:: Chapter 44 :: Truths come out
Neville was nervous as he pulled his cloak closer to keep the cold at bay, the holidays were coming up and he was finally able to get permission with the help of Snape and Mcgonagal-much to her surprise being backed by the Slytherin head of house-but here he was in Diagon Alley by himself.
Finally he reached the large white marble building that the bank resides in. As well as the Goblins. His gloved hands opened the large doors and went in.
Now he was sitting reading his family's will-one that's wasn't opened previously.
"This is...who didn't let this get read?" Neville asked angrily. His face flushed as he tried to take the new info into his head. Ignoring the sudden want to cry.
"It was read-but only certain people were allowed to see it." The goblin Ripfang spoke calmly. His beady eyes watching Neville's every step.
Neville sat down in one of the chairs offered to clients and tried to breathe away the emotions that roiled up into his gut. Though the questions in his head did not settle at all.
How is it that all of his friends-were harmed by that old man? Or is everyone somehow wronged by him?
He wouldn't put it past the loony headmaster....
Just what did it mean? What did it all have in his plans? Why was it so complex? And why did it involve so many people?
"You know, there's this one thing we haven't told Ron..." Harry spoke up as he watched Ron laugh at something Luna said as they played chess.
"What?" Hermione frowns and looks over to him, Harry turning to look at her with a raised brow. "What do you mean we haven't told him something? What is it?"
Blinking Harry snorted. "The day has finally come-Mione forgetting something so important." He laughs even as she threw a pillow at him. He waved off the two chess players as he continued to laugh.
"Harry-" Hermione was flushed red as she twiddled with a book completely embarrassed. Her head was spinning as she tried to remember what she had forgotten.
After calming down Harry leaned into her ear to whisper to her. "Ron, true parents?" When he leaned away he laughed again as her face drained of color.
"Oh Merlin Harry! It isn't funny! It should have been the first thing we told him!" She spoke with a frown marring her face. "How do we tell him?"
Harry took a deep breath and calmed himself again. He wasn't sure why it was so funny to him but he smiled and took Hermione's hand. "You are not a bad friend-it just been hectic lately Mione. Don't put it on yourself. We'll tell him now." He patted her hand and went to the pair a few paces away.
"Wait! Harry!" She spoke after him.
"Ron-" Harry started.
"Yes?" Ron spoke as he finished the game in one move that took Lunas king-to which she shrugged at.
"With all that's been going on-as you know, then we forgot what we found out about yourself. We didn't mean to keep this till holidays-it's important. But it'll change a lot for you-family wise I mean-do you want to know now or later?" Harry laid out Rons options as calmly and simply as possible. He knew he should be gently with the info they had.
Ron blinked before his lips down turned as he faced Harry more seriously. The air felt much thicker then it had been earlier when Harry was jesting with Hermione. "If it's something that important, I think I would like to know now."
Their eyes held a moment of pondering. Wondering if it really was a good idea Harry paused before he shook it off. Rip it off like a bandaid he supposed. "So you know I'm not Lily and James real kid-blood adopted actually-" Ron nodded. "Well they did have an actual kid, they thought he died a stillbirth at the time-till the night they died and figured out what really happened. His name was Atticus James Potter. Removed and taken by Dumbledore-given to Molly Weasley. We don't know if she was willing or if she had no clue as to what happened. Ron-you are Atticus."
Ron was quiet as he stared at Harry, a silence pressing heavy on the air. They stood and waited for an outburst. Wondering if he was angry-shocked right now yes-but they knew he'd be angry.
"You're saying...my parents aren't my parents-that my family isn't my family?" Ron spoke slowly. A panic settling in his gut.
Hermione came up, her lips set in a frown as she stood beside Harry. "They're still your family-you just have a different way of coming into their family. I can tell Ginny loves you even if she doesn't say it or show it. She cares-and even if she were to find out you were a born potter-you'd always be her big brother. I'm sure it'll be the same for the rest of the Weasleys...Ron...are you okay?"
He didn't know how to answer that-and he guessed she was right...but it didn't stop the thoughts of feeling like he's been an imposter this whole time. Like a changing child-swapped or put there as if he actually belonged...is that why he always felt he didn't belong? It would make sense...he always felt like he was somewhere he shouldn't be at home-like he was different from the rest of the Weasleys...
A hand on his shoulder stopped him from thinking further. He turned to Luna who smiled at him. "Don't think to much about it, you'd be lying to yourself."
For some reason that made him break-and tears started to fall from his eyes, and before he knew it he was in a hug pile on the floor with comforting words from his best friends, and he couldn't have been happier to know he had people who understood and cared for him like that.
