:: Chapter 15 :: Home
Summer quickly came after the Chamber of Secrets. Harry got over the fact his biological dad was a murdering maniac and decided to deal with it later. For now he had to pack and get ready for summer. The amusement park tickets weren't going to spend themselves-and he invited everyone to try it with him-Hermione as well as soon as she wasn't petrified anymore.
Speaking of which, the group of them were eating talking about plans for the summer when everyone started whispering around them when the doors opened. They turned to see the petrified kids and a Hagrid who got sent to Azkaban walk in, Hermione following.
Harry and Neville were the first of the group up and running. Smashing into her in a big hug that had brought them to the ground. Draco, Daphne and Blaise coming over a lot more calmly but were smiling none the less as they helped the downed trio up and in turns hugged Hermione to them.
With that summer could really begin.
Although, not as fast as Harry had wanted. His dad was working on papers that piled up while he was gone, and all throughout the first two weeks of summer was spent in a boring routine of breakfast, phone or even sleeping. Sometimes he even turned towards the summer work he was given.
But today would be different. Today, Draco, Blaise and Hermione were off to an aquarium that Percy personally funds and owns. He may not go often but he is known well enough by the employees.
Harry's eyes watched the fireplace like a Gringotts hawk, he couldn't wait to show Draco and Blaise his home-they would be spending the night before meeting Hermione at the water entertainment building.
When it went off he excitedly let them in, Blaise's mother was along as well as Draco's parents. And oddly Snape. At least Harry thought so.
"Draco! Blaise! Welcome to my home, come come-" and off he went to show the boys his room where they'll be staying.
"Sorry about that." Percy spoke as he chuckled and walked in. His shirt was slightly loose after removing his tie and his hair more disheveled then ever. He smiled charmingly over at the adults as he walked the last hit down the stairs. "He's been really excited to have them over this summer."
"It's my pleasure to have Blaise be friends with Harry." Blaise's mother practically purrs as she walked towards the young man. "I'm Yemaya Zabini, Blaise's mother."
"Ah, hello Mrs. Zabini, I'm Perseus Jackson. Father to Harry." He chuckled.
Yemaya got closer. "It's Miss, actually." She licked her lips.
Blushing red to his ears he stepped back and laughed nervously before quickly greeting Snape. "Sev! Thank you for coming!" He said as he quickly darted around a now pouting mother and towards his friend.
"Yes, I'm glad I did I suppose." He drawled slightly amused by Percy's flustered appearance. Though he also made note to keep an eye of the widow. "Percy, let me introduce you to some of my colleagues and Draco's parents."
Turning to the silver haired duo he smiled. "I remember you two during first year while at Gringotts, Lucious and Narcissa correct?"
"Yes. It's a pleasure to meet again Mister Jackson." Lucious smiled and they shook hands as Narcissa smiled at him as she gathered herself from admiring the interior.
Percy smiled back, "Tea anyone?"
Meanwhile, the boys were watching as Harry showed them his Xbox and how to play GTA and Skyrim on his large tv. His father and made sure it would work with magic. Or at least not blow up the house if they met.
"This is amazing Harry!" Blaise said as he continued to run from the police.
Harry laughed. "I know right?" He looked down at his phone, "hey my dad is asking if we want anything to eat and drink while the adults talk downstairs?" Draco looked over his shoulder towards his phone with wide eyes.
"That would be great." Blaise said but was really concentrating on his video game.
"Come on Blaise, let me have a turn." Draco pouted as he sat in a bean bag chair.
Harry texted his father a reply and didn't even blink when a tray full of cookies and other snacks along with tea or pop was sat on his coffee table seconds later. But Draco and Blaise jumped at the suddenness of it.
"You don't have house elves?" Draco asked stuffing a cookie into his mouth as Blaise clumsily tried to eat one while playing.
"Nope, my dad and I don't really think we need one. We are enough it seems." Harry spoke and they continued like that into the rest of the night.
Percy was showing the adults out, mentally tired but not letting it show as he promised the parents of the kids in his care that they would be perfectly fine. Snape was the last one to leave. And helped him from a very handsy Zabini.
Sighing he slipped into his couch while listening to Snape laugh. "Shut it you old man." He said as he threw a throw pillow at him.
"Right, I'm not much older then you." He says catching the offending pillow. And sits next to him. "Be happy I'm staying to babysit these children with you."
They were quiet for a minute before Percy smirked at the man. "Firewhiskey shots?"
Snape sighs but smirks. "Only one."
Which turned from one to thirteen.
