:: Chapter 47 :: Afterwards
The silence stayed for a good moment, before everyone started cleaning up. Lucius grabbing aurors, and when they arrived they questioned everyone or took people to the mediwitches of Saint Mungo that needed to go.
Percy was watching silently from his seat, having already told his side with a bit of a tweak-that he had used a wand-and was glad Tom was able to get that across to everyone left at the Malfoy Manor. He sighed and rubbed a hand through his hair as he stared down at the ground below him trying to breath through the flashes of what he did. How the last guy had suffered before dying and he didn't do anything...it's what he hated about himself during, before and after wars.
This is his third-and he's never get used to it. It got worse with each time he picked up his sword.
Ignoring the sting in his eyes he stood up and walked over to the kids who were shaken up and still around.
Draco and Harry were freaking out over their friend group who was actually there during the fight-one they were late to as they had to rush to get dressed-but they didn't say that. Neville had a good cut along and up his arm. Daphne and Blaise were there worrying over him as he tried to calm them by saying he was fine.
"Let me see it Neville." Percy spoke calmly as he came up still in his armor and the kids went quiet as he stepped between the worried pair and took Neville arm that he had been holding a bloody rag to.
"I'm fine I swear Mr. Jackson." Neville tried to take it away, winced when it was turned for Percy to look at some more.
Sighing he shook his head and calmly called water to him and it covered Neville's arm which was burning up in his hands just a bit. "It's Percy when not in school Neville-and it seems it's deep enough that you'd have to have stitches or a potion. But I'll heal you this time considering it may be slightly infected. It's okay to not be okay Neville."
Neville watched awed with the rest of the teens-and he also felt the immense relief of the cool water over his arm. "Thanks." He muttered a bit embarrassed but he was happy he was more okay now.
"You-you said you were okay and he goes an says otherwise!" Daphne chastised as she pouted a bit.
Percy was then looking over Hermione and finding she had a good hit on her face. So he healed her right up. "You all should have gone when we said. You are all just kids."
Hermione frowned. "But you fought in a war when you were our age." She spoke with a confused lace to her voice. Feeling like she did something wrong or she wasn't needed.
Frowning he grabbed her face and looked deeply into her eyes. "I shouldn't have been. You all shouldn't be involved at all-only if push comes to shove. You al deserve so much better. Okay?"
"Okay. I'm sorry." She spoke softly.
"Don't be sorry. I'm glad you are all so brave to try. Just know your limits and boundaries okay?" Percy patted her hair back before he looked over at Severus calling for him. He turned to Harry and checked him over his eyes narrowing on little bruising spots-his eyes glanced over at the twins and Draco having a playful spat as Draco stood between them with a blush upon his cheeks. "Harry-we're going to talk later about these. Okay? Glad your safe." He kissed Harry on the head and sent his magic through to heal Harry as well as Draco.
As he walked away. He decided he'd talk to those Twins of his as well.
Harry watched his father go with wide eyes and a hand on his neck where the tingling sensation of magic healed him. He knew exactly what his dad just saw-he met Draco's eyes. He was looking shocked a bit too.
"We're doomed." The Twins said in sync.
Severus put an arm around Percy's waist to lead him over to Tom who was speaking the aurors. "They want to have your statement taken-Tom thinks it would be best to say exactly who's after you...if you're comfortable that is." He spoke calmly into the younger mans ear.
Ignoring the putter patter his heart did, Percy nodded. "Okay...they probably won't believe me though."
A silvery potion was raised in front of them. "This is veritaserum. A truth serum-with witnesses watching you take it-then they will have to report it. They'll have no option but to take your word for it." They stopped a few feet away for a second. "I'll be giving it to you-then giving you the antidote-alright? Tom will ask the questions as it was agreed so they can't get any info we don't want them to have...alright?"
Nodding Percy understood and they walked forward towards the Aurors. One Kingsley Shacklebolt and Nymphadora Tonks. They smiled and nodded politely to Percy-still dressed in his Greek armor. It made him feel a bit safer to keep it on at the moment.
Then the potion was administered-and Tom gently asked his questions to which Percy responded the best he could-the potion felt weird to him. But he spoke the truth. About Dumbledore. And to say that the aurors weren't shocked-was an understatement of the century. They were pale and looking back and forth between each other at this news. Considering they were apart of the 'Order of The Phoenix'. A little disbelief settled into them-but with the potion done by Snape, a master at potions. They couldn't deny it.
After the aurors got statements and took the bodies of the fallen victims. Healing those who didn't need to go to the hospital-it finally quickly quieted down in the Manor. Most had gone home when they were dismissed, Blaise was taken with his mother. Daphne with her parents and the Nott parents of Theodore who didn't come that night. Neville went off to a guest bedroom with Narcissa's help. Lucius left to direct around the house elves to clean and repair what they could.
It was a sight to see the glass come off gently from the floor and into the air leaving sparkling shards in the space above heads before combining together and put back into the large windows-cleaning debris and fixing columns or walls to cleaning the blood off the marble floors.
