:: Chapter 29 :: It Was Getting Dark
He wanted to scream, to run but most of all he wanted his dad. Not the man before him who was staring at him as if he was the bane of his entire existence. He had so wanted to believe Percy that his real father did want him, that he didn't remember. But before him was the mad man everyone feared in the wizarding world.
Before him was the man that wanted him dead.
And he had no idea why, besides revenge he supposed.
Something shattered within Harry-a hope he had been keeping alight-unknown to him but was there. It was crushed like glass under a mortar and pestle. And most of all, it hurt...it felt like needles spreading through his lungs when he breathed in and tried not to panic as his eyes tried to focus past the suddenness of wanting to cry.
He was talking, that all Harry could hear through muffled ears. No sound wanting to register.
As he talked Harry wanted to scream at him but held his tongue, the mad look in his eyes told for patience if he wants to bide his time. He needed to find a way to get to Cedric and the Goblet if he wanted to get home, to get to his dad, he needed to survive.
He turned to Peter, thanking him for his service-before he stopped. His hand reaching up and to his nose. His brows furrowing together. Then his hand went upwards to his hair. Confused at the suddenesss of having hair again. He transfigured a tombstone to a mirror and found himself staring in shock. He wasn't the monster he looked like before...his eyes found the scared green ones of Harry's. And frowned because that wasn't the only emotion in his enemies eyes-there was anger-as he expected. But not as fiery-more subdued with the overwhelming sadness.
"How is it-that I'm not in the same form as I was before..." he spoke calmly as he searched for an answer among the people here, Peter holding his new metal hand close.
"It should have been cor-correct sir." Peter mumbled meekly making Harry glare at the weak male. Seeming more angry at the rat then Voldermort.
"Or he could be lying seeing as he got the information of my parents from Dumbledore!" Harry growled. Unable to keep that in due to his sudden influx of emotions. So many were raging through it was hard to calm himself to think more rationally like his Dad-Percy had taught him.
Tom looked at Harry, seeing the boy was more angry towards his subordinate then himself. But mainly frightened-and hurt. Sad. He was confused to say the least at the ever present feelings he could read easily.
Suddenly a spell was cast towards the duo, and Cedric-in all his alive glory-came saying more spells to free Harry. Then they were running with Cedric pulling Harry along as if he were a puppet.
Dodging spells left and right, trying to breath in even if it hurt to do so from the excercise-Harry hadn't realized he was moved so far from where the arrive sun the quite obvious graveyard-suddenly Harry was writhing on the ground and screaming bloody murder.
His body felt alive with fire in his veins, tears coming to his eyes as he tried to figure out what was happening besides unbearable pain. He couldn't breath-couldn't hear-couldn't think.
Cedric stopped by him a shield being placed between them, having to focus as the Crucio spell did it's worse to Harry.
Harry huffed and gaged as he tried to push through the fire in his veins, his heart beating fast with the pain. Quickly he grabbed his fathers wand from his boot as his was taken currently by Boldermort himself-and as Cedrics shield dropped he spit off a spell that zoomed through and caused an explosion giving them the moment they needed for Cedric to pull Harry onto his feet. Pulling him towards the goblet only feet away now.
But this time both were hit with the crucio curse and found themselves withering under the pain as people chuckled around them in a vicious melody. Harry wanted his dad, he prayed for his dad to save him. He sobbed into the ground as Voldermort....
As Tom.....
As his real biological father walked towards him with a malicious smirk on his lips.
They were so close...
Minutes had passed, Percy held his breath. His eyes roamed the tall ledges for any sign of his Harry. Scared witless. He watched as Fleur came out after sending red sparks into the air. She was pretty scratched up and was sobbing as she was led away.
When Victor came out Hogwarts cheered knowing that they had won. But it didn't make sense...why had Victor come out without surrendering? Where was the cup?
Where were the Hogwarts champions?
And the question more important to Percy, where was Harry Potter-Jackson?
His heart beat roughly in his chest. Did something happen? Was he in there still?
His eyes found Severus hissing as he held his arm. Their eyes met one curious and the other wide eyed as he realized exactly what that meant. What his dark mark meant if it was alive and thriving once more. Quickly he turned and left the stands. Leaving Percy's voice to call for him.
Before Percy could chase after the man, he heard it. Felt it.
Dad! Please...please!!!
It was Harry! He looked around thinking he was somewhere around him, but no, he was hearing him but not with his ears...was Harry praying to him?
I can't...it hurts...please save us....
The feelings of fear slammed into him then, the feeling of pain and distress. He started to panic for Harry. He didn't know what to do. What was he to do? Harry was calling for him.
Suddenly Percy found himself feeling a tug and he decided to follow it and let it run its course as he was suddenly disappearing from the stadium stands and finding himself in a dark graveyard.
Quickly he put up a shield and looked around with wide eyes, until he found his son shaking on the ground with Cedric Diggory bleeding from his head shaking like a leaf as well. Quickly he grabbed them to himself, helping Cedric stand. Harry barely could stand alone as he had the two support each other as he turned to the stare that burned holes into his form through the impenetrable shield he had put up as soon as he knew spells were headed his way.
Blue met red in a battle of spells bursting in color around them.
Percy's though, showed no mercy to the mortal before him.
Quickly turned to the two students, grabbing them as they reached for the cup. Suddenly someone was in the shields and let loose a cutting hex. Percy quickly turned and covered the boys. Wincing when it took through his side. He had to stop from healing as he found them all in the lights of cheering fans seconds later.
Slowly they realized what was wrong when Percy hugged a crying Harry close. Cedric breathing heavily beside them. The stands went quiet as Diggorys father cried out in happy shock as he ran to his son.
Percy not looking at anyone lifted Harry gently into his hands, ignoring the stinging of his bloody side-glad to have red blood illusioned instead of his now gold kind. Harry may be bigger but he would never be to big for Percy to pick up and carry.
Weeks passed since the incident-no one believed either Harry or Cedric. No one wanted to. They were alone together with knowing how and what happened that night. Sure, his friends believed, but that didn't stop them from feeling alone.
Percy knew. And all he could do was be there when summer came and he found himself and everyone else in their home taking care of Harry the best they could. Nightmares tearing him apart.
But they all knew. It was getting dark.
And faster then any night had ever come.
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