:: Chapter 41 :: Getting out of the Box
Grabbing at the sides of the box to at least get some support as he was lifted in the air from a spell of Severus'. As smooth as it was for the box, it wasn't for Percy inside it.
"Carefully now." Nico spoke making Severus roll his eyes, though he kept focus as he looked out at the dark gardens below the window, that their plan had included.
"Oh, dude-I do not like this one bit." Percy spoke feeling nauseous as he was slid out. A notice me not concealment over him as it would be frankly quite weird to see a glass box with a man only wrapped in a blanket in it. They were able to figure out how to open the one side to give him such a thing-all the while Severus grew antsy around him, but remained focused even while sniffing the air. "Shit!" He yelped when he started downwards pretty fast-glad there was also a silencing charm around them.
Then Snape concealed himself and walked back inside-he couldn't jump from the fourth floor without much prep-so he walked out like he hadn't done a thing. Only to round around and run to where Percy was talking softly with Nico who kept watch over him scaring any one lucky enough to have come their way to him.
They were then running-a god boxed Percy trying to enjoy the chaotic ride until they were outside the wards to apperate-he felt them and as soon as he did he felt the hook behind his Navel and he was safe-very anticlimactic, but still safe. That's all that mattered.
"Holy crap-we did it." Nico spoke as he appeared seconds later-they were all in a foyer as grand as the Hogwarts one if not more so.
Percy stared out at the red carpeted stairs through his blanket and found himself crying. He hid his face so they wouldn't see but they knew as he shook inside his class cage. He was happy and oh so relieved to be out of that hell hole.
Looking over the box Severus was looking to Nico who looked saddened but he held it as steps came rushing through into the room frenzied and found Tom standing in a pair of boxers and not much else. Showing pale marbled smooth muscle that flexed as it stood at the top of the stairs.
Severus instantly knew what was going on-Percy peeked out of his blanket his blue eyes shining with wet unshed tears, his face wet from the ones he let spill over. But Tom didn't care-his vampire side didn't care. As before he knew it he was in front of the box entranced by the blue eyes-before he remembered what and who he was-he thought they were the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. They reminded him of the warmer oceans when they moved and shined with the sun hitting them. The pull was strong in his gut and he glanced to Severus to see him nod but then shake his head.
He stepped back with a frown swallowing -his face and his posture going rigid. He'd have to ask him what he meant in a minute. For now-the reason they were in a glass box needed to be answered.
"So that bout sums it up." Nico says as he floated lazily in the air, yawning-though Percy was sure that ghosts didn't need sleep but how was he supposed to know if the only ones he's met are the Hogwarts ghosts and Nico himself.
Tom nodded as he was now in some robes to cover himself seeing as Severus was a modest git. "I see. You need to get someone more powerful? Poseidon will be here later tonight. Maybe he can take a look at it. Us wizards will not be much help till then." His hands touched the seams of the box with a thoughtful expression. Enamored with the craftsmanship and the power that radiated from it.
Percy sighed and grinned. "Well it's better being here then there. Can I get cleaned up and get some food? I'm absolutely starving!" He spoke up cheerily as he wiggled in his cage. The side open so they could examine his cuts and gashes.
Both Tom and Severus got to helping him when it was opened and Nico left them to go tell Harry the news. Percy flinched at first with their hands touching him but he calmed and let them. He trusted them more then he trusted himself to take care of himself at the moment.
The 5 foot radius was great when he wanted a nice warm bath. All they had to do was put a tub in front of the open side and he just rolled in and enjoyed it greatly. Warm clean water...he gurgled in joy. Though he blushed in embarrassment when Severus gave him a small grin as he stayed to make sure he was alright.
"So you all know of the gods?" Percy asked casually even though his face was red from his embarrassment.
Severus nodded as he turned and gave him some soap. Watching as the water shimmered with gold before disappearing. The IV tube still sucking but his wounds healed with the water-his power over water helped. "It all seemed to happen at once. You gone, me and Tom remembering-Harry learning about us and your stories." His eyes watched Percy flinch before sinking further at the mention of his 'stories' "He's been worried sick-he was a mess until a plan and some hope in finding you appeared in the form of a corporeal form of a young demigod."
Percy moved down a bit more before he sat straight in the tub, his spine showing bones that made Snapes stomach twist. "He's at school right?"
"Yes." He spoke softly.
"Good." Percy spoke looking at his hands. "I don't think he should see me like this-ever. It was already painful for him to see me with my power drained from me-but it being blocked and everything else then...I look much worse don't I?" Tears fell onto his palms and he hated the fact he was crying but it was overwhelming for him.
Severus softly took Percy's hands. "I understand. Trust me I do-I would have said the same. But I think you still look amazing-even if unhealthy at the moment. You could be a lot worse and I'd still find you stunning." He spoke softly ignoring the pink in both of their cheeks. "You just need time to heal-when your not connected to that thing." He waved a hand-having to regretfully leave Percy for a moment-at the glass box and IV tube.
"Thanks." Percy spoke feeling a bit better.
Then hands were feeling out his face and he was leaning into them with comfort as he felt safe with those hands holding him. And sleepy.
"Come on, let's get you ready for some sleep then..." Severus spoke and they were quick worked to finish up just in time for Percy to crash into the blankets he was given along with pillows to cuddle.
"Thank you..." Percy spoke when Severus was at the door to go do whatever in the early morning he had to do. Crazy how time flies.
Severus only smiled slightly and left.