He would protect them till the end of the earth.
Neville wasn't sure how to start this letter, he wasn't sure if he should, considering what had happened. But he knew-for a fact that if what the will read-a will never tampered with as it was under goblin protection-wouldn't ever be wrong.
Rubbing his face, he pulled his hand away to find the lord rings on his fingers. So much responsibility. And no one to teach him really. Well...maybe Percy.
Shaking his head, he grabbed the part and quill and started to write to Amelia Bones, hoping with all his might she'd be able to do what he hoped. He wanted to help and get answers-maybe purge her. His godmother.
Bellatrix Lestrange.
Harry was hot-feverish. But not unbearable but from what he had read about his creature-he should be in heat-a heat that should just be a phantom heat to show his body was ready for such things. Considering he was a submissive-though he did feel a little upset about that. He got over it.
But thing is...Draco was going into a heat-though he wasn't a submissive creature either. His creature liked to switch-as Draco had said is what he felt.
So Harry got to doing research as a way to figuring it out even if the books were making his head spin. All he wanted at the moment was to be in bed cuddling Draco as they waited for the symptoms to stop. If they ever would-a week in and Harry was over it. It wasn't fun as he had hoped but rather tiring. So there he was reading books upon books in the library. Reading in a far corner away from people as he was extremely annoyed by people that weren't Draco.
Sighing his head feel atop the cool leather of a shut book. Then turning to the pile of books he hadn't gotten to yet, his eyes trailing them, reading titles that were on the spine. Skipping the ones that didn't have one, till his eyes landed on a book that was on the thinner side of books he had seen in Hogwarts. He didn't remember grabbing it. But from the title-he needed to read it.
Sliding it out from under the other twenty or so books-ignoring how some fell onto the ground, he looked over the book in his hands. "The Magical Other Genders or Creatures and Magical folk" . Why did all wizarding books have such long titles sometimes? Harry sighed but opened it.
This book tells and explains-a very simple explanation really. Of what genders or role a mate plays within creatures and Wizards alike.
Harry decided to skip the intro and look at the chapter index blushing at some of the titles-wondering how this book was in Hogwarts of all places before finding the roles chapter and opening to it. He started reading from there.
Top-or Dominants are a very protective species. They love the attention of their partners, especially after doing something good for their subs. They're nearly like puppies-very big overgrown puppies. As with dominants in nature are usually very well built to do the job or protecting, taking care of, and mating their mates. They go in ruts-never heats. They are more common then most other roles of the nature of magic.
Switches are as their name suggests-they like to switch. From top to bottom. To dominant to submissive. Just depends on with who. They don't have heats or ruts. But that depends on their relationship-and their mate or mates. If they have more then one dominant to sub ratio, they will have heats with their sub. Switches are usually high strung sensitive types with a complex of wanting to fight god.
Harry snorted...but it made sense as he thought of Draco. This book didn't seem very serious-but it made sense. He looked at the name of the Author and frowned seeing as all it said was Neko what in the world was that? He opened the book up and continued to read where he left off.
Submissives have regular heats for the reason of making babies-they aren't weak actually they might be the main power in any relationship. They get what they want-bring it a punishment or candy. They have them tightly wrapped around their mates fingers basically. Though during heats they are much weaker and more irritable. Most are usually those who care to much-in my experience-and need people to take care of them and protect them even if they can themselves. It gets tiring to do it yourself sometimes. They are also called other names, like bearers-as they can barely children. Yay-mainly subs can do this but on occasion switches can to.
Harry didn't know if he should take this as fact but...he might as well as this was more info then he had gotten from any other book. And if it was then it explained their situation-and he had an idea on who would be their other mates.
Taking the book and checking out Harry ran off to the room of requirement where he and Draco have been meeting up to help each other out. All they've been doing is cuddle as there was no urge to procreate with each other at the moment...Harry blushed at his thoughts but continued on, and went into the room to find Draco curled up in bed.
"I'm back." Harry spoke as he threw his shoes to the side of the door as it disappeared into a wall instead of the brown oak doors it once was.
Draco raised his head and groaned before holding a hand out and Harry happily took it and was pulled into the bed to cuddle more books and all going with him.
"So...read this later-but mainly it says the reason your in heat-which happens depending on the situation. Is because you have more dominants-meaning the twins I think." Harry spoke as he got under the covers some more.
"You're sure?" Draco groaned as he looked at Harry.
"Yep-I'll send them a letter later for now. Sleep." Harry yawned and snuggled deeper, their minds to occupied by heat and comfort from each other to really think at the moment.
Harry had felt the exhaustion hit him a lot harder as soon as he was in bed, and soon found himself asleep with Draco.
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