:: Chapter 30 :: Anger is only a Mask
He screamed awake again, his scream already being shushed and his crying being calmed by his ever present father. Harry dug himself deeply into him as he sobbed. The pain coming back, not as bad but enough for Harry to relive the memories as the new darker dreams of Tom finding out that he was his-knowing the man would still try to kill him. He shook, trembling ceaselessly.
Holding Harry close, Percy started to sing a soft melody his mother used to sing, ignoring the sting of thinking of his mother to continue singing. Calming him more as he let his magic roll over Harry's like a calm wave over a rough one. His own chest hurting as Harry's magic also felt as sad as his son was.
He could only comfort him in the way he knew best. Hold him and let him know he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon-he would kill anyone who would stop him from keeping his son from him.
Later that morning, something happy happened in the gloom of things. Percy had stuffed the dragon egg he's been taking care of in the fireplace. He had purchased several books-and finally thought it would be safe to stick the tiny egg into the roaring flames. He and Harry watching it as they hoped today that they'd see the little dragon within. It had cracked the other day, they're hoping with more warmth it would burst out. Harry was more then happy to accept the welcoming embrace of distraction.
They watched engaged as more cracking sounds appeared, Percy quickly taking it out with oven mits and onto the blankets on the coffee table. Watching as the shell of hard scales cracked away. And out came a blue dragon-not the dark brown burgundy of its mother. But blue, as blue as Percy had dyed his hair first year. It ombréd dark at the wings tip and snout into a light shade of near white blue.
The dragon blinked and yawned at Percy before wobbling into the open arms of the man she imprinted on.
Harry had fun helping his father name the tiny dragon. It was about as big as Harry's head-and it's green eyes were overly large on the dragon but that added to the cuteness and knew that the little girl dragon would grow into her beauty one day.
That night he sent letters to all his friends finally-as felt ready to talk to his friends, he had wanted to be alone to cope-even if Hermione lived with them and knew and probably kept in touch with the rest of them. He just needed time after the school year ended.
Days later, only four replied. The Twins, Luna Lovegood and Neville. Hermione had come back from a shopping trip with Sirius to be able to talk about it with Harry. They then continued to write to the rest of their Slytherin friends. Sending even a Gringotts Hawk with all their returned letters.
"They didn't respond again." Harry said as he looked out to the lake between the trees. His hands clutching limply papers that hadn't even been opened to be read.
Hermione frowned, as they hadn't responded to her as well. "Seems so. I hope they're okay." She says softly taking Harry's hand as the tears appeared in his eyes. Her chest feeling like it would cave in.
"Me too." He whispered softly. His eyes closing on the memory of the stars and a game of tag.
Percy had been trying for weeks to get ahold of Severus. Or even Lucious, Blaise's mother but no one answered and he wanted to storm over an demand why-but he realized he had never been to either homes of any of his friends. Them to his or meeting at a spot in Diagon Alley. He hadn't even thought about it before now. He hoped that his thoughts of the deepest darkest ideas hadn't come true as he worried.
His Demi-god dreams were a lot more clearer as a god now, and he found himself in a glass cage-feeling like he was empty but in pain all the same-more often then not. He worried on what that meant but pushed it aside to keep trying to locate his friends-or at least communicate with them.
His eyes turned to the bottles of the potion he had. They had to sit and age for about a year before they were ready for consumption. But...he didn't know if he could wait for that. His son was mentally and physically scarred from his own biological father, and his biological mother-still male though-was M.I.A, no contact what so ever since the ending of the tri-Wizard tournament.
He rubbed at his little Estellas head. She was sleeping happily on his stomach, head on his chest as he pet down her spine spikes. Her purring helped him a little. Chester and Bronx sleeping in the corner when he checked on them. Somehow, Bronx had gotten hold of his gold purse again. But he left it there. It was safer with a niffler then in his drawer after all.
Standing he went into the kitchen, to the pantry and started to cook something. Estella climbing up him to stay in his hair to watch from above. She quite liked his head. As he was finishing did he hear the sound of glass shattering coming from Harry's room along with screams and more thundering sounds.
Quickly he ran up and burst through the room to watch as Harry threw his Xbox into his tv. Percy was surprised but watched carefully as he kicked and screamed until he was falling to his knees in his mess as he screamed till he had to cough and breath.
Anger only hides ones hurt for so long.
Walking in softly, banishing the mess away, his hands found Harry's, his poor Harry's hands shook. And when their eyes met, Percy could physically feel his hurt skip a beat with pain. The tears were thick on his dark lashes as they fell easily down his red flushed cheeks.
"They won't answer, Voldermort is alive, Dumbledore is a bastard. The wizards are all idiots." His son spoke as Percy leads him to his bed to sit. "Everything is an utter mess..."
They sat side by side, looking out his floor to ceiling windows. Both became quiet for a moment before Percy turned to his son. "I forgot who I was for 8 months."
Harry frowned. "What?"
"Yeah, well more like my memory was taken from me by Hera. Then put to sleep in Alaska. Woke up, trained with a wolf names Lupa. But for the most part I was alone. Forgotten I had thought, but really I was the only one who forgot. I only knew my name. It was rough." Percy spoke softly as he rubbed his sons knuckles. "And when I came back war had started again. Me in the middle with all my friends. My family....and I lost them all."
Harry was confused but listened to his dad. "What does this have to do with-"
"With anything?" Percy smiled slightly. "Because everything was a mess, I suddenly had learned everything one day again, remembered everyone and mainly Annabeth. But I realized that the months I was lost, thinking no one was looking for me. Someone was. My point being is, there may be a reason to all of this. And we'll figure it out. Okay?"
He thought about it-his dad was right. They both were in a mess-and for his Dad there was a reason to how fudged up it had gotten. So maybe with him-
Harry nodded and then he was pulled off to have food. Sirius being smacked for eating before everyone was even in the dining room, making Harry smile. Hermione rolled her eyes and continued her talk happily with Remus who laughed at Sirius' pout.
Even through the Anger, Harry found himself consumed by it-he realized even if things didn't work out. Something good would have to come his way right?
Or did he already get everything?
He wasn't sure, but he hoped, he prayed and wished on the stars-that everything would come to an end soon.
Crediting the original author, the one I adopted this book from awhile ago now, and have made my own from chapter four and onwards-please go check them out if you wanna, they're pretty cool 😎.
I had credited them before but they just told me they changed it, I'm glad I'm doing your idea to your liking-I hope I continue to do so.
Anyways I hope you readers have enjoyed and check them out!
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