:: Chapter 37 :: War Brewing
They stood staring at each other, one holding the silver potion in hand like the other. "He said that?" Tom asked as he shook it and watched it swirl like it had glitter in it and he wondered again what was in it to look so pretty.
"Yes, My Lord." Snape drawled out. "Said we-both of us will understand later after we took it." He explained for the fifth time under the hour they had been in the office.
Red eyes looked up. "Take yours first."
Severus brought up his own little vial and wondered what he was doing as he unpopped the cork and found himself trusting of Percy-he always had, he just had to fake they weren't. Nothing happened at first besides finding that the potion actually tasted familiar-like earl grey tea and a warmth on his skin, like that of a fireplace. He frowned but he let it run its course as warmth spread and fired up in intensity the longer it went.
When there was no immediate signs of death upon Snape-Tom took his. And like the man in front of him sweating buckets by now. He found himself tasting hot coco-or was it Earl grey as well? The warmth of a fire-and the feeling of something in his hands he looked down at them as they tingled-and the flash of a gurgling child went through his mind. He gulped as the fire in hime burned brighter and hotter, and he was now sweating himself.
Then for both-hit at the same time-even if taken at different intervals of time-found themselves remembering the night that Harry was taken from them-to everything going way way back till Tom was in the orphanage-a child who was vindictive against bullies and abusive mad adults. Severus to a time before he was in school. Not ever in love with Lily but she was his best and only friend-they looked up at each other and their chests ached deeply.
As they stared into each other's eyes as if it was the first time all over again-like the day they found each other. A glamour shimmered and fell from Severus and he found himself feeling lighter then ever.
Tom stood abruptly and stalked towards Severus who stepped back with fear from the memories he was given along side his his own-it was confusing to say the most-but he gasped as Tom knelt in the ground and started to apologize over and over. For the crucios-for the less then equal parts and All Severus could do was try to get him to stop after 10 minutes to long.
Then he was kneeling to and confessing to everything he had done, he was apologizing and all the while holding a sobbing mans face in his hands. Neither were good with emotions and neither were good at comforting anyone but themselves.
That's how it went, when they'd remembered all they had done, all that had happened and all that they lost.
Snape laughs as Tom tickled their child by the fire. His smile was the most gentle thing he had ever produced, and the reason was there before him. His mate, and his child happily together. He was tired but he wouldn't change a thing.
He looked down at the scar across his abdomen. From hip to hip, his hands splayed across it, it was pink and still fresh. Magic having helped heal him but it still felt like his insides would fall out. He was laying on the sofa for this reason. Tom taking care of their little one.
He would never be able to do it again. The potion was a one time deal. One that took nearly 5 years to make. He remembered the day he came to Tom with the idea, to have kid of their own-as their bearer mate-if they even had one-would not be around for awhile to come they supposed as they had yet to feel any pull like when they found each other.
His face scrunched up when he remembered having liked Lily some in his later years before inheriting his creature. His hand not rubbing his scar came to his pointed ears. An elf, he of all people was an elf. A mystical being of pure lines.
Blinking from his thoughts he found a baby being laid onto his chest. Hardleear was giggling with his big eyes looking at him as he tried to move, but he was far to young to even lift his head for to long. Much less support it.
"You're thinking to hard again." Tom spoke softly as he had a hand run through his hair.
He rolled his eyes and patted Hardleear's back softly-the baby yawning showing he was tired. "I was not."
"Well you were thinking." Tom pointed cheekily as he easily had Severus sit up enough so he could have his head in his lap to look down at his two beautiful creatures.
"I was but I'm allowed to, considering you don't do much yourself." He huffed.
"Ow, Sev Baby, that hurts. Right here." Tom pointed to his chest, and laughed when Severus hit the place he had pointed at. "Ah you truly abuse me." He whined.
Severus rolled his eyes. "Truly." He drawled.
"Ahyaaa!" Harry spoke as his head came up to say his part making two parents laugh before he found his head planted back on Severus' chest.
"Let's get to bed." Tom spoke softly, their arrangement ending as quickly as it was made. "I'll clean up in here, you need to rest just as much as hatchling here." He carefully helped the man up and led him to their bed room. Barefooted against the cold stone floors.
When both were put to bed, he went to the drawing room and started to clean up. Once he was done, he decided to do some work before he went to bed. Being a Dark Lord-even if it was a title with no meaning, or more a name in which a wizard wanting of change to the wizarding world was given. He sighed at how he hated it. All he wanted was to bring creature like him-a vampire, and werewolves and Veela and so forth back into the community that ran them out.
His tea was piling steam into the air, and when it wasn't he realized the time and how his tea went cold to his tongue.
He jumped up and started to run, Severus having screamed so loud and full of fear that his instincts came boiling to the top, he skidded in and found Severus on the ground barely awake and their room trashed.
"Harry...save Harry..." with that Severus was unconscious, and Tom having no time to check him over ran out towards the nursery beside theirs.
