:: Chapter 5 :: The big red Train
The day that marked the start of his school year, Harry was up and getting ready way before his dad was even up, they didn't have to be there till 10am, but here he was at 6am. Already showered, stuffing his trunk with more then what's needed. Angus watching sleepily form his pillows, Hedwig sleeping through his nervousness.
When he didn't have anything else to do, his eyes floated around his room, till they landed on his desk where his blood test paper was. At least a copy. The original stayed at Gringotts. Walking over he picked it up and went back to his bed. His eyes landing on the parents part. He wondered who his birth parents were like.
Percy, his Dad now, gave him a photo of him and his adoptive parents. He guessed he adopted Lily's eyes. He didn't know what to think. It looked like they loved him, but what did that mean for his birth parents? Did they not want him?
His chest felt constricted as he thought that. He was probably right. His adoptive parents at least loved him enough to practically sacrifice themselves for him...that hurt to though. He wondered what it would have been like with them...would he have ever met Percy?
Shaking his head, he suddenly felt dread for his new magical school. Before he could start to panic about it, Angus was here making cute noises and snuggling into him.
Happily he picked the puffskein up and held it close to him, a smile coming to his face as he relaxed. He would be fine, he had his Dad. He had Percy.
Speaking of the god, he was sleeping until a large weight crashed into his middle making him groan as he opened his eyes to see his son on his stomach. He closed his eyes again as he sighed in defeat.
"Daaad! Cmon! Wake up, we have a busy day today!" Harry said as he started to shake his father vigorously to wake him up more.
"Mmamegnd." Percy mumbled as he stuffed a pillow into his face, ignoring the tugs from Harry to remove it from his face .
Pulling at it, Harry whined. "Dad! Come on! Your trunk isn't even filled yet, you haven't finished packing, and it's 9am!"
With that Harry flew back onto his back on his fathers legs as Percy scrambled for his phone. "Shite!!" He yelped and flung his blanket over a now very disheveled Harry as he started grabbing clothes to wear.
Harry laughed as he untangled from the blankets to watch his dad rush around the room, stuff floating into his fathers trunk easily.
"Oi, did you eat yet?" Percy asks as he came out of his closet, dodging a pair of his boxers as he hopped around trying to get his shoes on.
"No. I was waiting for you." Harry laughed again as his father tripped over the nightshirt he had thrown to the ground in his hurry. He smiled at Percy when he righted himself and gave him a warning glare, all play though.
Harry's eyes wondered until he spotted the strip of blue in his Dads hair. "WHEN DID YOU DYE YOUR HAIR?!?!" He screamed making his father whip around with his almighty and legendary sword riptide in shock.
"Oh, you remember how you said something about dying my hair blue? Well I did, to my white streak, it looks good doesn't it?" He pocketed his sword pen and twirled the piece of hair as Harry gapes open mouthed at him.
"I knew I shouldn't have said that..." Harry sighed before suddenly his father slapped a hand to his own face. "Dad what the hades?"
Percy removed his hand and ignored the stinging to give his son a reprimanding look. "Don't use Hades as a curse word, it gives your great-Uncle a headache. Secondly, I forgot that I could just snap-" his things were suddenly no where from the air they were a second ago. "-my things into my trunk." His trunk now in his hands miniaturized.
"Alright, ready? Today, I'm showing you side along aperation. It's the worst experience. You've been warned, now you sure you have everything?" Percy asks as his hair transforms into a neat-well neater-style instead of his bed rested one.
"As I'll ever be." Harry responded as he fixed his own hair with his hands.
Percy gave him a raised brow. "Everything okay?" He sits next to him on the bed, pocketing shrunken trunks into his pockets as he did.
Looking at his small child like hands, Harry frowned. Where did he get his pale skin tone? Lily wasn't this pale...neither was James, more the opposite. "I want...to know my real parents and why they-why they gave up on me..."
Before Harry knew it, he was being hugged into the firm chest of his dad, he didn't even realize he had started crying until his father was drying his face off.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so ungrateful for all that you've done for me, you're the greatest dad I could have ever wanted-I just-" Harry babbbled.
"Shh," Percy stopped him, a smile that made Harry calm more then words ever could have. "It's okay. I understand. I wanted to know more about my father before I even knew about my fathers side. All I ever knew was that he was lost at sea-which in a way was true. I'm sure, all the parents that willingly had you-loved you with all their being. Just like me. We can look for your birth parents. Find answers. We can do whatever you want. And I will be okay with whatever will happen, because you'll always be my son." With that Percy kissed Harry's forehead before grinning like loon. "Now let's go okay?"
Harry wanted to cry, happy tears this time. But instead he smiled back loving how his chest filled with a heavy honey like warmth. He loved his dad.
