:: Chapter 46 :: Boiling point
Sexual actions ahead-skip to next bold words if your not comfortable.
Harry looked around quite boredly. Draco was busy helping his mom, and he hadn't yet seen the two beings he wanted to just yet.
He was wondering around the edges when he smelt something-he couldn't quite place the smell, he just suddenly had the thought to follow it-right out into a very empty hallway, and to a room where the smell-something musky and heavy-yet also refreshing he supposed.
"Calm yourself George-it'll be okay. It'll pass." Fred spoke through the doors, as someone panted heavily inside the room Harry was directly in front of.
Harry was suddenly very happy as he quickly burst in-but then stopped as suddenly he had two sets of eyes on him with a heavy need in them. "Fred-George, I've been looking for you...two..."
He suddenly felt the urge to run as the two got into sync and started walking towards him. He turned and ran-to where? He had no clue, but to run from him and anyone else. His wings burst out and he was flying-oh how he loved flying. The high and wide hallway helped make sure he wasn't bumping anything with his large wings.
He looked back only to find that both twins had wings of their own and were catching up. He made a sound in his throat in fright and beat his wings faster and quickly turned down another hallway and into the first room he could find-which happens to be a study of sorts. He turned and went to lock the doors only for them to open. Knocking him on his butt with a squeak from him.
Harry wasn't on the ground for long as the next thing he knew he was picked up in strong arms and the door was being locked as he was sat on the desk.
"Harry...do you know what you are to us and what we are to you?" Fred asked as he leaned into Harry's neck and from what Harry could tell he was smelling him.
"I believe so-" he flinched a little bit when he was nipped on his neck.
"Mates." George sighed as he came to Harry's other side, grabbing a hand to play with it. Exploring it with his eyes.
"Yes-Draco is to." Harry hastily said as his hands found Fred's shoulders to push him away his heart pounding from the chase and then them so close to his skin.
Another nip at his neck. "That...makes sense." George spoke as he nipped between words.
"We should talk-" Harry tried but moaned mid sentence as hands went through his feathers. They were sensitive as he and Draco had figured out during a exploratory make out session.
Fred laughed a little. "We should-I'll get Draco." He pulled away to grab his wand-no not that one-yet-he was then sending a patronus out of his wand and it was gone before Harry could see it.
Hands roamed Harry's clothes body as he tried to get a thought out but like being shrouded in a fog, Harry was having a hard time picking out his thoughts and actually speaking. Especially when he was taken to the couch where he was sat on one of the twins lap, and the other got down on his knees to unbutton his pants.
"Oh my gods-" Harry spoke out his heart racing as he was slowly being unbuttoned of his trousers and his shirt. His jacket he hadn't even noticed was gone along with his tie. His hands found the ones opening his trousers. "Wait...what are we doing?" He huffed when George smirked up at him giving his hands to Fred behind him.
"Having a little bit of fun-are you okay with that? We can stop if you want?" George spoke, looking up at him from between his legs.
Harry groaned as he felt himself harden even more then he already was. "Just a little bit of fun?"
"Just a little." Fred spoke into his ear.
Biting his lip he nodded his consent. Gasping when his shirt was opened and his front was exposed to the chilly air. He shivered in anticipation when George's fingers slid behind the band of his boxers and pulled downwards. Oh Merlin what was he doing? Why was he letting this happen right now? He gasped again when his length was pulled out and brought to a warm hand.
"Decent size Harry-not bad at all." George grinned. "Though-with our inheritances mind you-we were large-now more so."
"Why are you telling me this?" Harry said in a soft low voice. Afraid to speak louder as Fred hands came to his chest and rubbed the goosebumps away. His hands having nothing to hold onto but Fred's sleeves.
The twins laughed. "Because one day-you'll have it inside of you. Maybe even tonight..." Fred spoke lowly into his ear again and he really over it as it sent shivers down his spine and made him squirm. "Especially if you keep moving like that love..." he nipped at Harry's ear as he grinded up into Harry's bum.
Harry couldn't help the whine that left him-he quickly put a hand to his mouth as heat pooled into his face.
George smirked. "You won't be able to hide all of your sounds Harry." His mouth he watched it lower over his 'decent length' as he was told, his hot breath already doing something before warm wetness was enveloping him and sucking-Harry jerked from the new sensation-added on with his nipples he didn't think were that sensitive making him squirm more.
"Harry?" The boy answered in a whine to Draco's voice, and the boy rushed in on the scene.
Harry between to large lithe twins, shirt open and exposed indecently, a twin sucking Harry off while the other grinds up into Harry, the boy himself squirming as much as he could his hands in the hair of the one sucking him off.
Draco had never gotten harder in his life.
"Dear Merlin..." he huffed as he gulped down his sudden horny thoughts. How could he not with the image in front of him?
Fred smirked as he ground up stilling Harry from squirming making the boy whine and arch his back his head on his shoulder-putting on a show to the wide eyed Malfoy. "Are you just going to stand there-or are you going to join in?"
"How am I supposed to join?" Draco asked as he inched closer.
"No wait! George!!" Harry yelped as he was suddenly cumming, trying desperately to get George off but the man just gulped what he could down. Enjoying the tugging of his hair on his scalp. "Mm, I'm sorry..."
George licked his lips as he pulled back. "Don't worry, now Fred turn that way. Draco, come here-" they could smell Draco from here and they knew Harry was right. They were glad though.
Draco moved forward enough to be beside the three his face as red as a cherry. He was suddenly sat with his legs over Harry's and extremely close to Harry's, George coming up behind him and under pushing his hard on onto Harry's growing one. He was getting hard again after being sucked off and that made Draco look up into those green eyes to see the lust and want. And man did it do things to him.