Tom had told the younger kids to go off to bed-Harry asking if the twins could stay-his eyes narrowed suspiciously on the Twins who said they'd just go back home for now-come back another time to check on them. Before leaving they gave Draco and Harry quick pecks from the both of them. Not wanting to stay for long with how Tom stayed watching.
That's when Draco and Harry realized they had no clue about Dumbledore-about Tom-about Percy....
"Okay, but I don't have much clothes here Sev-" Percy spoke as he was being led to his guest room for the night to take a shower-he was a bit of a sweaty mess. He was trying to convince the potions master to let him go back to their lake house to grab things. They entered into his room and immediately he was tackled from a large dragon-more like husky sized by now. But she was still small right now. Estelle was whining-and flapping her wings irritatedly. She could smell the chaos on him-she had been sleeping in the expanded chest so she heard nothing of what was happening with the sound proofing it had.
"We can order you some clothes." Severus explained as he helped him get Estelle off as Chester came over and meowed confusedly.
Percy sighed at his pets-grabbing Bronx off Chesters back to pat him. "I'm alright guys. Go off to bed for now." He shooed them off. Chester making sure they went like the good older brother he was. He then turned to Severus. "Order how? You lot don't use electronics-and I doubt that muggles can get to the Manor-I am not getting floundering robes like you lot."
This time Severus sighed. "For your safety-it's best you do it by letter-not all wizarding clothes are robes."
"Yeah? Well most wizarding clothes are still pajama looking tweads of fabric. I have some class thank you." Percy shook his head as he started taking his armor off manually. Setting each piece carefully on the bed. All the while arguing with Severus about the clothes.
Tom came in as Percy took his tie off. Getting ready to take his shirt off once he kicked Severus out. "Sorry to interrupt-but I have some questions about tonight." He smirked when Percy blushed and looked away when he smirked at him. Made him feel cocky but he pushed it aside.
"About what in particular?" Percy said throwing his tie to the side and leading them to the small couch and chair set up in the corner of his very large guest room.
"The ichor." Toms face was set in a frown as he sat with sigh of exhaustion. "How does it work?"
Biting his lip he rubbed a hand through his wild hair. "It's complicated really. Honestly-my blood shouldn't have been available for them to keep. But with the outside help that had made me weak before-I'm guessing they were able to keep it without it going into nothing but dust that would-should dissipate eventually...but there are stories of how some gods have tried giving their blood directly to a human for love-or for other reasons. It never ended well for the human. And it's forbidden now to try. It's thought it would give humans the power of that god-their immortality."
"So they were hyped up on your blood? It increased their magic?" Severus asked his brow twitching with how hard he was frowning.
Nodding he leaned forward a little, elbows digging into his thighs as he held his head. "Death is imminent for them. Mortals can not handle it. Their body tries-but it's changing everything in your body without having any blessing or divine power already in you. Demigods could take the blood of gods-but it would seriously harm them permanently. They may be half divine, but they're still half mortal. It tries to change your cells-one at a time-slicing and breaking it down to rebuild it. And without divine intervention-though you still might die from it-you'd be painfully awar of everything until it's finished. Even then-you're only partly immortal for a short few decades or more. The best way is it have it granted to you. Not taken or forced."
Tom nodded as he rubbed his brows. "So what does this mean with Dumbledore having however much blood of yours-for his side of the army-what does it mean for us?" His eyes looked straight up into Percy's.
"It means..." he paused, looking away from Toms intense eyes before he couldn't sit anymore and stood to pace. "It means, we have a long and hard battle ahead of us-I'm a powerful gods considering all the blessings I was given from the council themselves and Chaos himself. They'll probably die quicker-so time would be your best bet-but...with Kronos on their side-and my blood in his hands along with Dumbledore. It's going to get really messy really quickly."
"Then I guess it's time to start recruiting-and get our friends from Azkaban." Tom stated looking to Severus as Percy stopped his pacing. "Time to hit-slowly like cutting down a free with an axe until it falls."
"I agree." Severus spoke up and nodded. "We'd need everyone to get purged though."
Tom conceded to that point with a nod. "Of course."
They sat there for a moment, thinking away-Percy having gotten them hot coco from the house elves. So they were just sitting making deep conversation until morning was dawning, and Percy still hadn't taken that shower.
"Oh! I have something else to say-" Percy spoke up as he remembered earlier after the battle.
"Hmm?" Severus spoke taking a sip-his last one.
"I think I'll need help with it-considering you two know how the mate thing works-but I think Harry needs the sex talk." He gasped when Severus choked and spit up his sip of coco. Then chuckled. "I preach gave him a basic muggle one-but it should be good to do again considering I'm pretty sure him, Draco and the twin Weasleys were doing something before coming into the ball room....Harry and Draco had hickeys." He smirked when both had their eyes wide open at him.
"What?" Tom had finally gasped out.
Percy couldn't help but laugh again. Oh his poor Harry was about to get so red-but first- a shower and sleep.
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