:: Chapter 20 :: Custody Battle
Percy raised a brow but led Sirius to his office.
It was quiet for people left alone In the living room. Remus being the main awkward person of the whole group. Before Harry got up asking if anyone wanted anything to eat.
"Whats did you want to talk about?" Percy asks as he summons the chairs for Sirius to sit, and banishing his papers for another time so he could actually see Sirius.
The man had some color back, his hair had been cut to shoulder length and his cheeks were filling out some. "Once I am better. I will be taking Harry under my wing."
Percy had to control the hot white rage from within-and ignore the sting of knowing Harry could potentially leave him. Ignoring the slight shake to the room his eyes locked in on Sirius-who wasn't concerned if the shaking of the ground. "What gives you that right?"
"I'm his godfather. I was to take him in if anything happened to the Potters." Sirius didn't control his anger.
"And yet, instead of taking him when he was a baby, you ran off to kill the rat bastard. You left Harry to be given to Muggles that treated him-not as human, but as a thing. You left Harry to be abused...." Percy's glare heated and Sirius actually hit a little nervous.
"I...he wasn't supposed to go to them...how would I have known...I still want Harry. No exceptions. Harry is not your son." Sirius spit out. "He is James and Lily's, and my god son, he should be in my care and no one else's, especially if you've never known them."
And that stung, just a little. "It doesn't matter if I knew them, I know Harry...that's what matters." And that made Percy think and his face fell...maybe it's what Harry would want. Shaking his head he sighed. "How's this...if Harry chooses to stay with you-I'll let him. Just as you should let him stay with me. Let him choose. Don't tell him...just...get to know him. We'll ask him towards his birthday."
Sirius thought about it before nodding slowly. "I'll agree to that."
With that, over the summer Sirius came and stayed with them. Harry was enraptured in the tales of James and the mauraders and of Lily. Harry hung out more and more with Sirius as they ran around pranking Remus who also decided to stay-once he was given permission-more like pushed into it by Percy after getting to know the werewolf.
Percy worried but found that he rather Harry be happy with whoever. And he wouldn't mind a back and forth arrangement if it made Harry happy. But Sirius somehow had a grudge out on him.
Sirius was never able to prank him, and Harry went to Percy for homework or for blue food-a tradition for the two of them. It made Sirius angry that some other guy claiming to be Harry's father was around Harry.
Sirius sat watching the lake that Percy owned. Again, another thing that made him prickle with emotion. Remus came up looking satisfied as it was after dinner and the sun was lighting the water on fire. With the colors of course.
"Amazing isn't it?" Remus sighed as he breathed in the fresh summer air.
"It's okay." He spoke.
"What is wrong? You've been pretty moody recently...especially towards Percy." Remus raised a brow as he looked at his pouting best friend.
Looking away from the lake he met eyes with the wolf. "I just don't like him...he isn't Harry's real father. And yet..." he gulped.
Sighing Remus felt like he should have seen this earlier. "Yes he is, he may not be James, but he is a father to Harry just as much as James was. He slept him safe, warm and fed. Happy, he's kept the boy. Happy. That's what should matter. And Percy is not just an amazing father but and amazing friend. He barely knows me-yet even as he knows about my condition, he's okay with it enough to let me live with him-to wander his grounds, teaching me the effects wolf and has on my psych. He may be younger then us-but he's seen much more if you look closely. Get to know him-not as Harry's Dad, but as Percy Jackson. The man that gave Harry what we couldn't."
With that Remus left Sirius to his thoughts. And he was right, Sirius really thought long and hard. He was being a twat. He was jealous, angry and hurt that he wasn't the one to make Harry happy like he was now.
His eyes caught someone walking towards the lake, it was night now, he hadn't even noticed. But he realized it was Percy that was walking. He decided to go to him.
"Percy..." he spoke carefully as he came up behind him.
The man turned and gave him a smile and that made Sirius feel worse. "What's up? Harry was looking for you earlier..."
"Yeah, I had a lot to think about...." He spoke as he watched Percy bend down and grab some sand before editing down.
"Well, sit down. You look like you need to let something off your chest. I'm all ears." Percy said as he played with the sand.
Sighing Sirius flopped back and admired the stars that shown vibrantly here. "I'm...sorry. I've been a little envious and I guess guilt ridden...and I took it out on you...you've done a lot for Harry, and I'm happy and I shouldn't take him from you. You are his dad as much as James was, you're an amazing father Percy."
Percy surprised at what he was saying stared at him blinking before smiling happily. "I'm glad you think so. I always kinda doubt how good a dad I am. Does this mean you aren't going to try and take him away?"
"No I won't try to take him away. He's happy here." Sirius sighed.
They were quiet for minute before Oercy huffed. "Since I have times I have to leave Harry alone, and since I'm a professor that needs to get to school a week earlier-you might as well live here. You and Remus. No snooping though, but other then that...do you want to live here with me and Harry?"
Sirius nodded with a smile as the weight in his chest lightened. "That's sounds great-and by no snooping, you mean-"
"It means no going into places you shouldn't." Percy sighed.
And then they started valiantly talking about exactly what Percy meant.
Edit, fixen somethin
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