:: Chapter 16 :: Escapee and Flying death
Camp wasn't what Harry was expecting, it was a lot quieter then he had heard in the few stories he was told. There were kids younger then him or way older than him.
When he and his father walked into the camp they were stared at like they gold walking.
Harry found himself playing with the kids in a strawberry field, half of it was gone apparently scorched or take. Over by statues of the fallen heroes. It made him sad. He had walked through it once, and found his father staring up at a beautiful statue of a girl. His dad looked so torn...like when he first met him.
Within the following weeks it's was learned the domains of the gods were weakening due to the loss of magic, it was leaking out from the domains as if cracks were being made in ice and melting. Is what they were told by Hecate. So far they had no idea why, only theories. But it wasn't good if they kept going and started to poison the earth in a way it never had or should before.
Percy was able to stop it and showers the rest how to as well, but didn't know how to reverse the effects, he would be researching on that later.
But the time came for Harry and Percy to go back to Hogwarts.
Harry on the Train and Percy off to meet Snape at the castle for classroom preparations. Harry was sighing as he waited for Draco at the station ignoring the stares from wizards as he ate the strawberries he was given as a gift. Speaking of gifts he had many for him from his birthday in his trunk he was sitting on. As he was chewing another strawberry, a singular red head walked up looking slightly constipated.
"Look...I..." sighing the boy, Ron Weasley, face fell and he looked tired making Harry surprised. "I'm sorry I've been such a twat. I was jealous, still am. And not of just your money and fame...but if your relationship with your dad....I have to many siblings for my dad to spend much time with us-but he loves us I know-anyways I'm sorry." With that he turned and left with a red face.
"Wow, didn't know our Ronnykins could do that." Said a twin on one side of him and appearing out of nowhere.
"Same brother. Do you forgive our idiot brother Harry?" The other twin asks appearing in his other side.
Harry calming from the scare shrugged. "I guess we'll see from here."
"Alright, thanks Harry. Also, you wouldn't mind asking your dad to teach us to yeah?" George smiled charmingly.
Smiling he shrugged. "I don't know, maybe."
"Alright, we'll wait then, thanks Harry! See ya!" And with that the twins were on the train.
Finally Draco was there and they rushed on and had to share a compartment with a older male in a hood that was obviously sleeping. Blaise found them soon after, but considering that Hermione still wasn't on, then he said he would be staying with Theodore Nott, Neville and Daphne- as well as some other friends for the train ride. He's sit with them at dinner.
When Hermione came, she obviously looked troubled but didn't want to talk about it. So they just sat in peace talking quietly so not to bother the sleeping man.
"Draco, I nearly forgot, but you won't believe who apologized to me while I waited for you!" Harry spoke rushedly.
"It's not our fault you weren't at the house as we thought!" Draco pouted but sighed. "Though please do continue. Who?"
"Ronald Weasley did." Harry says with a serious nod.
"No way..." Hermione spoke up shooketh to the core. "He apologized to you? No way, you've got to be pulling our legs Harry."
Rolling his eyes he sat up straighter. "But he did, I was there eating the strawberries when he came up, and by the end of it he was as red as his hair." He laughed at their face trying not to get louder then he was getting.
"Bloody insane..." Draco shook his head. "Did you hear bout Black?"
"Who?" Harry and Hermione asked together before smiling at that to each other before focusing back on Draco who rolled his eyes at the two.
"Sirius Black, he escaped Azkaban. Even though word was out that he never had a trial. Someone's been trying to get him one." Draco explained to him.
"Yeah, my dad has been. Because he's my godfather, and he wants to know what exactly happened the night-that night." Harry surprised the people in the compartment. "My dads been to busy with other things to get it done faster sadly, but yeah. I didn't know you could escape Azkaban though...."
"We'll he's a first." Hermione said and as she said that, the train slowed to a sudden stop.
"What's going on?" Harry asks as the inside of the car gets cold and their breaths turn to mist as they breath. The windows fogging up as well as the door windows.
Harry got up and opened the door, the only sounds were that of the train letting out steam and the panicking of children of all ages. He closed the door then.
"Strange." He spoke as the lights flickered.
"I hope everything is alright." Hermione spoke worriedly.
Draco huffed as he leaned back. "I'm telling my father about this."
Harry rolled his eyes but stopped before he could sit down as a black shadow came across the window to the door and the hallway.
"Harry..." Hermione spoke so quietly it might as well be something other then a whisper.
The shadow seemed to be floating, suddenly hands started to open the door, skeletal and shadowed by a cloak. The door opened to reveal a long black shadowy cape as it billowed. It was faceless and yet seemed to be staring into Harry. Suddenly Harry felt himself draining of energy as if he was being sucked dry if it and something else, something that felt as if he was being taken out of his own body.
Before he could react he was grabbing his celestial bronze knife and swished. The thing screamed something unholy as it backed off. It's skeletal hands holding the place we're he was able to injure it. Before it could come back white light knocked it back and it fled.
Harry then promptly fainted into Draco's arms.
"Here give him some of this when he wakes." The man said as he pulled his hood down to show off his face. He was quite handsome and older then they thought. In simple clothes and hair neatly or it was at some point combed back.
"This is chocolate...and where are you going?" Hermione asked as she held the bit of sugary goodness.
"To make sure there aren't more on the train." With that he was gone without an introduction.
Harry was still out cold for a few moments before the train started moving again. And soon after he started to wake with a groan, he felt like he had been hit by a train. "What?" He asked as the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was chocolate trying to be stuffed into his mouth.
"The man said it would help, come on Harry, take it." Hermione spoke calmly as they helped him sit on the bench rather then lay on it.
"Who?" He asks as he chews it slowly, it melted quickly, nearly as quickly as he started to feel a bit better.
The man came back then. "Sorry about that. I'm Remus Lupin, I'll be the new DADA teacher." He introduced as he sat near the door this time.
"I'm Hermione Granger." Introduced herself first before the boys could catch up.
Rolling his eyes at Hermione's smirk then he introduces himself next. "Draco Malfoy."
Harry much better now smiled. "I'm Harry Potter-Jackson."
Remus seemed surprised then confused. "Potter-Jackson?" He asks and fiddled with his hands.
"Yep. I'm adopted by him after my muggle relatives, let's just say weren't able to look after me anymore. Been my dad since I was 7. He's the professor of muggle studies." He explained. He seemed to have to do that alot to those who didn't know he was adopted.
Remus nodded along as if he understood but not really, he was told that Harry's as given to a magical family to take care of him and raise him right-nothing was mentioned about muggles. And if Harry meant those muggles-he'd kill Dumbledore himself.
Soon they got to Hogwarts, if not a bit late but they were able to eat before heading off to bed for the day.
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