:: Chapter 24 :: Dragons
The weeks that followed the announcement of the champions-came another year of being ignored, bullied or straight up being called a cheat. Harry was getting tired that the school body seemed to be so inclined to like him one second, then hate him the next. It infuriated his friends more then him though.
Neville and Hermione were angrily upset at their house overall just because a housemate was also a Champion for Hogwarts. And surprisingly, Cedric agreed with them. But that didn't stop them from ignoring/hating Harry.
The boy found himself wanting to be alone a lot to think as days passed. His friends didn't mind but told him they were always there for him.
As he was sulking in a hallway hit much well traveled in, sitting in a window looking down at the lake with a blank expression. Draco watched from where he had come to find him with a thoughtful look himself. He hated seeing Harry so lost looking himself. It made his chest uncomfortably tight. And with Daphnes wise consult-including Hermiones. Then he was starting to guess as to why.
Walking up to the ravenette he smiled when the boy looked at him before he bit his lip and turned away from Draco. "Come on Potter. What's wrong?" He asked as he leaned next to the window, hands his his pockets as his eyes stayed focused on the hot in front of him.
Blinking, Harry tilted his head before turning to Draco. "I'm....scared." Harry found himself being honest to him. But he wasn't surprised, more felt the weight of saying what was bothering him come off his shoulders.
"Me too. But obviously not as scared as you are. Your off to fight in deadly trials." He paused seeing Harry's frown deepen. "And as much as that's scary. You have so many of the most important people around you here to help." He said calmly as he took Harry's hand away from his mouth before he could start a nasty habit he somehow picked up. Rubbing the boys finger tips ignoring the heat pooling at his cheeks. "You have me..."
Harry heard the whispered last words, his own cheeks heating as he looked over Draco-for what felt weirdly like the first time but different. Instead of indifference and nervousness at meeting a chatty Draco. He found himself feeling bubbly and warm as he looked over the much grown boy in front of him. He oddly felt calm about such feelings building in his chest. Though something felt a amiss he dismissed it for now. "Yes, I have you...." His hand wrapped around Draco's. His blush worsening.
Percy carefully walked, towards where Harry presumed would give him answers for the first task. So he could be better prepared. His father much aware he was following closely behind.
They stopped behind some bushes and just from what he could hear, dread built in his stomach as the chains of metal rattled and the sounds of focused hardy men tried to rein something big in.
"Harry?" Percy asked looking directly at his sons frozen invisible form.
His fathers voice broke him from his dreaded shock stillness and he moved forward to stand beside his father, who then moved the shrubbery to see a large clearing, riddled with tents and large cages.
Then fire roared into the air making Harry's eyes go wide as saucers as he looked at the source of the angry flames. He found himself staring at aDragon, a real breathing dragon with chains that each connected to a burly man in protective leathers or none at all showing glistening scars and the visible perspiration slicking their skin as they reined the dragon into a cage to be angry in.
Percy noticing his sons growing panic put a hand around his shoulder and turned him away from the scenes before them. Soothing him with his aura as he had learned that he could do that. Softly rubbing his sons shoulder as they walked back. "Now, I think the rest know-except for Maybe Cedric, so if you could tell him when you regain some sense then that would be great-technically I should t be showing you or telling you but this will be our little secret." Percy speaks as if he wasn't completely worried out of his mind for Harry but tried and succeeded in keeping it from Harry for now.
Harry nodded and after spending some time having hot coco with his dad went to his dorms to process.
The next morning he told his friends and they were shocked, dragons? Really?
But they all immediately planned for the next days to be in the library searching everything they could on dragons as soon as lunch came around and would end till after the first trial. Harry only felt comforted his friends were so ready to help. His eyes looked to Draco and looked away with a small blush but a happy smile loaded on his lips as the Malfoy smirked a little, the only ones noticing were Blaise, Daphne and Hermione.
When Harry could, he called out to Cedric-ignoring the nasty looks. He didn't care if the student body hated him. He had his own friends that supported him enough he felt he could conquer the world. Cedric went over instantly with a grin as he reached the boy-his smile fading when Harry told him of what the first trial held. The older boy thanked Harry and went off as pale-or paler then Harry to go process what he should do to prepare.
And prepare they all did, so much so that they had to have Hermione-the one they usually needed to tell to stop studying telling them to stop studying. If it wasn't such a anxious air they would have laughed. Harry felt they may after this whole tournament was over.
Days before the first trial, their wands were given a look at by the wierd eyed Mr. Olivander. It was called the weighing of wands technically. And there was then a reporter. Something skeeter which had Percy staring her down and making a comment about how he hated bugs that made her gulp and her quill pen start scratching something out of its little notepad.
Needless to say-nothing was said in the papers the next day.
The day of the trial, Harry was breathing deeply as he tried to calm down. Following his fathers instructions in his head as he jumped in place. Remembering he was as safe as he could be,as he had prepared to be. Plus the training he got from his father with the twins in some days came to the for front of his mind. Shaking his head again to clear his thoughts back into the sounds around him. The excited chatter of many people outside and the announcements made him shiver in anticipation. Because secretly he was excited.
Cedric was a little bit green, as Victor patted his back trying to comfort him and it seemed to help even if it was awkwardly done. Fleur was breathing with her eyes closed, her hair in a tight bun looking ready as she could be as well.
In walked Bartemious Crouch Sr, with Bagman and Mcgonagal. They had them reach into a bag and bring out smaller versions of what they would fight in the arena.
Outside Percy sat with Snape, Sirius, Remus, Malfoys and the rest of Harry's friends. All worried as they tried to ignore the sounds of the dragons hidden below themselves. Then Poseidon walked over surprising Percy and the rest. Especially Snape for some reason.