A spell left his lips to the figure standing above his sons cradle. "Do not move a single finger." He spoke his voice a growl as he walked as close as he could to see him. "Dumbledore? What are you doing?!" He yelled infuriated.
The man only grinned, eyes turning golden before a battle was fought, and he couldn't do much unless he wanted to harm Harry. But the battle was for not, because as soon as he protected Harry, a spell crashed into him and the world went dark as pain consumed his being.
Gold eyes watched the vampire slump over with a thud, hitting their head roughly against the ground. Then the slid through the dark and now destroyed room. They had a lot to do-especially seeing as they made an entire dark side under a night.
There had been no war before that night, no suffering and no deaths. The wizarding world was at peace besides the political war between Tom, and his supporters against the ministry laws. Most being pure bloods-and creatures alike.
Soft crying reached the olds mans ears, the baby's screams having calmed after the loud sounds of a battle going on had stopped.
He looked in and found the boy bleeding from his head. He supposed a spell accidentally bounced around and harmed him. He hadn't meant to harm the child. At least not yet. Apathetic to the crying baby he picked up the swaddled child, and with a turn left the room for nearly a moment before coming back to finish what he had started.
Albus Dumbledore, a man tainted with greed and power, a man that changed the minds of so many under a single night. But not with his power but the power of Another.
The Potters had watched, silently as Severus went from a calm man to an angry man with no recollection of having Harry. They knew then, that something had happened and they weren't sure of what exactly.
All they knew was to protect Harry, he was theirs even for a short while, and loved by them.
Lily loved him, just as much as she would have loved her own. A child born to still. A still born boy with her red hair and the blue eyes of her husband-if she hadn't been a red head, people would have believed the boy a Weasley.
Speaking of which....
"THAT BASTARD! I'll kill...ILL KILL HIM!!" Lily screamed at the top of her lungs, Harry crying on the couch with James bouncing him as he tried to calm her down-but he was angry to.
"We can't just...we'd be putting him in danger too dear, if we...the prophecy. Think of the prophecy." He tried to get her to think it all through before going off to murder Dumbledore. Even if knew he would go help-but they had Harry to think of and now, their son they thought dead.
"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! Dammit..." she found herself sobbing heavily as she slowly fell to the ground a hand falling around her lower stomach. "My baby...our son...taken from us and we were told he was dead? What the hell is that bastards plan but to ruin the lives of families?! Our Atticus....now named Ron, ugh...." She wiped at her tears. "And we can't even get him back..."
James watched her sniffle as his chest aches. He carefully stood and approached his Lily, then lowered Harry from his arms to sit in front, still crying himself before crawling into her arms. He watched her hug Harry to her, kissing his head softly. Whispering how she would protect him till her dying breath. And he feared that that's what would happen.
"The prophecy is a fake...it has to be." Lily spoke, calmer now as she rocked Harry who started to fall asleep after having been calmed. Her hand rubbing the lightning scar he came with-a scar she knew was Dumbledores doing somehow. Her anger came up like acid running-hot and painful, causing her to bite her lip to not explode again.
James nodded. "Could be..."
They stayed quiet and basked in the warmth of the fireplace. Harry sleeping, and his adoptive parents holding him close in their net of safety.
That night, was the same night they died.
"I don't want it! Take it back already dammit..." Percy screamed at the gods who sat tiredly and numb in their thrones. Not caring of the voice of Percy screaming below them.
It had been a week since becoming a god. And yes-they knew it wasn't the best thing to force him. But they needed him-and so did the campers left. They did not do it to keep him as their ace-but to give him time to heal and live his life free from worry, the rest of what left of the campers were given immortality in a different way, so they to could live as children longer.
For months-Percy came asking for them to take it all back. Begging to be made as a mere aging mortal. But no one had the heart to tell him-that he never would be. As in Chaos, the creator of all had also given him a blessing above all of theirs.
Until finally Apollo-told him the truth.
Percy caused damage across the world with his title over water-his powers being infinitely better then ever before. Zeus was sure that Percy could kill them all-and as much as that made him feel inferior-his guilt was a lot heavier in his mind.
Then Percy started traveling. He didn't stay in touch but they watched over him in case it was needed. Even if they knew it wasn't.
They were all there the moment Harry was found by Percy. Hestia mourned for the child-and Hera wanted to kill the family or turn them into something for the bruises and such. But Poseidon wanted to die then and there-he had watched over Percy-and knew that he had gone through the same thing and he hadn't been there to help him. Though he felt proud through his guilt, his son was and will always be a better man then him.
They watched Percy heal after finding the small boy and claiming him. How he healed Harry. How they both made each other happy like no one else could except for those who understood and knew what they went through.
Slowly, things had started to even into a happier route-until the world shifted again. The gods powers suddenly strained as if someone had tried to tie a water hose, to stop the water, but it still could trickle out. And it helped to be in their domains to gain more power there then they could anywhere else.
Until suddenly-like a dam was broken their powers came back full force and they had to calm themselves before causing more worldly diasasters-to the point Poseidon had to go sleep for weeks to let it settle again.