Poseidon frowned as he looked it over, the glass shimmered as he put his hands to it-not caring for the pain that came with from doing so. He could bare with it-that is until Percy started to feel it too and he backed off quickly. "Hmm, this is intriguing." He spoke. "And troublesome." Then growled.
Percy huffed as he got his air back. "Really, very intriguing." He rolled his eyes.
"CHAOS!!" He suddenly yelled and it echoed across the castle.
"No need to yell." Said a deep voice as it stepped into the room from thin air. No sparkles or portals. No pop-no light, just there. Walking in with a tux on a very large compact body, his hair as white as freshly fallen snow, his eyes deep black caverns of space and stars. His smirk just topped it all off. "Well it seems Percy you have gotten in a bit of a pickle."
"A pickle is not what I am in." He rolled his eyes, watching his dad bow to the primordial of all primordials. Though he didn't give a rats ass if he was one or not. "Glass cage yes-but not a pickle. That would be weird." He rambled.
Chaos chuckled and it sounded like base drums banging. "Right. Let's get you better yes?"
"Please for the love of all..." Percy sat up from his spot.
Everyone who was there-Tom, Severus and Poseidon, all watched in awe as Chaos brought his hands up without it reacting. The mans eyes stayed open as he frowned. Percy waited for the sudden pain of someone trying to break him free but it didn't come. Instead he steadily found his magic-which they had started to block off when he tried to use it against them in his viscous pranks back when he was a prisoner-his powers as well came back in a trickling stream.
"I won't undo them all at once-you've been backed up for quite awhile. But the strands of Ends doing are being unraveled. Seems he was having fun-" Chaos spoke softly.
"Fun? What sort of fun is this? Torturing him and starving him! Taking his strength away for fun?!" Poseidon was livid. So were the other gods by the sudden thunder and lightning, sharp winds rattling the windows. And yet the air grew colder and shivers ran down the non godly forms.
Severus and Tom were at a loss-they did not know much of the Greek gods, even with what they researched to find out who End was-but they to were livid with a fire burning in their chests hot and painful against the cold air.
Rubbing at his own chest, Percy suddenly coughed up gold ichor and he suddenly started to feel worse as he dizzied and laid down.
"That bastard." Chaos spoke deeply angered as the work he did just made it worse for Percy as they came back with a vengeance. Suddenly his hands vanished the glass cage and grabbed Percy before he could fall. Percy started screaming in pain as it felt like something was cutting at a limb-trying to take it out with a dull spoon.
Chaos just worked his magic-told those who weren't gods to leave as his magic turned brighter in the room. The wizards left and he started working, mending what was cut as it was done. Taking the strings and abolishing them into nothing as painful as he could-this weakened End and he knew it also angered him as he did another several strings to one he got rid of.
He started to imagine burning them-ignoring the scream of Percy's as he felt like he was burning alive-and he felt everything that was happening to him-the harsh pulling, the tightening-it was like being utterly tortured in a whole other way then he had ever been before.
Poseidon held his sons hand and lent him his strength-as much as he could, he couldn't very well see with how bright the room had become with the over abundance of power-but he felt it all. How Percy shook and thrashed and how he heard it. How he screamed and it broke his heart every time he did.
The wizards in the mansion shuddered-some unknowing of what was going on ran up only to be stopped by Severus and Tom. The door was leaking the powerful light-and the sounds of Percy. The two wizard creatures held each other from going in. They didn't want to disturb the powers unknown from doing what they could.
"No...don't you dare try Percy-" Chaos spoke harshly before he shivered and looked over the form of Percy's-able to see as it was his magic. His power. He could see almost anything-he didn't exactly have eyeballs.
But he was worried as Percy started to flicker under his hands, as if he was trying to dim-to fade. The ichor fell from his nose-his eyes and his ears. Mixing with the salty substance of his tears.
Poseidon could feel it-the link between him and his child fading. "Come on Percy, fight it-please..." he choked on a sob. "..we only wanted you to have a childhood to go out and do things any child-a teen would. We wanted you to be happy, all of you-we left the choice in all of your hands to die by mortal means-as we would understand if you took it. But...please-you have not only me, a small fragment but you have so many more. Remus and Sirius are unreachable trying to find if your in Alaska-the kids of Hogwarts wish for their favorite teacher. Hermione is worried and stressed along with her studies-she wants you to adopt her so she feels even closer, as she already is," he laughs, he wondered when he started seeing the Athena like child as one of his own grandchildren. "And poor Harry, he lost weight Percy-he tries to eat but he can't when he feels sick with worry. He loves you, they all do. Your so important to so many people still here...so please...fight it..."
Percy whimpered pathetically at the words. He could hear. He heard it all and it made him feel happy-loved. It eased his pain so he grasped it firmly and focused on it. His life with Harry, the magic coming in soon after and all the kids he adored of Harry's friends. To Severus, to Remus and Sirius. To his father, to everyone else gone or alive.
With one last scream, Chaos backed away and pulled Poseidon with him. Percy had done the rest without having the power-his power, they watched in awe as Percy fought it off with his own sheer will.
The scream though was loud and with it the ground shook and the rain pounded harder-outside the room, they worried, the rest having gone back to what they were doing after a bit of convincing. But they stayed-they wouldn't be going anywhere until they knew what happened to their mate.
Sooo, I've been a bit busy-more like unmotivated but I'm back. And here's a chapter to show that. I'll be updating more soon later today or tomorrow and till the end of this book. So I hope you all stay and enjoy 😉.
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