The first to come out was Cedric, his name being called as a dragon was set with her eggs, among the bunch a golden egg sat as an imposter. Seems sus. But the dragon, a Swedish Short-Snout watched Cedric with fury, being moved and her eggs taken was rough on a dragon who just wanted to protect her babies. The only way for Cedric as he saw it was to transfigure a rock into a dog and it barked and did what was needed To distract it long enough to grab the golden egg, but it had turned with a breath of fire while he was happy at having passed. Quickly he left while the crowds cheered.
Next was Fleur, she stepped through with prim grace. Her dragon was a Common Welsh Green. She waved her wand with a soft spell on her lips and the crowd watched in awe as the dragon eyed her as it fought to not sleep like the spells intentition until it was out like a light. Carefully stepping around the dragon Fleur grabbed her golden egg and the crowd went wild. She jumped as she was set on fire slightly when the dragon had snorted in its sleep. Laughing erupting from the stands, blushing embarrassedly she walked back out quickly.
During Krum's turn, Percy had to step in to save a life-or multiple. And it wasn't the man himself. No, the man had sent a curse to the dragon-his was the Chinese Fireball-taking it's sight from it so he could snatch the egg and leave. But the dragon stumbled around and when it nearly smashed its eggs, Percy had put a shield and was already talking to the dragon calmly through the mind. Calming it enough that it curled and whined around its own eggs.
No one knew a thing, except for his father maybe.
Now Harry had gotten the short end of the stick once more. He got the most violent dragon-especially that of a mother dragon. The Hungarian Horntail was also smart because as soon as Harry entered she didn't give him any time and started blasting her flames with roars that definitely scared and possibly scarred some people in the stands.
Harry had to duck and weave around the arena tht was actually their quiditch feild. As he was putting a fire on his shoulder out quickly, Snape had to rub Percys back As ge tensed further watching his son in danger.
Then before Harry could do anything he had prepared for, the Dragon stopped and sniffed the air, everyone stared shocked as it started to hiss.
Harry being a parseltongue himself could understand. While the gods themself could understand most magical languages. If not speak it.
"Child of the Seas child?" It wondered as it looked at Harry who had softly peaked over in curiosity and everyone was surprised when it didn't spit it's fire at him.
"I suppose...my grandfather is Poseidon. Not by blood-" Harry was cut off as the dragon came closer with its head as it hissed.
"It does not matter if you have blood between the three of you. You are his grandchild-and the child of Lord Perseus. His name gets around in any community....you are his child, the smell of him envelops into your own. I would not want to kill a child of his without reason enough to get some mercy-what do you want?" It asked as it watched him carefully.
Carefully, he moved out and rubbed the back of his head, making his father in the stands sigh as he knew where his son had picked up that nervous habit. "I only need to get the gold egg-it is not yours as it was planted there for us to take as a challenge. I do not want to harm the others. And I will not take them from you."
The dragon looked him up and down before it rose a little making everyone hold their breaths before it turned to its nest-which she hated as it wasn't hers back home but it had her eggs. Her eyes caught it and wondered why she hadn't seen it. But from the stress of wanting to protect her babies. She knew why...glancing into the stands-she recognized the man himself, the father watching just as stressed as she and she felt for him. Turning back to his child she chuffed softly. Her tone lighter, a decision made. "Come," Harry paused but walked forward slowly and stayed within her sight until he was in front of the nest. "Take the golden one," Harry did and went to leave but was stopped. "And for you're father, take the smallest egg-it will not survive with me any longer. To small in the world of dragons it will be. But it will be loved like no other in your family's hands and grow strong."
Shocked Harry had to be nudged softly, the stands eerily quiet as carefully he took the smallest egg in its scaled form. "You are sure?"
"I am. Now, be careful young one. The air changes denser as danger approaches. Now go." She again nudged him away and curled around her nest as Harry carefully left with his precious cargo. The egg hot in his hands.
He exited and when someone tried to take the egg he stopped them-his father needed to be here.
While he was stuck alone with a red head waiting for the egg back-which he wasn't going to give him. He heard how he was in first, then Victor and Cedric and in last was Fleur. Which he supposed they were giving points on the basis of how much of a show they gave the crowd instead of the daring prospect-or maybe it was both.
His father rushed in and hugged him before he could fully stand, he couldn't well give him a full hug with a egg in his hands. The golden one beside his chair.
"Dad...this is yours. The mother wanted you to have her smallest. Knew you'd take care of her and make her a stronger then any other." Harry presented the dark scaled egg to his father.
Blinking, even though he could understand the language of parseltongue-it did not mean he heard all of what was said in the deeply renovated arena. "What?" He asked surprised.
"She what?" The red head came up with a frown. "She gave the egg? You didn't just take it?"
"Why would he take the egg if he knew the consequences of such things without the consent of the mother?" Percy spoke with a raised brow.
"Ah that's...it's true it's her smallest and we didn't have much hope for the youngling. But...we can't just be handing out eggs to anyone. Do you know how to take care of a dragon?" He spoke a little bit worried for the small thing.
Harry stepped in. "My dad knows a lot about a lot of things, he has taken care of many magical animals, one being an Alicorn-" that made the man gasp and they had to assure him that it was true. No one had ever seen one in years-this why it's on the down low. "He's taken care of dragon like creatures and I know he can, and so did the mother. Otherwise she would not give my father something as precious as her child."
The man looked between the two and was quite shocked. He hadn't expected such an event as this. But as he eyes Percy he understood the Dragon a bit more when he held the egg so carefully as well as checked over his own child. "I'm Charlie, it's nice to meet you."
Percy smiled. "Likewise."
With that, the first trial came to a surprisingly happy ending.
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