Unknowing that Percy's leash grew tighter-as if more strings were on his hose, like theirs were transferred to his as a main focus point.
Percy grew weaker-and then Percy was taken.
But this time, they knew why.
This time...they would be going to war to fight for him back.
Sirius and Remus looked at their tea cups, having joined the meeting after causing a ruckus with Severus there-but know they were as quiet as the soft wind blowing over still water.
"My dad is awesome..." Harry spoke finally. "He told me of the wars-of the people, his friends. I didn't realize, Peter was actually Percy. I guess I never realized or put it together because I just loved the stories, and thought nothing of them as more, just stories, not real." He frowns, messing with his cup. "But Peter didn't turn into a god-all his friends were alive and happy...not gone. My dad didn't want me to know the ending like that...."
"No, he wouldn't have wanted you, to know that war has its many ways of scaring people-of losing so many people you care for. They may have been tweaked, but those stories are true, and real-and maybe in a whole other universe-dimension as Hectate would say-they're alive. But they aren't, and that's what made your father so gloomy until he met you. My grandson. And amazing special boy who can and is a lot like Percy, even if blood is not between you two-you are more like him with each day that goes forward." He smiled at Harry, a crinkle in his corner eyes to show his smile was true.
"What makes this all weirder-is at least you weren't the only baby switched around. And, it seems you and Ron are brothers-don't know how that didn't show up in the blood test." Hermione spoke with a small smile as she tried to wrap her mind around so much information.
"Well, there are spells to hide such things-I'm guessing after Lily and James found out that he was alive-after taking a Blood test for Harry. Dumbledore found out and hid it somehow. Maybe a spell on Ron himself." Remus wondered to-he also remembered how devastated Lily and James were. He felt his own anger come and settle in his chest.
Severus sipped at his tea. There was so much to process. He wondered what he should tell Tom, but for now...he needed to think. He sighed and rubbed his eyes.
"Tired?" Harry asks him as Hermione, Sirius and Remus show Poseidon to a room as well as to also a few questions
He looked at his and Toms child, Lily and James Harry. And Percy's son. He had so many parents. Two of which died protecting him, and another two who forgot about him even though he was one of the greatest things in life for them. Then Percy, who cared for him like no one had done since he was one. 6 years in that muggle home...practically tortured and used as a slave.
Merlin did he have so much to make up for. His eyes met Lily's green ones and he nearly cried at the thought one of the best friend of his life was a mother for his child when he could not be.
"No...well, yes and no. Harry...I'm so sorry that we didn't protect you...but harmed you instead. I don't expect you to forgive us and I don't expect we will forgive each other anytime soon or at all. But...we would like to be your life as much as possible. If you'd allow us."
Harry stared at him. He saw it his birth mother-father-whatever it was. He didn't care. He just knew that Severus probably would never forgive himself. Based on his his ears were moved in a way that made it seem like he was sad as well as his eyes that looked clouded with tears and thoughts. The frown added to it all to show a grieving man. Sighing he hated the fact-even if really he didn't-that he would forgive them someday.
So he allowed it. He allowed them to try.
Few days later and there Harry, Hermione, Sirius and Remus stood with Severus in Malfoy Manor, Lucious unknowing of what was going on in his own home as he was off to a ministry meeting, along with his wife. They had been invited to talk. Or meet, in better circumstances. Though who was there-were old friends.
When he saw Draco at the Malfoy house, the first thing he did was break the boys nose. For all the feelings he made him feel last year. And the silver haired boy cursed as Blaise, Theo and Daphne backed away with wide eyes. It also didn't help that Harry was emotionally all over the place since his fathers disappearance. And finding out why his dad was taken-to his stories and wars, to his parents remembering, to Severus begging him to come see Tom. Even though the vision of Tom in the graveyard bounced around in his head.
"Huh, that actually felt quite nice." Harry spoke shaking hand out.
Sirius was howling with laughter as Remus tried and failed to reel him in as he too was a little bit amused.
Hermione was slightly happy-she probably would have done it herself if he hadn't beat her to it. She gave a smug look to the rest of their old friends and they sighed as they to knew they deserved it. In a way.
Watching from the hallway, not making itself known, Tom wondered what was going on. No one told him that they were old friends and liked each other-not like everyone knew, but few did know about the whole in love thing.
"That's for being a dumbass." Harry spoke as he rubbed his bruising fist. A deadly look in his eyes when Draco was pulled up onto his feet.
"Right, like I knew you were the kid to Voldermort." Draco spoke nastily as he held his nose, blood pouring down his hand to drip off the floor.
"I prefer Tom. Voldermort was a man created by Dumbledore." Said man said as he walked out from the Hallways. His eyes flicking to Severus who nodded. "Let's talk?" He asked as he tilted his head towards a sitting room.
Harry stared at him, trying to keep the rising panic from showing before nodding and took a step past Draco, not giving the rest a glance-but knowing they'd have a good talk later. Hermione made sure they all knew with a good glare their way.
And so, Harry took a step towards the supposed Dark Lord.
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