Harry stared at his friends in horror at their outfits. "Are you two insane? Wasn't my fathers first lesson to blend in? This isn't blending!" He yelled at them as they blinked and looked at their bejeweled robes in vibrant cosplay upholstery.
Draco looked down at his wares and frowned. "Well how else are we supposed to show off our names? Our houses riches?"
Blaise's shrugged. "I didn't have any clothes matching what Mister Jackson talked about."
Sighing Harry turned to his closet. "Considering that there is no house names but brands to show off, then it would be hard wouldn't it?"
With that, Harry had fun giving them a makeover in name brands like American eagle, to Gucci.
So when they met up with Hermione and her parents, the boys were surprised to see Hermione-just not Harry.
As Percy talked with the Grangers with Snape the trio met up with Hermione.
"Hermione your...your wearing pants?" Draco asks astounded.
Blinking at the pure blood duo, Harry was dumbfounded along with Hermione. "Yes Draco, women in the muggle world have been doing so for decades. The wizards are really far behind in the times aren't a they Harry?"
"Definitely Mione, wait till they see a guy in a dress!" Harry laughed.
"Wait what?!"
"What is that?" Blaise asked as he stared off towards the white fur ball, it was playing with tinier furballs, but it was obviously bigger as Percy was in the exhibit meeting the Cubs.
"That's a polar bear, usually they're not in aquariums, but my dad knows people as well as he knows the bear itself." Harry explained as he proudly watches his dad get kisses from the large mammal.
"That's wicked...." Blaise spoke as he watched them enchanted by the animals.
Hermione laughs to herself, "He's infatuated Harry."
"I can't blame him, so was I to the penguins when I was younger." He smiled as he enjoys his friends enjoying something with him.
"We totally have to bring them to an amusement park." She smirked.
"That's the plan." He smirked back.
All the while Snape was trying to not freak out that his friend was being tackled by a large predatory mammal. That no other reasonable or normal being would go towards.
Sadly, things got in the way for an amusement park adventure with the pure blooded wizards. As someone came that made Percy unable to let his friends of the Wizard world come to his house. As the man wouldn't leave.
It was his own father.
"Granpa!" Harry smiled happily as he hopped over and hugged his grandfather closely as Percy watched from his seat keeping an eye son his father.
"Haha, Harry, my dear boy you've grown!" Poseidon said as he caught the child easily. He looked an older version of Percy, and yet Percy also represented his mother. "How tall you've gotten since the last time Hmm?" He set Harry down.
"Thanks, I've grown just a bit. But I'm still shorter then most of my friends." He pouted.
Laughing he shook the hair on top of his head making the boy pout more. "Now you're father, Percy, was just the same until suddenly he was as he is now."
Percy ignored that and continued to sip on his water. He knew his father was praising him-but now, when he didn't want nor need it only stung at him. Just like the memories still did.
"But you know I'm not blood related..." Harry spoke sadly.
"So? Im sure you will be tall at some point. If not that won't stop my from loving and being proud." And he wasn't just saying this to Harry but to Percy when he looked up.
Sighing Percy had enough. "What did you come here for, besides to give Harry his birthday present early? Which you could have given him when I sent him over-you know I don't like it when you come directly here-and when your obviously here for something..." he set his drink down.
"Harry, can you take this? You can open it now or with the rest in your birthday, but I need to speak to your father alone." Poseidon hands Harry a small box wrapped in blue ribbon.
Harry looked between the two and nodded before he raced off hoping that everything would be alright.
"So?" Percy spoke as he stood. "What is it?"
"Camp-" he paused when Percy's stare turned to a glare. "Everyone Domains are weakening lately, camp especially. We notice it stops when we are there ourselves-until we learn what is going on. We'd like it if you could go to camp. Stay there while we try to figure things out. Will you?"
Sighing Percy grumbled before he turned to his father. "Well considering I'm not like you all-never will I be. I won't abandon my charges."
Poseidon winces but nods. "We'll be in contact, for now I'll be going."
"Right." Percy turned to go tell Harry to get ready and to send letters to cancel plans for the rest of summer.
"And Percy...I know I've said it...but again. I'm sorry." With that his father was gone.
Percy paused there for a moment before sighing and holding his face in his hands. Feeling older then time itself in that moment. He wondered when he would actually take his father's apology for what it was. A bridge to a better relationship. He never knows.
So that summer, turned from having fun with friends, to going to the camp his father practically grew up in when he was younger-and well not immortal.
And it was an adventure indeed.
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