He gasped when his own length was taken out and put together with Harry's. Causing him and Harry to moan together.
"You hear that Forge?" George asked as he pushed his hard on into Draco's bottom.
"Mm, yes Gred?" Fred said as his eyes met his twins.
"We have a pair of good boys on our hands, listening so well-" George came up and licked the shell of Draco's ear.
The boys shivered at the praise involuntarily causing more heat to appear in their faces. Harry was sure they'd catch fire at some point.
"Very well." Fred groaned into Harry.
They jacked the two in the middle together until they came, Harry for a second time and Draco for a first. As they also ground into the two sat on top them enough that they themselves came.
"We should explore them more Gred." Fred said as he started to take Harry's trousers off.
"Definitely." George spoke as he started taking Draco's top off.
Okay your safe:::
just so you can get a summary-the twins got horny from instinct-went after Harry-got Draco with a patroness and had some fun with consent from everyone. And continue as the party goes on from here on. Though they do not go all the way yet.
Percy was suddenly on edge as he looked around at the masses. He wasn't sure why but he let it be for now until he could figure out what his senses were trying to tell him.
"You alright?" Severus came up beside him giving him a champagne glass.
He took it and had a sip. "Yeah. Crazy how many people are here though. Makes me kind of nervous." He somehow unconsciously got closer to Severus, and when he did notice it a second later blushed but didn't move.
Severus smirked at him and raised his glass to his lips before taking a sip of his own glass. "Well it should be ending soon, Lucius already gave the ending speech, some have already left."
Percy nodded to that. "I hope people leave faster. I'm tired."
"Do you need to head to bed now?" He asked worriedly as he saw he was indeed tired. His breath caught in his throat when Percy smiled at him-he had nearly forgot how amazing Percy was when he smiled.
"I'll be fine." He reassured his friend-a friend he wanted more with. As well as his friends mate. Percy shook his head and tried to hide the sudden flush to his cheeks by taking another sip of his drink.
They continued to talk as they waited for guests to leave. Soon enough it was just those who helped and were close friends of the family stayed to help or just chat some more.
"Narcissa that was a great ball." Percy complemented as he came over to the frazzled mother.
She smiled happily at Percy though. "I'm glad. It was such a big event I worried I might have missed something important but everything went well I suppose."
"It went great." Lucius spoke as he came up his arm winding around her waist a small controlled smile on his face.
She smiled up at her husband, quickly giving him a kiss, before she had to leave to direct the house elves in what to clean up for now.
Though, no one got to cleaning when the ground shook and their ears rung with the loud sudden boom of an explosion. Glass shrieked through the air. Spells were spoken as shields came up around those still around.
Severus grabbed Percy to him as they all looked over to see the large windows of the ballroom shattered and several wizards on brooms riding in.
And as soon as they were in-there was chaos all around.
Screams and shouts of orders were told as people ran and people stayed.
Percy was shooting spells off only for them to practically do nothing as the wizards in black robes marched forward. Tom yelling for people to retreat as his followers dropped like flies. The wizards were powerful. More so then Tom had ever seen.
The wizards caught sight of Percy and started for him.
"Severus! Get him out of here!" Tom spoke as he cast spell after spell as they moved forward.
Percy shook his head at Severus as they came closer. The shields breaking after three spells and causing backlash to the castors. "No, I'm not retreating while you all fight! I'm not that person!"
"They are here for you!" Severus spoke. "We will not let you get taken from us! From Harry!"
"And I'm not going to let myself get taken!" Percy screamed. "I will not sit afraid-I am a god. And I need to start behaving like one."
With that he shoved his wand into Severus's hand and ran off. "Percy!!" He yelled out and tried to stop him but instead he watched as armor appeared on over his suit. Armor that had seen its times of war with slight dents and scratches viable from here, the bronze dirty but shined where it needed. The sword that appeared in his hand with a click from a pen he had in his pocket. The face of a man who had been in war and was ready to take on another. Pushing past the shields of those trying to make time for others. As the wizards didn't fall to anything.
Somehow, Severus knew they'd fall to Percy.
He supposed he was right as Percy dodged and weaved, casting his own spells wandlessly or summoning water to hold some in bubbles of water with no escape but death. How he sliced spells from existence till he had taken the last wizard by the throat.
Tom watched with wide eyes, having gone to stop him-but being stopped by Lucius to stay behind the shields-which were gone now as everyone watched in awe or horror. The unstoppable wizards that had taken a good hand full of their own, now laying and bleeding on the floor or floating in bubbles of water motionless. While Percy glowed nearly in ethereal light his eyes hard with cold calculation.
Harry, Draco and the twins skidded in to see all this as well.
"What did you come here for?" Percy asked calmly. Not yelling, but waiting for an answer impatiently.
"For Percy Jackson-" the wizards gurgled in his hand.
"Why do you need me?" Percy got real close his eyes igniting in fury.
"Blood." The wizards said in a wobbly voice, they were scared witless. Then they started hacking blood up-gold ichor of the gods mixed with red.
Percy let the man fall and watched as the man squirmed and cried for help before he died painfully.
"What...what just happened?" Hermione asks-she hadn't run-like most of Harry's friends. They stayed.
"Damnation-the kind where a mortal drinks that of a gods unwilling blood." Percy stared down at the man.
Other then the news to those who knew-that the wizards had Percy's blood in their system to make them as powerful and nearly as unstoppable as they were-then there was the fact everyone did know. Close or not.
A war had really and irrevocably begun that night.
Cliffhanger. 🙃😱😬🤐
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