spotted off as he backed away from Tom who was trying to take Percy's hands into his own.
"Look love, I knew you two would try to find a different way to go through-a more subtle direction-" Tom started taking Percy's hands anyways.
Percy deadpanned but let him take his hands. "Yeah, we could have sent a letter through Gringotts-to Madam Bone did the justice side that we have talked to and are pretty sure she's not on that old ass side-she could have gotten that room within a day-or same day if she wanted But no, your flair for dramatics just had to show up-at least Severus keeps it to minimum with his dam cape." He burst.
"I at least planned it somewhat-I had friends with me-in case anything would happen." Tom started to defend himself.
"Right-put them in the spotlight as well. When you outed yourself you outed them as well." Percy pointed as he took his hand and pointed at his chest to elaborate.
"I have incredible luck?" Tom questioned. Percy was right, but he supposed it was better-or he felt that it was a good moment to do so....at least he thought. He was safe at least...
"No sex for a week." Percy said and started to walk away. It was the only punishment he could think of for the other.
"Well that isn't so bad." Tom spoke up following him.
Percy turned and Tom realized what he shouldn't have said. "For a month-and Severus will join me in this as well."
"Son of a-"Tom started. "Wait, love-wait a minute, a month really? Percy! Please not a month, I swear I'll talk to you two next time I have a dumb slightly planned plan-please-"
The deatheater-of his council all watched, not having been dismissed as their Lord ran behind Percy who was steaming from the ears with how angry he looked. And to be quite honest they all found it highly amusing-especially Lucius Malfoy.
To say that the courtroom was astonished was a understatement. They were beyond thought. Silenced by Toms witness account of the name placed upon him and all the rest Dumbledore had done. Rita Skeeter was enjoying herself to much as her quill smoked with how fast she wrote on her little paper pad filling up with her story as it went on.
Let's just say-Dumbledore would never ever be free of Azkaban. Not just because did what he did to Tom. Or Severus. But to nearly everyone in the wizarding community. It was likely he'd have the kiss if Tom said he would like Dumbledore to suffer in Azkaban for awhile and many agreed.
The wizarding community then found out that Lily and James's Potter were only the blood adoptive parents to that of Harry Potter their savior. His real ones being Tom and Severus.
What a shock the community was going through....
Now, weeks later there Tom was waving at nervous nellys that watched him as he walked beside Percy, arm wrapped around his waist and a cheeky smile on his lips. "They really know how to stare don't they?"
"Yep, just ignore it. I haven't seen Harry in so long." Percy spoke as he quickened their paces. "Sev did say he'd be back tonight right?" He then frowned before smacking Toms hand away from him as he walked a foot away.
"Ow-and yes, now what was that for?" Tom rubbed his hand.
"I'm still sore from your punishment lift a couple days ago." Percy pointed at him.
Tom smirked. "Nice."
Rolling his eyes, Percy felt older then the male in front of him-he now knows what Annabeth had went through when he was with her. "Look-we also need to break it gently to Harry. He's still abit iffy with you Severus. Severus is worried Harry will hate you two more-and ruin me and Harry's relationship if we don't. Frankly I think Harry can handle it-it'll just be weird for him."
"Right." Tom nodded and scooped Percy back into him. "Still I think I'm nervous just a little about him finding out as well. Now, let's go get our boy love." He have a sweet kiss to Percy before releasing him as the train plowed in with all the occupants they cared for-minus Severus.
"Daaaad!" Harry yelled as he ran out-Draco sighing from the door they exited as he watched Harry run to his adopted father.
Percy snagged him into a hug as soon as he hit home in his arms. "Harry!" He laughed as he held the ever growing boy. "You got taller..." he spoke softly as he pulled away a smile plastered across his face.
Harry huffed in pride. "Hell yeah I did."
Rolling his eyes he shook his head. "Language."
Harry just laughed and moved out of the way so Percy could wrap Hermione into his arms as well. "I missed you." Hermione sighed as she squeezed a little tighter.
"I missed you as well." Percy spoke and kissed the top of her head. "Let's get home yeah? Neville?"
Neville looked up from saying goodbye to Daphne and Blaise as their parents whisked them away. "Yeah?"
"Coming home?" Percy asked as he kept an arm around Hermione.
He smiled. "Yeah..."
So pretty much Percy's adopted Neville is how I'm going-just not literally. He's just already apart even if no papers were involved.
Happy Holidays btw, I'll try to update faster but I recently got a job and again, I'm sick-more like we found out it's a genetic condition that we need more info on -which means I can get healthier soon! Yaaaay!
But yeah, I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas and an amazing Newyears-and if you don't celebrate I hope you guys had an amazing day in general.
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