"Remind me to never learn apperation." Harry grumbled as they stood on the platform for the Hogwarts express only an hour early but kids were already boarding after saying goodbye to parents. Harry was once again glad he was going with his dad.
Laughing softly, he led his son to the nearest entrance to the train. "Considering it's one of the fastest ways around for you, I'm sure you'll want to learn it eventually." He mused. Looking for an empty one, which they found pretty quickly considering how early they were-they weren't that surprised.
Sitting down in one towards the end of the train, they put their trunks up and sat down opposite of each other. Harry was reading a book as his dad shut his eyes to get whatever sleep he could, because he wanted to. Harry rolled his eyes at that but let him considering the way he jumped on his father to wake him up that morning.
It was a half hour later when someone walked in and shut the door in a hurry, ducking so that whoever they were running from passed without seeing them. Harry glanced up before going back to his books. Percy didn't stir.
"Harry! Sorry bout that." The silver haired boy said as he locked the doors and sat next to the door on the same bench as Harry. "Is your father coming with?" He asked cautiously as he remembered their last encounter.
"Yeah, he'll be one of the professors." Harry smiled at him and Draco smiled back a bit surprised.
Though he frowned upon noticing that Harry didn't say anything else. "What will he be teaching?"
"Muggle studies I think. Or something akin to it." Harry glanced up at the boy. Was this a proper conversation to make a friend? He wasn't exactly sure. But all he knew to do was avoid it. His father had tried at one point to get him into a sport to make friends, but that went quite badly if he remembered correctly.
"Why do we need to know about Muggles?" Draco asked his nose scrunching up in distaste.
Rolling his eyes Harry put his book down. "Do you know what a gun is?" He asked-noting to never ever let his father handle one his head for the thousandth time-he watched as Draco got confused. "I'm guessing not, a gun is muggle weapon that can shot a lethal metal ball, or bullet, faster then a spell at times. It can kill or maim. And that's one of the milder weapons they've created. It's best to keep enemies close right?"
Draco gaped like a fish as he took Harry's words as truth. But he also felt a sense of doubt creep in. He glanced at the adult in the cart and though, maybe he'd see if it was real in classes.
"Who were you running from anyways?" Harry asks picking up his book with a frown-he didn't get most of it, but his father wanted him to look over it at least.
Coming back to the present Draco shuddered. "Pansy Parkinson. She's claiming she'll marry me by the time we graduate. But I'm not interested in her that way, only see her as a sister." He shook his head with a sigh.
"Then tell her." Harry simply stated.
"Don't you think I've tried that? She's mad delusional! Ever since we were little." Draco threw his hands up with a sigh. "I hope she doesn't get in my way for other love interests or adventures."
"Adventures?" Both boys jumped as they looked over to Percy who was stretching with a. Yawn. "What type of adventures?" He smirked at Draco.
The boy bushed and looked away with a smirk. "Those types."
Percy shook his head, he was quite sure the boy had no idea and neither did Harry from his confused tilt when he watched on.
Soon the Malfoy went back to talking to Harry and Harry started to actually appear comfortable with him. It made Percy proud as he smiled to his reflection in the window he stared out at.
Sunset was coming when a pair of twins walked in and sat beside Percy, then just stared at the older male.
"Can I help you?" Percy asks as he drags his eyes over to raise a brow at the red heads.
"You're going to be a professor right?" One asked leaning forward to stare as if he was scouting him for anything suspicious or something else entirely.
"We heard last year that a new class was starting, so a new Professor, you are the oldest on the train so far by the looks." The other, more serious looking said as he leaned back and stared up at the kneazle by their expanded trunks.
Getting the same vibe as the Connor brothers, he carefully scanned them too before smirking and it seemed to make the more playful one smirk back. "You two will be trouble, but not as much as I will be." Percy laughed.
"Dad! You better not cause trouble!" Harry scolded his father with a frown, causing him to laugh.
The twins looked at the boy eyes wondering up to the fringe seeing the unmistakable lighting like scar marring part of his exposed forehead. But they only glanced at each other and shrugged before turning their eyes to Draco who was looking at them and then to Percy. He seemed curious but was also trying to act indifferent.
"Well, we can make a wager on that later, best to get uniforms on now then later. I'm Fred." Said the playful one as he got up.
"I'm George Weasley, you?" Said the layed back one as he to got up from the bench.
Smirking he turned to them holding his chin in his hand, his blazing blue eyes laughing in mirth. "Percy Jackson. Professor Jackson to you Fred. George."
He corrected them, surprising the boys before they too smirked and left.
"Should we get our uniforms on then Dad?" Harry asks getting his fathers amused eyes into his.
Nodding he responded to him. "Yes, as they said, it would be better if you did. You to Draco."
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